About that, you ain’t, I wrote you are not taking it to the point of others, the forum bugged. Sorry for the confusion.
Happens, NP.
Hmm, guess I should clarify that my post in the link…
The “Reading time: 13mins”, includes replies as well. Not just the OP.
Why would they include displaying reading time for all replies as well? I mean, I get why but…still.
Everything about it is…fairly awesome.
Raptor Strike is your now your main strike precisely because it was the least fun SV ability in Legion. They took an ability that was widely considered an unusable focus dump and turned it into your primary nuke.
Kill Command as a resource builder is actually pretty cool because it integrates your pet in such a way that it’s not doing most of the damage, but it’s still a necessary part of your rotation.
“Most iconic spell” from the new build that was going through its formative stages in Legion. Basically, they’ve got a theory, but need to get the implementation right, so Flanking Strike went out. Shouldn’t have, but it did.
The hybrid nature of SV - the very things that don’t make it a fully melee spec - is more or less what defines it.
Wrong, Survival is top dog in PvP now. Get good.
The more hate I see for Surv the happier I am that I chose to main it. I feel like a lot of the hate comes from players who are either too bad or just plain lazy and would rather stand back and pew pew. I find the mechanics of a surv way more engaging and fun. I really can’t say the same for the other 2 specs atm.
Performance and numbers, is one thing.
Design and fantasy, is something entirely different.
The OP here has nothing to do about getting good or not.
He/she simply highlights certain mechanical aspects connected to the design of the spec and how it plays. It’s a persons opinion on what they like/do not like.
If you prefer melee combat, or if you prefer ranged combat(as you like to put it, “stand back and pew pew”), or if you prefer being more of a hybrid. It’s all about how we like to view the game/the experience.
Now, you’re not wrong, some people “hate” on the spec purely because they feel that it’s not the…top dog…in all areas of the game. Or that they might not currently be capable of taking it up to that level.
But if you check the bulk of this thread, most of it is regarding design and whether people like the melee-aspect or not.
Anyway, back to your statement regarding the “stand back and pew pew”-cases.
Like I said above, some players don’t like melee-combat, some players only likes melee-combat.
We are different. That’s just how it is. It has nothing to do with being good or bad at playing.
This is your opinion. Nothing wrong with it.
And here, it looks like you’re not happy with the other hunter specs currently available to us.
If it’s because they are purely meant to be focusing on ranged combat, I cannot say. But combined with your previous statement, it to me, feels like you prefer melee-combat.
If you ask me, a lot of the “hate” directed towards current SV. It comes from those who feel that the class as a whole is moving further away from it’s original fantasy of being a ranged class with a pet. And everything that came with that.
Some, “hate” on it because they lost the spec(playstyle) we had prior to Legion.
Now, I would never “hate” on a spec purely because that I don’t like it, or that I liked what was there before. I would try to find ways around it instead. Ways that can help us all.
Something I hope is evident with my previous posts on the matter.
Hating on something, saying that something’s garbage, etc. etc. Saying stuff like this, will not result in anything positive. The only thing this will result in, is back-and-forth arguments between those that likes vs. those that don’t.
It’s refreshing to actually encounter a civil reply for once! Thank you! I’m very fickle when it comes to gameplay. Some days I love melee and other days I just want to be ranged. Not too long ago I was playing a hunter during one of the stress tests and it made me realize how much I miss with the old style hunters. I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion but I miss the dead zone. I miss getting an enemy in my face and just just pulling out my weapon(s) to go toe to toe until my pet grabs aggro to where I can return to range. I miss those “realistic” details of the class. MM was feeling pretty fun to me for a good while but ever since 8.2 dropped I dunno… something feels really off and clunky about it.
