BFA N'zoth Cinematic now Unlisted

Blizz releases bad ending to a bad expansion
Fans dislike bad ending to a bad expansion
Blizz: Surprised pikachu face


I was disappointed in the cinematic myself. I was expecting this big tie in to Shadowlands or something like that.

hes like the anti Lore you know the one guy that sits in on every Q&A with Watcher and fawns over him its like watching Smithers and Mr Burns


“But WoD is worse than BFA”

BFA has left the chat.


BFA is faltering and it hasn’t even been one month of patch 8.3.


I agree, Argus, Nazjatar, and Black Empire could have all been their own xpacs.


Meh I’ve enjoyed it, then again I also play in moderation and switch it up when I get bored.

I think Nazjatar and Black Empire could have been together considering how Aszhara is related to N’zoth


i didn’t watch it yet but i posted a question on here basically asking how tf did we go from fighting nzoth to shadowlands content. whoever wrote his death must of did the same with voljins because damn 2 death scenes that were piss poor.

nzoth probably worse from what iv been hearing i mean it’s fking nzoth. sloppy writing.

It is worse than Vol’jin

i know from what i read/heard i mean voljin i was disappointed because i liked him personally but for his status he isn’t as strong as say nzoth which is what disappoints me about his death

We are fighting in the veil should be enough it’s a old god not legions.It would have made zero sense because they was hidden in the veil we just finally get to go in there world atleast for nzoths.

I hope that, going forward from here, they learn to never again waste big name villains as a side plot or secret reveal while forcing a lame faction war as a distraction.

The villain should be right up front and center like Illidan and Arthas were. This whole expansion should have been Tides of Azshara with the surprise reveal being “Oopsie, we accidently freed N’zoth with our heart!” and then we go to the Black Empire.

Not knowing who the Jailer is and still full of plot holes from this whole expansion makes me worried for Shadowlands. Not to mention I’m sure we’ll lose yet more racial leaders on the Horde side because that’s just what Blizz does.


They’re still making a ton of money out of the player base that is here. They aren’t going to just change. The same people are in charge.

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I wish they’d do fun interesting stories like the Hearthstone team gets to explore.

They won’t change because they have the metrics of those players who continuously play and who like the game. In the echo chambers, it looks like a majority is angry but this has never been the case in the games history lol

Just because you scream really loudly, doesn’t mean everyone agrees with you

It reminded me of Diablo immortal fiasco haha

D-list reactionary Youtube is all over this. Normal, emotionally adjusted people don’t lose their minds over a lackluster cinematic. Who knew this is why people play the game…to watch a 90 second clip at the end of 18 months. Honestly, I couldn’t care less. This is today’s 2-minute hate against Blizzard. By Friday it will be something else.

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This is the equivalent of one putting their fingers in their ears and claiming they can’t hear you.

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I play the game for the story and to explore the world, no time to get butthurt cause something didn’t go my way

You know, I’d sworn off watching anything from Az because being negative for the sake of it isn’t for me, but I have to admit, when there’s something worth being negative about, he’s pretty entertaining.

He brings up a good point about Blizzard being embarrassed by their own work. I’m nervous about Shadowlands.

Oh that one video he made a while back about all the mission tables in WoW, and he said something like, “there must be someone at Blizzard with a table fetish”. I gotta like the guy just for that, that was great.