BFA player mass reported and banned for 72h for engaging in world PVP

There is now a real response to this players ban stating that the action had nothing to do with PvP and everything with his utilization of the in-game mail system to harass another player on multiple characters on his account, as well as friends of said original harassed player.
Also… Talking of in-game or forum disciplinary action is something you could also get a vacation for.

If someone is banned, or actioned in some way, it is almost always justified and the people they are pleading their case to almost never know the actual story.


nothing to see here folks. OP was a jerk and got banned. move along. move along.


Sure. But like I said it’s usually a suspension. And it’s pretty much guaranteed the suspension will expire before they investigate. At that point they won’t do anything for you. It has to be prevented from happening in the first place.


Asmondgold deserves banning often and harshly.


Wait, you are happy that an unrelated event caused the interruption of a portion of the game that people had voluntarily chosen to participate in? What a winner you are. You need to grow up a bit and quit worrying about people enjoying themselves doing something that doesn’t have the slightest impact on you even if you don’t find it enjoyable.

He deserved the ban for asking players who watch his stream to come to his garrison and purposely submit false reports. He abused the system.

Frankly he should have gotten an actual suspension for that, not just an in-game silence for 24 hours.


The obvious question here, after seeing the GM response, would be to ask why exactly you can still send mail to people who have you on ignore?

Regardless of this particular case not being the ideal mascot for this issue, this issue is and has been repeatedly proven to be a very legitimate cause for concern, and has no place in either classic nor the live game.

I’d add that their appeal system and claimed review system still involves you being forced to sit in a purgatory state for the duration before those steps actually happen, and can last longer than the auto silence did to begin with.

This needs to somehow be marked as the solution to this thread, and this thread closed.

All the outrage and attempts to use this to blame people who don’t like being ganked in a PvP mode - FALSE.

All the outrage and attempts to blame this on right-click reporting - FALSE.


In the vast majority of cases I would agree. But I’ve seen the system being abused as well.

Shame on this player for trying to blame his suspension on PvP. He knew damn well…

Not sure if you can or not but the GM said he used multiple characters so maybe he didn’t send it on the character that was ignored but alts?

Why are you so afraid of pvp? Serious question you can 100% opt out of it at any given time during WoWs history you are literally NEVER forced into pvp unless you put yourself into that situation.

Which is why I said “almost always”. Sometimes the player did nothing wrong.

In this case, however…

yeah it might take more than a day, if the suspension is that short then its not a big deal anyway

An unwarranted 1 day suspension would be a pretty big deal to me. Something like that hasn’t happened to me or anyone I know personally though. Worst I’ve seen happen is people being forced to name change for no other reason than too many people reported them, which would be pretty darn irritating.

Dude’s character name was “Wheaties”. Literally had his name reported. Tell me how that violates the ToS… Lol. He couldn’t choose the same name again either. He ended up changing it to “Wheatbran”.

Alts or not, going around an ignore feature will get you suspended. No one should even consider trying it.

The question wasn’t whether he should have been banned or not it was how was he messaging the dude.

point is the player in question lied about a ban they rightfully deserved. this thread can die now. there is no need to keep this going.


alts would be the obvious answer.
now there is no need to keep this going.

He used alts. Ignore only covers a character, not an account.

unwarranted mass reporting is actually pretty rare. especially to the point that you get banned from playing. a lot of people here are freaking out over something that will likely never effect them. even in bfa, i see people trolling the **** out of chat and nothing happens to them

name reporting isnt a new feature, thats been around for a long time