It doesn’t matter if you’ve exercised your suspension of disbelief. Once it’s broken, it’s failed.
To be honest. I hate the whole ‘sole champion of the world’ stuff. I’d rather be a very notable adventurer, who is skilled but sucks at leading stuff.
Think of the Admiral from Monster Hunter World. He’s badass, but he hates doing the day to day stuff. Shows up to make sure a good job is being done by the people who run the stuff, and go on.
Then the whole narrative has failed, so it doesn’t matter. Like I said, champion status doesn’t change anything.
This narrative will always fail in this setting.
If you can’t get over it, sure. Or just realize you’re playing a multiplayer game and not reading a book, and accept the narrative as what it is.
There really isn’t much story for our characters in BfA. It feels like it’s run here run there and watch some cinematic about NPCs. Legion had wonderful stories that involved my character with the artifact weapon and class halls.
What’s the finail part of BfA with 8.3? Login do visions log out. With visions it feels like I’m playing an e-sports video game and not a MMORPG.
I am the Warrior of Light though…
The game has literally been calling you “champion” and “hero” since at least Wrath. We haven’t been “adventurers” in ages. WoD I think was as far as it should have gone, making you a commander. Legion went so far as to basically call you God of your class. BfA is everything wrong with Legion dialed to 11.
I would label the animations as ‘weird,’ but ‘cringe’ could fit after the 3rd+ time I’ve seen it when playing alts.
I didn’t go through all the posts, but the reason these animations and titles are being given to the player character is specifically the fault of the players, not the developers.
“O.M.G. did Varian just kill steal?”
Accept that the suspension of disbelief the narrative is asking of you is constantly undermined by its core gameplay? Ezpz.
Well, if that’s how you want to take it. /shrug
At this point I don’t know what more there is to say.
What I’ve described is the reality of the relationship between the game’s core gameplay and it’s narrative. The illusion can’t be sustained because the player never gets to stay immersed in their role as Champion of Azeroth. Its much more difficult to do this in single player games like Far Cry, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect, or the Witcher.
That is why these player-centric stories will fail in MMOs. Always.