BfA: What went wrong

You know so many people gave me so much crap when I mentioned that BFA’s trailer couldn’t be canon. it didn’t fit the tone of the expansion. it doesn’t even match the actual battle for lordaeron.


well when it was made it was canon, now it’s just a giant LIE


Yet her redemption still seems to make it through and Nathanos seems to be untouchable along with her, so I guess he can’t really dislike Sylvanas

REmember boys, the loyalist option was never meant to be in the game, and was put in cause people cried about it.

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There were so many things wrong, we could discuss that for a long time (and I guess we will). Similarly, there were so many other ways they could have gone, that topic will be hard to exhaust.

To boil the OP down to TL;DR, the current team are WC2 fans and decided it would be great to make the Horde evil.
-Shows just how much they were out of touch with what Horde players wanted.

Good, that means they hear us. Hopefully they listen to us again and add a pathway to continue to side with Sylvanas so we dont have to quit.


This. Having another evil warchief start another war by destroying another Alliance city made it very clear from the start that BfA’s story was going to be a hard sell.


This is indeed true:

Ion Hazzikostas at :

    So, after we started thinking about and talking the Broken Isles we figured, alright, you're going to start off in the city of Dalaran which is kind of your flying fortress, your base from which you mount your assault on the Legion, and then you'll work your way clockwise around the zones, culimating in Suramar, maybe getting two, two and half levels each step of the way so you'll probably hit 110, you know, kind of late into Highmountain maybe Suramar [I think he meant Stormheim, given the slide]... We started building the expansion with this in mind and this direction.

Do you have these things bookmarked, or do you have a photographic memory?


Search tool. I try to search for something that would only really be in that post. In this case it’s one of the few times “Highmountain” and “Stormheim” are in the same post of mine.

A) He was joking, not expressing a strong opinion and B) the joke was that the losing side would be deleted (which at the time was nebulous) which as we’ve seen from a result of the Shadowlands reveal Sylvanas wasn’t even playing the same game as the rest of the major lore NPCs. No one “won” unless you consider Sylvanas running away as “winning.”


No, it wasn’t. He knew who the losing side was. That was the whole topic being discussed.

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Kosak actually wrote Sylvanas with a lot more nuance and more relatable than her current incarnation. Even in Edge of Night, there’s a part of her you can root for, but her current character is so unrecognisable and jarring in the face of Legion cinematics. Kosak Sylvanas was pragmatic and far more morally grey.

Speaking of which, all their claims of planning expansions in advance are absolute lies- BfA doesn’t mesh with Legion, Shadowlands has a lot of elements they just recently thought of. Most likely their early planning just involves noting down some key words- “Legion”, “faction war”, “Afterlife”. Even if they do plan in advance, probably nothing from the board room makes it to the actual story. Not to mention they make drastic changes even within the expansion, like how they initially didn’t plan on including night elf content in 8.1.


I see your post is entirely related to the Horde, Really Happy. What do you think went wrong in BfA for the Alliance?

Honestly, Cataclysm and MoP had shades of this as well. Garrosh pushed the Horde into more brutality outside of Stonetalon, and Varian evolved into a lawful good warchief-lite while Blizzard put a bullet into the Alliance as an actual alliance.

I remember a lot of people complaining about the tonal shift of the new development team during the Cataclysm Blizzcon. The Old Guard moves on to Titan, and this new team had an unhealthy obsession with a WC2-era faction conflict.


Most everything that ever involved Sylvanas or Saurfang was doomed to failure.

Alliance was just kinda there…I guess?

I mean they helped us get the Zandalri in our pocket…that’s about it. The story just revolved around Jaina like she was some kind of slumbering demi-god that was going to carry the Alliance to auto victory. Yet is then completely useless to stop what must’ve been the majority of the Alliance fleet sailing face first into an obvious trap.

Everything just kinda fizzled out after Azsharas win, somehow the Alliance ended up on the backfoot after losing their fleet, needed Horde…blah blah blah, screw it rush to the end so we can slap Nzoth in before we have to think of something better to salvage this shambles of a story.

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Truth. The original leak for Shadowlands (not the later Stormwind stuff) that had the exact name and font for the expansion title (the only difference in the final version is the colorization and the Old God aesthetic) basically showed the original plan for Shadowlands actually had the Old God stuff in it.

Which means at some point Blizzard decided to take the Old God elements out of the Shadowlands expansion and add them to the South Seas faction war expansion which is what BfA originally was. That was not in any way a recent decision. That must have happened sometime shortly before or shortly after Metzen left, probably around the Blizzcon that the BfA cinematic was shown.

They may have rough ideas, but they do not pre-plan this as much as they pretend they do. The number of meta narrative decisions they have made recently is proof of that.


They sure are squirming now that they’ve realized what they’ve done with the story.

I will say OP you do seem to be pretty spot on with what happened from what I can tell, again I also have no insider information. But the anecdotal evidence sure does seem to be there.

Hence I think a big reason for their ‘time skip’ coming out of SL, I do believe they are gonna try to sweep bfa under the rug and move on. Use SL as a ‘cooldown’ expansion.

Idk go look at one of the many threads ya’ll night elfs post about. There are threads upon threads about it…


Here I will again tout my tinfoil hat theory that both Legion and BfA are actually four expansions mashed into two, with BfA using bits and pieces from a Cataclysm 2.0 xpac and an MoP 2.0 xpac.

It went wrong because the pieces by themselves can be pretty decent, if given time to develop and provided the right context, but when mixed and matched and given a much shorter timetable, we get something much, much worse.

The absolute biggest issue with BfA, honestly, comes down to pre-patch. You take away both the War of Thorns and Siege of Lordaeron, and you get an expansion that’s somewhat more balanced and ‘morally grey’ in terms of moral parity between the factions. I will die on the hill, wearing my tinfoil hat, that BfA pre-patch was never originally meant for BfA. Or at the very least, the BfA we had for the first… six months or so? I think it was meant for the Old God expansion they cannibalized to use in 8.3, and I also think that Lordaeron was supposed to get hit by the Alliance, and then the War of the Thorns happened after.

But since we’re talking about what we got as opposed to what we were supposed to get… for me it’s less simple, because it was more a bunch of highs and lows than anything else. That’s another reason I feel BfA is a bunch of different pieces, because you have some very good, and polished stuff that exists alongside the bad stuff that was either rushed or not thought out. You have the amazing Daughter of the Sea/Zandalar Forever meta arcs, all fully voice acted and taking you on a journey through all these breathtaking zones, where even the weakest of them is still pretty good, existing alongside the anti-climactic, rough and not even voice acted War Campaigns. You have pre-rendered and extremely well-put together cinematics for Saurfang and his arc, and then whatever the hell the N’zoth dying cutscene was.

And the annoying part is that the bad stuff drags down the good stuff and makes them more nonsensical. You end the Daughter of the Sea arc by fighting a giant kraken working for Ashvane, summoned up from the deep… but then you find out later that she was working for Azshara the whole time, as opposed to just herself? When would she have been contacted, how did she get to naga forces in Naz’jatar?

Basically, BfA doesn’t even have the decency to go wrong and stay wrong. It went wrong, then right, then wrong.


Nice head canon fake leaks are fake, I cant believe you actually think blizzard can just pull out a whole patch out of thin air.

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