BFA player mass reported and banned for 72h for engaging in world PVP

Yesterday, a player by the name of Morajin received a 72h ban for “disruptive gameplay” for engaging in world pvp and ganking players in War Mode. He was banned for ganking players in War Mode.

In case you are not familiar with War Mode, it is a toggle that puts you in a PVP shard and increases XP and Artifact Power gained as an incentive to use it. There are no longer PVP or PVE servers, only a toggle that puts you in the PVE or PVP shard.

What happened is the equivalent of people toggling PVP on a PVE server and then reporting the players that ganked them, which then banned the ganker… False reports aren’t the issue, the issue is that Blizzard didn’t check whether those reports were worthy of a ban and straight up banned this player for playing the game as it was intended. There’s no way to know if the ban was automated or if it was manually given by a GM, but both options are pretty terrifying to me. There should never be automated bans for mass-reporting.

You can see the VoD in the link below. There is no corpse camping from their side, in fact the OP and his group get camped for a little bit by a group of players 2x their size.


Blizz responded, I was told the ban was due to harassing players and they are unwilling to discuss it further. I was not given any indication as to what specifically caused the ban, and was told the matter was closed. I would LOVE to know how I engaged in disruptive gameplay, and HOW I harassed players. Even if the ban is justified (may well be, I have no idea what it’s for) the lack of communication is absurd.


Well this is really just because of how unpopular wpvp is and blizzard trying to force people into it with pve rewards.

Moral of the story here…automation is not always good.

And to think we’re going to have that type of reporting in classic.


this is why there shouldn’t be right click to report in Classic, folks
and they called me crazy
EDIT: much as I’d like to not admit it, I’d later found out that this happened too, causing this thread to be mostly pointless


It was automated. This garbage system has been exposed over and over to no avail. Take at least some comfort in the fact that Actiblizz stock has basically lost them 40 Billion dollars since Blizzcon. Being continually stupid and lazy can be expensive.


Not stupid and lazy. Just CHEAP.


So in GD the player petitioned the ban and was told they were “harassing players” and the ban sticks.

So engaging in pvp is considered harassment ?

What the heck will happen in classic ?
Mass murder in low level towns was pretty common.
I remember seeing bones all over the place in Lakeshire and Hillsbrad never mind the mini battleground in STV with “who controls Ness’s camp”.


Court of public opinion at its finest. All of this is pure speculation and assumption.

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This is why I believe PVP servers in Classic will be popular, and therefore Classic will be popular.

A lot of people are going to be looking for the old, sandbox style wpvp version of WoW.

As for what’s going on with this guy and his ban-- I skimmed through the Reddit thread, and it seems weird to me that out of everyone in the group he was in, he’s the one that got reported. I guess it was possibly because he was the one flying the mount? I’m not going to sit through that VOD.

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Wait so will we get banned in Classic for engaging in PvP in Southshore/Tarren Mill? I remember camping Southshore for hours, killing vendors and the Flight master so Alliance couldn’t escape. Never got banned in Vanilla, but it seems 2018 Blizzard might ban you for that now.

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Well there is a video posted to back up the poster from reddit.
And of course the crowd in GD are backing up Blizzard because Blizzard can do no wrong.

It is possible that the player who was banned is leaving out some details. Perhaps he was whispering people harassing messages. But if I had to guess I’d say this is probably angry players exploiting the reporting system. Blizzard should know better by now. People get real butthurt about getting ganked and they will use any means at their disposal to get back at the ganker. This includes reporting and even embellishing their reports with talk of “harassment”.

I’m sure Blizzard has the means to actually investigate the issue. But from my personal experience, it seems like they don’t. It seems to me their general attitude is that it’s a waste of time to actually investigate because by the time they do the suspension is expired. Pretty crappy, but that’s what it seems like to me.

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Come now, “terrified”?

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This won’t count for much because you guys don’t like know me personally, but here, right now I pledge not to QQ about getting ganked to blizzard. I would never try to take away another players right to murder me on a pvp server.

NOW…will i smash my mouse a bit, umm yeah. Will i plead for level 60s to come to my aid to defend the honor of the horde, ummm yeah. Will I /spit, /bark, /emote poops on your hand, ummm yeah.

Some may have the same feelings as I, but with different emotes :slight_smile: but I really hope the classic environment weeds out players that get super emotional about getting wrecked. It’s honestly part of the pvp game play. And as much as I’ve been on the receving end, i wouldn’t have it any other way.

/hugs /kisses

Well the reddit post says he was banned for “harassing” players. It could have been something he did/said outside of the stream and that we are unaware of.

I got banned once too back in the day and was perturbed when it happened as well because I thought it was unfair. Then Blizzard responded with a general statement which mentioned modifying game files was illegal. Then I remembered that I did in fact modify them to go to GM island. The thing is though, the time between when I modified the files and when the ban went into effect was several weeks (or maybe even months). It wasn’t like the next day or the same day or anything; it took them a while to get to it.

I really don’t think he got banned for PvP, especially world PvP which you have to toggle into. And I don’t think we will have to worry about anyone getting banned for ganking in Classic. His ban is probably for something that happened several weeks ago outside of the stream he is showing us. I think his presumption that he was banned for ganking is wrong.


Remember the youtube Asmon got suspended and showed it on video ?
All he was doing was standing in his garrison and told people to report him for harassment. And he got suspended.


And he deserved it :slight_smile:

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perhaps they were looking for an excuse to keep you banned after right click to report caused you to get autobanned
that is, perhaps you never would’ve gotten banned for modifying your files if you weren’t autobanned

It’s automated and happens immediately.


If these situations have taught me anything, it is that there is ALWAYS more to the story that we weren’t told about from the OP.