Bfa survival is awful

I’ll assume the irony of this post, given your laughable inability to grasp simple ability functions, is lost on you. Others will enjoy it however.

He’s going to lose in stun.

You know what the positive thing to do when you don’t like what some one says and you have no form of rebuttal is to just disagree and say you like the class the way it is now. Not to sit there being a jerk without proving anything.

I’ve found that Survival counters assasination rogue pretty well. Just let them dump Vendetta and all of their dots into you during their stunlock and turtle/mending bandage to heal up/clear the dots.

Then they are energy starved and have used their biggest offensive cooldown.


I want my Gust of Wind back

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He would probably know that if he wasn’t so bad… but to each their own.

I am still new to hunter having just started playing again in November and this is my new main but survival to me is alot of fun and think the class does pretty well. I love the playstyle/toolkit. If I had a type of group shrowd with my camo that would be fun for 5 man’s.

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I’m glad you are enjoying Survival. People on this thread have exhausted a great deal of effort trying to convince people that SV is an abomination, but they can’t tell you what is fun or what works for you.


I’ve been over 1800 before i know what im talking about, but you have nothing positive or constructive to say except oh you’re bad. no im not quit acting like a child. If you don’t agree with what i said simply because you like the class the way it is now then just say it, but to go on and call some one out by saying they’re bad after they’ve explained in depth strat’s on how to play the class and around the abilities is just proving you have nothing to add.

An assassination rogue is not going to be energy starved unless they’re stacking more crit/mastery than haste especially not a darkspear troll rogue. Also an assassination rogue shouldn’t be opening with vendetta on their first stun lock that would be just a horrible play. The vendetta wouldn’t come around until the second stun lock and by that time you’ve already used ros to save you from dropping lower along with being lucky if a poison bomb didn’t proc. Any decent rogue is going to sit on you and wait for you to disengage especially in a 1v1.

It’s hard to say exactly how it goes. What if you get caught out of stealth? You can’t catch a restealth unless you use cloak because you are dotted up. It’s not so cut and dry.

A good SV Hunter will sit a stunlock that isn’t empowered with vendetta and come out of it with just under half health from full. Then your next stunlock will have DR and won’t give you much time to load them up with dots. Unless you caught me off guard you would trip the sticky tar trap i’m standing on (along with my flare) as soon as you open up on me which would slow your attack speed by 80% for 5 seconds.

Mending bandage and traps have relatively quick cooldowns so if you can’t land a kill in the first 2 stunlocks you’ll have a tough time. Keep in mind that while I’m not stunned I’ll be kiting you while dumping serpent sting, kill commands, bombs, and mongoose bites into you along with whatever traps are off cooldown to further slow you down. Hope that cloak is off cooldown.

If you are softened up enough I would intimidate and harpoon in for the kill.

See, when I script the fight out I can win easily too. Ultimately it comes down to the player, but I think I’ve illustrated how SV can counter Assasination.


Nope, I’m pretty conservative with Harpoon. I’ve had a few pathing issues.

I’ve killed Warriors in World PvP and Random BGs, as well as Ferals and Oomkins, plus a couple of Rogues. I’ve rarely seen a Demon Hunter unless I turn Warmode off. Paladins have given me some issues, but that is because they have never been alone when I come across them.

That’s like saying that I should not use Disengage on DKs because of Death Grip.

So you are saying that it’s a CC?

I’m using it to stop someone/thing. It’s a CC, like Freezing Trap and I treat it like one.

Did you misunderstand or did you not understand what I typed on purpose? I’ll make it easier. Make sure that your pet is attacking the target you want to Intimidate because it will intimidate what it’s targeting and not you, even with Focus and Mouseover macros. Make sure to call your pet back if another CC is going to be used because it will continue to attack.

It’s an extra CC. It works well when you treat it like such.

