BFA Pathfinder Part 1 (not working)

I don’t care that it has been broken since vanilla. They have had all this time to fix something so simple. You got the carrot? boom, 105 mount speed. How hard is that? i get you like to defend it cause thats the way it is, but do you realize it could actually be better and actually reflect mount speed? revolutionary

Dude, there is literally an addon for this. Let me spoonfeed you, if it’ll get your sperging out of here. It’s called DejaCharacterStats.

it baffles me how blizzard hasn’t fixed this. It is fundamentally broken. Truly baffling

For all of BfA up until the latest patch, the PvP reward icon showed first a chance at 300 gear, and then a chance at 330 gear.

They showed this to everyone who was queuing, right down to the 19 bracket.

This was not a small thing, but it took them almost a year to fix.

No, you assuming its buried in the spellbook is laziness, everyone knows passives are listed on the back pages.

Hard work??? Good one, best joke I have heard in quite a while