I definitely agree there are many who are unhappy that they sacrificed an existing spec to introduce something new. I hadn’t really touched ranged survival since late Wrath/early Cata. I often hear people praising Surv as it was in MoP and WoD. I can understand their frustration but until they either introduce a similar spec or return to the way things were (which at this point is highly unlikely) I think they should give it a try. I know quite a few people who absolutely refuse to touch surv because it’s either melee or it replaced their beloved spec. Before I gave Surv post legion a chance I rarely touched melee classes outside of DKs. When I discovered how much fun it was I tried out other melee classes such as Warrior and Rogue. I ended up thoroughly enjoying myself to my surprise. I think in the end I just want people to give this fun and awesome spec a shot (no pun intended :P)
Legion Survival was a trainwreck, and BfA made the spec not only playable, but fun.
You can change raptor strike into Mongoose bite if you hate it so much, the build there is really fun!
Flanking Strike isn’t my first choice of talents, but honestly it belongs there.
Survival now acts like a commando, rather than a ridiculous amalgamation of button presses and tear stained apologies from Blizz after leaving their interns to redesign the spec for Legion.
Since BFA i have had to swap from main Monk (due to how much more rubbish melee have to deal with) to my Hunter (and I run easymode BM most of the time). I do play SV when I have a good weap though, and I find it is more forgiving than WW monk and also just really fun!
SV is god mode.
You like what you like! That’s the beauty of it.
I for one, don’t miss it. Fantasy wise, sure, it made sense.
But my preference when playing as a hunter is to fight with a ranged weapon at all times. Having a pet by my side is also a huge bonus.
Which kinda leaves me with BM as the only option atm. (And hopefully, ranged SV as a 4th spec in the future ).
But yeah, it did it’s part to the immersion idd.
That’s when I switched to it. Played it from that moment, up until Legion hit.
(Only exception was during mythic Hellfire Citadel), when SV was lacking so much on the performance part.
I hear that as well.
For me personally, I preferred the version we had in Cataclysm.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the talents we got in MoP. Nor a fan of the ones in WoD for that matter. I want talents to be an extension to the core fantasy/playstyle of the spec. I want them to further enhance it.
To me, MoP and WoD talents were to general in their design. To little focus was on the old SV spec. Again, this is only 1 persons opinion.
This is THE reason as to why I stay away from it. All there is to it for me.
Yep. You and many others like/love the new spec.
Let’s hope that the devs hear this. That they decide to keep the current specs focused on what they are atm. And that they choose to give us that 4th spec option. This way, we can move away from the “either-or” discussions. This way, more players might come back to the class. Who knows…
O God the fourth spec…
No Ghorak no.
Needs to happen. Not only.for those who loved the spec. But for the hunter class who, well is so destroyed that it’s no longer fun.
Funny I play with Hunters all day, who seem to be having fun.
The class is fun and I loved SV then as much as I now. I’m probably the last of the Temple of Survivalism. There is plenty of reasons to hate the game, the story for me. Everyone is different.
Yes Kindwolf, the fourth spec!
You’re about the only one that I’ve seen so far who is against a 4th spec option just for the sake of it.
I know you typed in another post that it’s because you don’t want to take dev time away from other specs. But really, this is always what happens as the game moves forward. They might as well focus part of their time on giving us that spec back(as a 4th option).
Better that than adding another melee class to the table(IMO).
And as far as introducing ranged specs/classes. We had a ranged spec that A LOT of players loved. So if they are going to work on something new there, then why not focus on that one?
Yeah, though that’s only a few hunters really. There is a much larger pool of players out there that you don’t meet each day.
Considering the amount of people who keep coming back to topics like this one, then I would say that it’s obvious that there are those who wants a change for the class.
I cannot speak for everyone else. I can only speak for myself. But I do however also base part of my arguments/topics on what others have said as well.
Understandable. As usual, we all have varying opinions on what we want from the game.
There’s a difference between having varying opinions and acting like there’s only one.
Oh yes, a clear one.
Being dismissive towards other peoples opinions just because they might differ from that of your own, I would say, isn’t very smart. As it tends to lead discussions down a single road, every time.
True, and I think that I came off harsh when not intended.
That last part wasn’t directed towards you Whim^^
That was me agreeing with what you said.