What you’re explaining to me is a bad play by the rogue. 9 times out of 10 if a rogue can’t find you in camouflage they’re going to out wait it and then open.

of course you’re going to sit that with a healer on your team in a 1v1 situation it’s completely different. which is why i said The vendetta wouldn’t come around until the second stun lock and by that time you’ve already used ros to save you from dropping lower along with being lucky if a poison bomb didn’t proc.

no what you’re illustrating is bad plays by the rogue and only good plays by the hunter, with what i typed if you read it there are no bad plays being played by the hunter. If what you said was true there would be alot more survival representation on the leader board.

and no one is saying that you have a lot of people criticizing spec which in turn could make it better overall compared to those who are defending a burning car and telling you " Come on in there’s no problem with the Ac i just got it fixed". It’s crazy.

Happens to the best of us. A well placed flare can ruin your day.

Even without a healer you can sit an Assasination Rogue’s initial stunlock if they don’t use Vendetta. Not pleasant but you’ll survive. Trinket’s still available for when they use Vendetta.

Either way, it’s not as clear cut of a victory as you like to make it out. SV is very competent in pvp. More so than MM or BM. What are you trying to get at anyways?
Look up a SV Hunter named Dead on youtube. They are quite strong.

I noticed how you left arena’s completely out of the picture. You’re talking about wolrd pvp , random bg’s and where it’s far less competitive and there’s more variables than just arena or duels.

no its not saying that, you read that wrong and completely took it the wrong way,
notice how DK’s aren’t even mentioned there. Notice the other classes that are mentioned

trackers net is not going to work. it’s a horrible cc. It’s close to being worthless pretty much what i said before.

no it’s not like freezing trap. freezing trap remove’s the damage being dealt to another player. The net doesn’t so if my serpent sting is up on the target and i net it, the net breaks the next ss tick.

This defense for trackers net boggles my mind. It’s a horrible cc. Steel trap is miles better but it’s bad as well, and it shouldn’t break on damage.

what are you talking about ? your pet can’t intimidate you, and you’re pet doesn’t even need to be attacking the target you want to don’t even need to call your pet back when you cc. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you cc a target with freezing you’re pet automatically stops attacking it right ? even with trackers net your pet stops attacking it.

When have I talked about Arenas?

You missed the point I guess.

Works just fine for me.

Freezing Trap didn’t always wipe DOTs. Again, you are missing the point, but that’s okay.

Bless your heart, you are just barking up the wrong tree.

Something that has been well known for a while now. Edit It was fixed. I haven’t used it since before the recent Patch. It Still does continue to Attack the target though.

What are you talking about?

Yes it does, you hit Intimidate, it’s going to Intimidate the target it’s attacking.

Not with Intimidation, it’s a stun.

Do you even play a Hunter?

Nokcolo, walls of text to prove you aren’t bad… your lack of knowledge ruined that 60 or more posts ago.

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Has to threaten SV Hunters with one of the strongest pvp specs in the game to prove that they are garbage. Lame.


you made a bad analogy that made no sense i simply responded to it.

no im not and the point there is pretty solid. we’re talking about kiting specifically here and the point is being made that when it comes to kiting steel trap is better because it doesn’t break instantly on damage like trappers net. now if you can’t understand that then idk.

Reread your own post

what you’re telling me is that you’ve never recalled your pet to cast intimidate on your focus target. Even before the recent patch this was something that could be done

that part of the post had nothing to do with intimidation read that again

This part of the post has nothing to do with intimidation. Why would you bring up intimidation about the part of the post that is talking about freezing trap and trackers net.
“do you even play hunter” ?
get out of here with that.

you’re talking about the dalaran video where the hunter is spending 80% of his time kiting against other melee classes. If you’ve read my post before you wouldn’t have even typed this response.

So you are back to saying nothing with your posts again.

You are the one who said that they stop attacking like with Freezing Trap and Tracker’s Net. We probably shouldn’t take your posts seriously anymore.

I truly do doubt that.

When your posts are getting taken apart, it’s a good question.

um. because they do. it even does it against target dummies. want to hop on a server together so i can show you that the pet stops attacking after you hit a target with freezing trap and trackers net ? or are you going to sit here and troll ? because you’re trolling. you’re only constructive feed back was “yeah i agree aspect of the eagle needs a buff”. nothing else about anything except bashing and trying to pick apart solid argument’s with asinine comments.