BfA Won Gamer's Choice Award

I was going to say, has there been any standout games this year?

Because it is.


Just because we can awknoledge that the art and music, as always, is top notch doesn’t mean modern WoW isn’t awful. If WoW was a soundtrack + many pictures I can hang on my wall, then I’d have gotten my money’s worth. That’s not what I was buying.


The best aspect of BfA is that it will be over in a year and a half.


Best aspect of BFA is that it is being gifted classic.


Sadly, it seems that most awards shows are more or less jokes at this point.


No, no it would not.

This is what I can’t stand do you really raiding is worse in terms of boss fights? I am sure some might enjoy farming mats for days in classic, but there is no way you can say fights are built better in classic on mechanics. Story is obviously better because classic had none, it was all side story, which was very good still, but nothing like wc3. Azerite system I do not think is as bad as people make, I think people are more mad how higher lvl azerite is obtained for thier builds. I do think azerite can have more class changing traits, but we are getting that in 8.1 and honestly the way they done trinkets in the past, effects always are dull at start of expansions and get really cool later on. You might hate the current talent system, but that doesn’t mean the classes suck. Pvp is in a overall good spot except for no old av.

Current retail PVP is a hot-garbage pruned mess catered to idiots. PvP literally has been a joke and it’s playerbase is a fraction of what it used to be

I wish WoW would show it’s sub #'s so we can statistically say that WoW is terrible. Because BFA is literally hot garbage served on a Activision sponsored platter


All I see is hot garbage as the reason with no actual points on why pvp is bad. Pvp on how it is played today is no different then classic except class balance, old av, and world pvp, and war mode has done a lot to bring back that. WSG plays today exactly like classic other,timer, then the classes in itand even they they play still similarly ,just no hybred builds.

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Then it’s clear you’ve never done PvP in the past, so I’m not going to write you an essay on why Retail PvP is bad.

You play on Emerald Dream, a server that had very active RP-World PvP in the past. War Mode did nothing for that server other than give care-bears an option to avoid PvP on a RP-PVP server.

I’ve been on that server since late Cata and I can’t say I’ve ever seen you out in the world.

Also, when I’m talking about Retail’s PvP, Im comparing it to it’s past more successful iterations from Wrath to MoP. Not Classic


well, at least fallout 76 wasn’t given the award
but really, that would’ve had better results for the gaming industry as a whole, if that game got the “award”; the outrage would’ve caused more people to lose faith in it, which would cause them to be more likely to actually decide to make good games again(as if)


The single player leveling experience in BFA was good and I’m guessing that’s primarily what the reviews are based on. The cracks don’t really show up until yoiu hit max level and have been there awhile.

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Posting this in the Classic forums… I mean of course you’re going to get a lot of negative responses. Many who want Classic despise retail. And most people who feel that strongly don’t realize that other people are capable of having different opinions.

I have to agree that BfA is probably one of the worse expansions. But it’s still WoW and it’s still a top tier MMO. People are only so critical of it because it’s Blizzard and our expectations are extremely high.

But people will continue to shout about how BfA is the worst game ever in their echo chamber and feel all validated when everyone in the Classic forums agrees with them. Hell, even people in the general forums will probably agree.

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You criticized someone’s critical thinking skills earlier in the thread, but it seems to me that yours could use some work. Because the vast swath of difference that exists just between Classic and retail with regard to class mechanics could feel literal volumes. Today’s PvP feels like something out of an action RPG.

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Bro people like you are going to ruin classic… you seem more toxic than anyone here. You just got bent out of shape because ppl dislike a game that you like…


People use war mode to get the 10% experience boost and not so much because they want world PvP. I’ve had several noobs I was ganking while leveling send me a friend invite to whisper me and complain. And of course to that I responded, “You have warmode on. Stop being a woosy.” Just pathetic…

Warsong Gulch does not play like it did in Classic. Other than the 15 minute time limit you also have the flag carrier debuff which stacks over time and limits movement speed. This makes turtling basically impossible after a certain period of time. That absolutely changes WSG. A 15 minute WSG is pretty rare unless you have a premade. Usually they last around a half hour and can easily last for hours.


Huh… who would have thought wpvp was really always about pve rewards, oh wait everyone since vanilla.

Who participated in WPvP for PvE rewards in vanilla? There were literally no PvE rewards for WPvP. Those who WPvPd in vanilla did it for the sake of WPvP or to get PvP ranks, which was for PvP gear. And no one grinded ranks who didn’t enjoy PvP.

The only PvE rewards from PvP in vanilla were the AV reputation epics. Last I checked, AV was not WPvP.

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wpvp always happened because people were trying to complete pve objectives. How much wpvp actually happened because both parties were trying for wpvp vs how much happened because one party was trying to do the pve objectives and got ganked?

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