BFA was 1000x better than SL, you just didn't play it

For me: I didn’t like BfA because I thought islands sucked, warfronts sucked, I didn’t like Uldir, azerite sucked, and I hate turtles. I dont care if they make it to the water.


Oh well we all have our opinions at least.

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You could build a dps tank, dps heals, tank heals, heals tank, dps tank, etc…

There were so many options with corruptions.


The hate for it was the horrible war and titan forge system that got worse with corruption gear.

They also butchered warmode and its still a disaster.
They abandoned island expeditions.
They abandoned warfronts, there were meant to be like 5 of them, we got 2.
We look a hard left turn and then dived into old gods.
PVP was totally crap in BFA
We lost masterlooter
M+ was turned into a crappy esport.

There are a lot of good reasons to hate BFA


not to mention, with the HoA system, you could be a completely different flavor of any given class/role. For example - not every resto druid brought the same bonuses to the table, which felt really cool to groups.


…and DPS tanks with stacked TD3 sometimes out-damaged “real” DPS classes :joy:


Yeah, those are all very much just my own opinion. (I also came back in 8.3 and was so far behind because I had unsubbed for most of BfA that I just kinda…barely bothered. Also wasn’t a huge fan of corruptions at all.)


8.2 was one of the best patches they’ve ever made.


I cant lie mechagon and azura was solid

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BFA was good until corruptions, and shards of domination is basically the same thing except this time it only works in raids. its the worst trash system ever implemented


I ran TD 6, what’s the hate on tank outdpsing in PVE? Only viable on AoE.

You didn’t run the right corruptions.

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What a dummy, didn’t he know to RNG all the correct corruptions at the correct rank?


The only things BFA has done better than SL thus far, IMO

  1. Better patch cycle cadence
  2. As much as people might have hated it, the Saurfang saga was some of my favorite storytelling in the game thus far, story in SL so far has been very much serviceable at best of times.

Other than that, BFA , meh.


Yeah agree on that. They should of added a pvp warfront also to go along with the pve version. Probably would of made warfronts more popular, if they did. Rotating the final bosses everyday during the week they were up would of helped also. I now the forum lurkers hated them, but never saw anyone really complain about them in game. Heck when they were up, the table was always surrounded with people either lfg, or trying to queue up for them. Still see groups in group finder for warfronts. Granted at this point it’s just mog hunters.


Someone didn’t have alts


BfA was crap on many levels, but the mandatory daily chores were the worst part.

We lost a TON of players during BfA, our guild had never before seen that much churn in our roster.

Fortunately a bunch of them came back for Shadowlands and are having fun again, and things are stable this xpac, again.

But BfA made WoW into a second job. It was horrible.


I really still miss my twilight devastation. Was probably the greatest, most fun, mob clearing, beam of kill everything spell I’ve ever experienced in wow.

Really had hopes we would get something similar in SL but no, we get…I dunno what the heck we got but it wasn’t a beam of fun. :rage:


I liked BFA. I loved the dungeons and ran Mythics all the time. The PvP was mediocre was once again I skipped out on it for an expansion. Warfronts would have been far more enjoyable if they didn’t take so damn long. Running heroic warfronts for the gear was excruciating enough in itself, never mind how bad it was if the team sucked.

I simply despise every aspect of Shadowlands. I hate every dungeon due to each of their map or boss mechanics, I don’t touch PvP because it is complete brainless garbage and doesn’t deserve the dignity of being played (shame on the developers for how pathetic PvP is), the raids are boring and have stupid mechanics, the questing was absolutely torturous, and all the zones have horrible terrain layouts -never mind having ten adds and elite mobs per square inch. Torghast was a worthless, garbage waste of time in its original form, but with the update, now it’s just a deterrent to log in. All-around horrible expansion. Shameful is what this is.


i played BFA

i still like shadowlands more though

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BfA is better than SL, but BfA was still kinda bad. The “Systems” sucked big time, the story didn’t go in a conclusive or satisfying direction, and the mountains in Kul’Tiras and Zandalar look almost unfinished.

1000x is an exaggeration. Mostly.

WoD was better.