BFA Season 3 PvP Issue

i hope that when blizzard fixes this, they extend the current season how ever many days it ends up being broken. I don’t do any more than conquest point collection, but for those who are working on rated content for that next rank of essences this is a big issue.

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I would not count on this. Season 3 can’t extend past 8.3’s launch for balance and fairness reasons, and they are not going to delay 8.3 because of a pvp bug.

Do you really think people are this dumb that we don’t know to post in the PVP forum? It’s obvious, there are no blues there. The only one we did have got fired, so yes, that’s the reason why. Nobody looks there.

I was talking about the blue, not everyone else posting on the thread, for that exact same reason you mentioned; that they absolutely refuse to communicate with the arena community even when the issue is literally "we screwed up the arena season "

Hence the very facetious,“Gods forbid a blue tread there lest they be laid off” in reference to the fact that the last time a blue talked to the arena community he was promptly laid off

No where did I even act like the normal folks posting on GD were the issue lol

19 hours later… no word


And like 550 people noticed. :slight_smile:


I apologize I misunderstood.

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Which would be another big middle finger to those who kept queing during the bug


:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :scream_cat: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

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that sucks. what’s going to happen with the ratings that we’ve lost?

To me, the bug is only on Ally at goldrinn, on horde at azralon is everything ok

So… are we going to be able to earn titles such as duelist/the elite/ gladiator anymore for this season? I heard something like our personal MMR is paused rn? I was about to push to try and get the Elite DK title before I leave off to the air force and it is not seeming like it will happen lol… I leave in a month so this is my last season I get to play until I return in a long time :confused: pls fix this as soon as possible!!!

should have sat ur rating tell this got resolved tbh if its a huge concern

New season means seasonal ranks reset to 0.

You will probably get to keep the tokens and have to get back up in rank when s4 comes out.

just add a week extra to the season for delay, nbd stuff happens.

This pertains specifically to Arena and Rated BG’s right?

Not to conquest rewards which are a different system? Correct?

The conquest season is over?

so are you guys still on it or?

Thought we’d be getting updates

So uh, it’s Thursday. We haven’t heard anything from you guys since you confirmed the problem on Tuesday.

Any updates? If not on your progress towards fixing it then to at least answer some of the questions folks are asking?


An update on this would be awesome

yes, update pls.