BFA was an above average expansion

A lot of people like to class WoW expansion as either amazing or the worst and I think this is simplistic. Some expansions were amazing or just terrible while others were ok or average. Even the ‘terrible’ expansions such as WoD had some redeeming features that most people can acknowledge were great such as the questing.

BFA I think is an above average expansion. Was it as good as Legion or Wotlk? No, but I think it wasn’t horrible or devoid of fun or content. In fact I think in BFA the good outweighs the bad.

I liked how BFA tried to do new things. Most players don’t acknowledge this but last two expansion Blizz has stopped playing it so safe and that’s a good thing. Whether it was Island Expeditions or Warfronts or even Corruption Blizz tries new things and I encourage them to do more. People always look back to events like Blood Plague back in Vanilla and wonder what it was like, well corruptions were a little taste. A feature that didn’t work as intended and created a silly season that will be remembered for whatever reason. I will be glad I was a part of it.

The story also didn’t play it safe they did a lot of different themes and tied them together. Yes, the confusing and cliché war story was a mark against the expansion and why it can’t be called a fantastic one but the stories of Zandalar, Kul’tiras, Mechagon, Nazjatar and N’Zoth all coming together in one narrative was delivered in a satisfactory way. Tons of new characters, themes and races were introduced and that’s awesome as well. They could of done more with Ny’Alotha imo so that’s a mark off BFA as well.

The raids were varied with Uldir, kinda troll raid with Dazar’alor haha, under the sea with Eternal Palace and N’Zoth ones with Crucible and Ny’Alotha. I really liked how they all looked and the fights were overall good. My favorite has to be Eternal Palace this expansion it looked amazing. The dungeons were also really varied like BFA itself so that was fun this expansion. Pirates, Gnome Mechs to even a haunted mansion it had it all!

At the start of the expansion content and rewards I do have to say were a little slow. There were some new mounts but I felt better when they started adding vendors for warfronts and Expeditions. As the patches went on they really fleshed BFA out with new zones, rewards, features and I felt there was tons to do and collect. This did make alts annoying so they need to keep that in mind going forward when adding new things. I could list them all but I’d like to say that Horrific Visions while repetitive was a cool concept to play around in and a nice challenge.

Ok, now for the elephant in the room. Classes. Azerite didn’t fill the void that artifact weapons left and even I was confused and angry why we didn’t have a new active spell at start of the expansion. It took till Nazjatar till we got our Azerite powers which I loved but it took way too long!!! Plus since we lost so much after legion the legion class revamps didn’t makes sense in BFA and some classes felt like utter crap. I really think they should have two revamps, one at end of expansion for the new one and one in middle. They can’t wait it out and sometimes Band-Aids aren’t enough.

Overall looking back at BFA as one cohesive experience I think it was pretty good. Not the best but not the worst. An above average expansion.


i like of it , it is all fun the arenas but corupshin hahahahaha hahahahaga make the alt so bad 2 play it





There is a lot of content. A lot. But its not coherent story wise nor exactly interesting. Alt and spec swap unfriendly, but a lot of story beats/cutscenes/ and narrative.

New systems and good music, zones.

50/50 on dungeons and raids imo.

Gets a big ole mediocre from me. I enjoyed some things others make me ask why.


maybe it was better after they added the common sense vendors after launch. i stopped playing until may of this year while uldir was still current content cause i didnt want to grind ap again and rng my azerite pieces. leigon and this xpac have been the 2 that have really turned me off of wow so far

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I hated this expansion with a passion.

I disliked the gameplay. I disliked the dungeons. I disliked most of the new characters. I HATED the storylines. This was the only expansion that made me quit for the vast majority of it, and the only reason I powered through the abortion of a storyline they called Kul’Tiras was so I can delve immediately into Shadowlands when it launches and pretend BFA never happened.


The most fun I had with this expansion was leveling in Drustvar. If this expansion did anything right it was introducing me to the best zone in the whole game. Other than that the raids were okay. M+ was meh at best. WQ bored me. Warfronts bored me. PvP is lmao bad. Story was bad. Corruption was bad. Azerite anything was bad. Essences were okay. Islands were boring.

I give this expansion a “boring af”/10


Above average? I don’t see it. There’s 7 expansions and the only expansions that you could make a fair argument for being worse are Cata and WoD. It’s definitely below average.


In terms of story, I have quite the exact opposite view from the op.

I thought they were weak and fragmented, and could not come together at all.

The whole Jaina and her Proudmoore family storyline was bland, every character was flat and easily predictable. From the starting sequence to Eternal Palace, the warping of the villain into a hideous boss was a plot done to death.

The Zandalari Empire was a story that had so much potential, as it was hinted at from various previous expansions. The Loas, the city, etc.

Unfortunately, the Loas were treated as an after thought, and seeing the King of Loas killed off with a dumb hunters trap unceremoniously. The main storyline looked like it was lifted from a Disney movie; a King’s throne usurped by an evil vizer.

The heart of BFA, the dreaming city Nya lotha and it’s dark god was another example of a good plot killed by bad unimaginative writing. The ending was horrible,and the “plot twist” was recycled from WoTLK.

Now the raids were not bad. However, the entire gear system is based off RNG corruption.

In particular was the dps classes who have 20% of their total dps based on one BiS weapon, and another 20% on proccing corruptions.

Gearing was week after week of hoping. In short, if the RNG gods did not smile on you, you are sub optimal in the entire expansion.

BFA is the worst expansion. It is not even average.


It wasn’t as bad as WoD, I’ll give it that.

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It’s hard to say how bad things are right now. It’s easier a few years down the road when we’ve experienced something worse, like possibly shadowlands. But right now I think BfA is one of the worst expansions(not the worst but one of the worst) so far.

In a way BfA is like the last season of GoT.

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I didnt like the MoP approach to this expansion, the whole “expansion antagonist” not being defined or obvious from the gate. Because that usually means one thing, a shoehorned rehash raid at the end. Maybe you guys liked SoO, it was anticlimactic at parts, but the ending is never done justice when the buildup and hype isnt carried through 3 patches but a last minute mana bomb a la Theramore, oops too soon


BfA had lots of stuff. You had to do a lot of stuff just to keep up. Just that it wasn’t fun stuff.

That’s what happens when the professional players (as in paid players) take over the game.


Even during WoD i had a bit of a will to log in. aside from getting shafted by paragon chests i dont wanna see azerite ever again… or hear champion, or WOONs.

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awful opinion
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sorcery i say! (grabs torch)

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I didn’t care for most of the expansion. 8.3 was ok, could have been great. Disliked the month long timegating on essences. Disliked corruption (well, not being able to choose which one). Could have been so much better

The developers must sit there brainstorming “what cool thing can we add”, “oh essences and corruption”, “now let’s timegate essences and make corruption the most rng dependent thing we’ve ever added”.

Stop blizz

Edit have to add:
Raids were very good this expansion, at least Uldir and Nyalotha. Enjoyed those two but I was unsubbed during release of dazar alar and the jaina one.

I know people like to say this but having played both at launch I’m not entirely sure.

BFA certainly had more to do but WoD had better class design. Also thematically I much prefer WoD over BFA.


This was no legion I will tell you that. Never once did I feel i missed an xpac since then when BFA launched.

Nope, not even WoD even though WoD was suggestively worse. I was tired of pandas at that point.

Wod wasn’t all that bad. The problem was they stopped development halfway through. It became lich king a year and a half earlier