Anyone else spend months unlocking this achievement, just for blizz to spit in your face and not give you the extra mount speed? I have been reading online that this has been a problem since late august. Blizz still havn’t fixed this? Whats the deal blizz??? where are the rewards i worked months for? come on now.
I don’t know about that. I can and have seen the speed difference against other non-pathfinder people and I do go much faster. Where is the source of this that it doesn’t work?
There is no passive ability. My mount speed is still the same when i mouse over my mount buff. Nothing is telling me that i got a mount speed increase.
I understand that, it may be tool tip oversight but have you actually tested it? Like, the best way I can describe how it feels is that a Pt1 vs a non Pt1 compare about the same as a Paladin vs a non paladin. And I can see it little by little pulling away if you race them together. Maybe im missing something?
I actually checked right now and the passive ability is there on your General Tab of your Spellbook, might need a relog if you can’t see it.
The tooltip will not tell you that you got a speed increase. The only way to really see is to ride alongside a person that doesn’t have the Pathfinder passive.
I relogged and it appeared as a passive. Which is totally fine, it’s just that my mount speed reads as 100 percent, when it should be 120. I don’t understand why blizzard would not show the correct mount speed when i mouse over the buff. This is just lazy work by Blizz. How hard is it to update something so small?
Because such an update isn’t universal. It only works in BfA zones. Too much coding for what amounts to a zone specific buff.
Why does blizz hide the true stats of whats going on? Yes, it is buried in general tab that no one uses. Instead, the mount buff should be fixed to reflect the actual speed of the mount!
Spent three weeks on Pathfinder Part 1 back in last August and September. I get the speed increase. Just be aware, it doesn’t stack with everything.
Using the addon “DejaCharacterStats”, your movement speed is right on your character screen.
So??? Not all buffs are universal?!! Thats the point of a buff?! It’s not too much coding, it’s laziness.
You seem overly mad for something so minor. There are so many other things you could shaky your little gnome fist at.
So you are just mad there isn’t a tool tip to tell you that you got a buff. Got it.
Subjective but overall, inconsequential.
i worked for months to get this achievement. farming those horrible turtle quests over and over make me want to puke. It might be minor objectively, but it is a big deal to me. It also just shows how lazy blizz is
It works on all my characters except Paladin, Death Knight, and Druid. Druid isn’t actually a mount and the other two have passive 20% faster movement speed by default.
well you are reading a subjective opinion, and it may be inconsequential to you which is fine, but it is something to me
Ah, so you don’t get how all the other pathfinders or any other passive boost works, and came to complain. Got ya, 100%. Just so you’re 100% aware, mount speed boosts are not reflected on your mount tooltip. They USED to be reflected on your speed stat on your character screen, but that has long since been removed (though I believe there’s an addon that shows it back). You’re complaining about something that’s literally been like this since vanilla. You think carrot on a stick ever showed your mount buff as 105%? No. It showed 100% and then you went to your character screen, saw your speed, and bam. That’s where it was. Speed stat was removed from that list waaaaaaaaaaay back in like, cata. Passive abilities are just that, passive. You can read about the ability via it’s tool tip. Stop sperging out just because it’s visually represented and not textually on your icons.
aren’t you glad you got rewarded for your hard work then? Pally’s, DK, and druids should get something else for that achievement. because they do all that work for nothing, shame blizz
It truly baffles me how you are upset by this. Truly baffling.