BfA taking your character for Cringe animations

But making us something thats basically a chosen one is just bad…

There must be a limit to that, something Legion and BFA broke

My woolies take the piss out of any serious cinematic that they paste my character in.

Eh, I would say that depends on the quality of the story. “The chosen one” is a plot device. You can either use it correctly with the proper setup or not. It doesn’t mean the player character can’t be the focus of the story.

The reason why that plot device can make sense in an MMORPG is that the player character is tasked to deal with powerful boss enemies. Sure, you can have major NPCs fighting alongside you, but at that point (depending on the boss), you’re not just some random follower any more, hence “the chosen one” gimmick is there to explain why your character, and not just any other random soldier, is there in that battle fighting that powerful boss.

And they have failed horribly at that, look at the Deathwing fight for example, we needed the help of the aspects and in the end it was them that finished him off, we were just helping

In the Garrosh fight it was ALL of us combined

Archimonde we were getting helped by Yrel and Grommash

Illidan by her obsessive fan

See the theme? its usually all of us or getting helped

In the N’zoth one it literally us alone deleting a freaking old god

Ok, then the issue is the execution, not necessarily the focus. That said “the chosen one” can still receive help. Even with N’zoth, it doesn’t look like our character was able to shake off N’zoth’s influence until the HoA activated (with Magni cheerleading). Then Mother had to activate the beam to end N’zoth.

The whole idea of carrying the HoA is a problem to being with…

It would be different if it was lets say a shard or something that all adventures get that gets stronger over time and then at the end ALL of us blast him of, not just one of us

Yeah, it’s a problem, but it’s a problem that highlights why our character should have more focus in the story. Because the major NPCs don’t have to carry it around, strengthening it. I think Priscilla is the only one that carries it, not sure what she does with it.


It drives me nuts when people are like, “We killed dragons and gods and bla bla bla so we ARE epic snowflake status and deserve ALL the respectionz…” because while present for the aforementioned events, we were just part of an elite task force. We are not single handed slayers. We are not celebrities. And Azeroth doesn’t exactly have facebook for self promotion either. Before BFA most people wouldn’t know or care who we are and that’s better than fine by me!

I dont think thats the HoA, its probably just some random azerite shards turned into jewelry

Ah, that makes more sense.

Yes, this is what MMOs do and this is what they fail at. It’s not convincing to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

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The story already acknowledges the other “heroes.” When you cleanse the sword you see other player NPCs with their own class artifact weapons. That acknowledges multiple heroes of their respective class being represented in a cutscene.

Actually no, those are actual Npc from the class order, for example the DK one is Mograine

This is why I used to get a lot of replay value out of wow’s leveling experience up until WoD. I didn’t like when they introduced a linear questing/story mode experience to the game. It made me not want to level another character cause I’d be taking the same paths through draenor and seeing the same stupid cutscenes

It’s because it’s harder for the story to account for an unknown number of characters, but to ignore the player character completely would be a disconnect in the story as well. That’s why focusing on one player character (while acknowledging other “companion characters”) is a good compromise with some suspension of disbelief as necessary (like for any fictional story).

Blizzard tried their hand at making a machinema for the players. It didnt work, It did not work.

You don’t have to ignore the player. You also don’t have to treat them like the Chosen One.

There is no ignoring necessary. Someone can play an important role in the story, fully acknowledged and everything while also not being portrayed as THE main character who is necessary to save the world.

Here’s how account for an unknown number of characters using say the Heart of Azeroth: Magni has given champions of the Horde and Alliance an item known as a Heart of Azeroth, because the task of healing the planet of her wounds is a momentous task it can not be left to one person alone. Especially during a war which could claim any one person at any given time, he will not risk the survival of the world to one person no matter what heroic feats they’ve accomplished in the past.

See? You could do this with more aspects of the story too. Garrison? Well you start out as a low ranking officer on base and rise to become a base commander not general of all forces of your faction on the planet. Now granted order halls would be harder to explain retroactively than the couple things I listed. But if we’re talking about “How they should have gone with it?” and not “How could you retroactively explain it in?” then that’s a different story.

Point is they can both make your pc an acknowledged champion who has done heroic deeds as well as do the same for other peoples’ pc without sacrificing suspension of disbelief. In fact, it would improve it.

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Meanwhile gnomes tank giants, kinda hard to care about the scale of things…

You don’t have to, but that’s the story they have chosen to tell, and there’s nothing wrong with that if given the proper execution. I would say the fact that they don’t go all the way (as in, actually fully acknowledging the player character) is the problem as now the player character is in some kind of limbo in the story where they’re important in one scene and nonexistent in another scene. They just need to be consistent in their portrayal of the player character.

I don’t disagree with that (so I’ll cut your example out of the quotation for space), but that’s not the story they want to tell because they want the player character to be fighting and defeating major characters in the WoW universe. Given that, the problem then is their inconsistent portrayal of the player character.

Also, even in your HoA example, the fact is that you only follow your character’s own progress to save Azeroth (and not other players’ characters) and, more importantly, none of the NPCs have to do that same task. They’re all more concerned about other parts of the story while your character deals with every part of the story.