BfA Season 1 gear transmogs when?

Oh, I wasn’t trying to explain anything away. I was just explaining why he was there. I didn’t look to me like I made myself look weak, but when I thonk about it, I probably shouldn’t have typed that.

Anyway, thank you for your support. It’s appreciated.

Edit: I now realize you were talking avout my arguing style of rebutting one sentence at a time. Maybe I shouldn’t have done it that way for the specific post, but is there a better way to argue with people?

I’m calling you a hypocrite.

I just stated a fact. I don’t want to continue this conversation any further. Please stop replying.

What fact did you state?

You can stop this conversation by not replying by the way, if you can help yourself that is. If you cannot help yourself I will be replying, make no mistake.

I said that Elite PvP sets are removed every season.

I won’t reply after this, but I just wanted to ask you not to.

Nah, you don’t get to tell me what I can or cannot reply to. I’m simply pointing out the inconsistencies in what you say from day to day.