BFA Season 3 PvP Issue

Update plz

At the very least let the player base know how rating changes during this bug will be handled?

By prolonging an update your further complicating the problem.


The lack of acknowledgement on this thread is just showing everyone the lack of caring the Blizz pr team has. I know a lot of us are patiently waiting for an answer, just to be ghosted by the same company weve been promoting to our friends for the past 15 years.

Because of Blizzards lack of attempts to renew the pvp scene and give us garbage rng instead of vendors ect.

I actually enjoy tanks in pvp. But yseras gift (spelling) Should NOT be a thing for guardian. Pasive healing doing 5k+ a second is beyond dumb.

hurry up with update slowbies

update, update, update!


It’s hard to imagine what would happen if similar situation happened to pve players, say completed M+ runs can’t be registered. I wonder if dev would deal with that more swiftly.


Probably in all honesty, blizz shows us every patch they really dont care for the pvp playerbase

I mean they have lives as well and it happened right before new years eve/new years day which is a paid holiday for most people in the US. Give em a break

Bring on the salt

So is this issue just not going to be resolved until next Tuesday? And if so whenever this issue is resolved are you going to extend the ending of the season for the days that we have lost? Lastly what is going to happen to the rating gained and or lost during this “bug” that somehow happened?

multi billion dollar company, not a ma and pa corner store. that excuse doesn’t quite cut it, and it shows how naive you are.


what is the deal blizz???

Different fix is to 1.5x the grind based rewards to speed up acquisition until the start of next season.

I rarely arena now because of the state of the game being unfun, but I was helping a friend learn and working on the % mount. Having one of my only days off be effected by this bug sucks.

Yes I had all season.
I usually push it at the end anyways.

update pls blizz!

way to showcase your Customer Service right at the start of 2020 Blizz, appreciate the speedy and continuous updates!

Blizzard quality control has really gone downhill. Talk about sad.

very interesting they still haven’t mentioned a word.

New year, same problems.


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can we get a response? like holy hell