BfA Season 1 gear transmogs when?

Hello all;

So today, I was looking at a couple sets I wanted to try to get the appearances for, particularly, the Dread Gladiator’s Plate for Season 1 of BfA PvP. I know that Warfronts provide the same armor (at least, Arathi does, not Darkshore) but I’m more interested in the off-colored variant than the Warfront one. I read a number of forum post saying that these appearances hadn’t yet been made available due to devs thinking the players found it ‘too hard to find vendors(?)’, but most of these post date back to a little less than a year ago. Does anyone know if a vendor was ever, or will ever be, added that will sell these appearances for Marks of Honor? Thanks in advance.


They’re being added to vendors in Shadowlands apparently.


Hm. That’s kind of odd to wait until the next expansion for season 1 armor, but I suppose it’s not that much further away now.

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Wait…only Aspirant? What about Dread Gladiator? Is there no way to get that now, and will there be no way to get it in Shadowlands?

No way to get dread gladiator set in shadowlands.

What about now then?

Are you talking about the Elite set? The sets are always permanently removed.

What Doness said, elite sets are only obtainable during the season.

No I don’t mean the elite set, I know and you’re right and I’ve come to peace with that lol. I mean this one:

The one sort of just ‘below’ that, which still shows up in the Appearances Sets tab (but not for individual item appearances…)

Elite was always limited to people that farmed it during the season BUT gladiator has been always available after the expansion ends. It would be really bad if they didn’t make them available to buy since the system to acquire them was really bad (RNG loot from quests and chests)

I hope they make the notorious aspirant weapons ensemble available too, there’s a nice Trident!

My bad. I really don’t know what’s going to happen to those sets. I heard they’ll let you buy the Season 1 Vicious mount with a Vicious Saddle, so I think the set will be back too.

Fingers crossed for that, but for now (since I want to make sure I get this), how do you get which of these dread gladiator pieces in Arathi Warfronts, if that’s the only way to do so? Is it purely in Heroic Arathi Warfront? Is it only certain pieces? I can’t tell with what information I can find online and in the game

Aren’t you the cat begging and whining for Mage Tower appearances you come back since you weren’t good enough to get them or something?

First, I wasn’t begging or whining. Second, I didn’t say I wasn’t good enough. Third, I’m not talking about the Mage Tower anymore. I was just trying to answer an unrelated question. There was no reason to try to start another argument with me on a different thread.

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Like yesterday you were in tears and crying because you didn’t get MT appearances and said embarrassing stuff like and I quote “it isn’t fair” to not be able to acquire these.

Today you are telling people that Elite sets always go away permanently. One hell of a 180 pal.

And yes, you absolutely were begging and whining.

I was just requesting Blizzard bring then back. I wasn’t in tears and I wasn’t crying.

That wasn’t embarassing one bit, and I still stand by it. If I literally couldn’t get them in Legion, because I couldn’t get buy the expansion for real life reasons, then that is by definition not fair. It wasn’t under my control. As far as I know Final Fantasy doesn’t do this kind of removal thing.

How is that a 180? I was simply stating a fact that they go away. I wasn’t endorsing that.

Asking Blizzard to please bring something back is simply not begging or whining. You can insult me all you like, but that doesn’t change facts.

You derailed this thread, which didn’t need any more replies because the OP got an answer somewhere else, in order to make fun of me. Please leave me alone. This thread isn’t about the Mage Tower.

I have 31 of them and I would like them back. For anything the scenarios were good practice. What’s your stance on that.

And as for the glad sets, the ptr/beta only shows the aspirant sets to be purchased from the vendor. No weapon ensembles either.


Yesterday, a group of people argued with me in a Mage Tower thread, calling me nasty things, because I said that Blizzard shouldn’t remove content, and should bring back removed content. This guy apparently wants to keep arguing with me.

It is what it is. I would recommend that in the future, don’t try to “explain away” stuff. It makes you look weak. And then second since people are very tribalistic and quickly critical of foreign information (meaning they don’t like things they are not used to and they only look at the speaker not the message), I would suggest that again if you want your points to have weight, you have to be better than them. Aka peace is having a bigger stick than the other person sort of thing.

And I agree with you they shouldn’t but instead treat such things they would have removed and make them living museum pieces like Herald of the titans.

I’m very much of the mind that, if Shadowlands is the expansion about bringing back dead things and further customizing your character, bringing back dead transmogs like Mage Tower appearances and Elite PvP sets would be a stellar way to ring in the new expansion.

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