If you click on the WoW channel you will notice that you cant find the cinematic there.
So Blizzard is so ashamed of themself that they try to hide the cinematic due to the (well deserved) negative reaction?
If you cant even support your own work to the point of hiding/removing it out of embarrassment, then you have the wrong people working at Blizzard.
And this is a red flag for Shadowlands, since it appear that Blizzard has lost their own confidence in doing their own game, and this action with the video is not really giving much hope for Shadowlands.
Idk, i honestly feel like this was a bad move on their part.
Honestly, with the exception of the Jaina warbringer and the Thrall cinematic, this whole expac has been a shemozzle.
Yep… These people have no idea what they are doing. Whoever approved of this ending in the first place was drunk, high, or just didn’t care. I have a hunch that Shadowlands is going to be a fluster cluck aswell. If it wasn’t for WC3 reforged coming out at the end of the month, I’d have 0 interest in the IP anymore.
I gave the ending cinematic a like, not because I like it, but out of pity.
The White Knights will find a reason they did this. XD
They well and truly just don’t care anymore.
What makes me really surprised is that nobody in Blizz could expect this kind of reaction.
They really don’t know the nature of mmorpg game. Are they really the same dev team who made Legion?
woah, why’d they take it down?
As much as I dislike this expansion, and condemn the choices Blizzard has made, I think Az there is equally as bad of an individual. I…cannot stand anything out of his mouth lately. I used to enjoy him immensely, but his videos have just turned from interesting to just flaming and scathing. Which Blizzard deserves in some regard for their poor choices, but other YouTubers handle it a lot better than he does. I don’t have a lot of respect for Az anymore.
As to the topic…big yikes. They took a gamble and it didn’t pay out.
now at 8.6k dislikes and 1.4k likes
Pretty much because people hated it
While I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon and say Blizzard removed it out of shame or embarrassment, I will jump on the other bandwagon and voice my disapproval.
Man. That was disappointing. And I feel bad for my people because they haven’t seen it yet. They like to experience it firsthand when the boss dies. And I think I’m going to be very disappointed for them when I hear the disgruntled sounds of a boss dying, the hype being real, hearing: “CINEMATIC!” annnd then hearing “That’s it?”.
That was literally my reaction when i watched it
“Thats it?”
So disappointing. Blizzard has always made fantastic cinematics. This is just not on par with what they’re capable of doing. After waiting so long for N’Zoth/Black Empire, and this is it? After all the bugs, the AH debacle, and now this, I don’t even know anymore, man. Quality is quickly going downhill, and it’s sad to watch.
We waited so long for 8.3 … 
N’Zoth in a single patch … Azshara in a single Patch … both deserved a whole expansion…
why should I wonder … Argus was just a patch too. A whole planet … -.-
It’s kind of sad, Legion’s ending cinematic was over 3 minutes long. N’Zoth gets half a minute.
Shadowlands is going to end up like WoD and BfA. Blizzard is just a different company now and they don’t care.
Look at 8.3.
- More M+
- 1 Raid
- More WQs, daily quests, and bar to fill assaults
- Farming a currency, just to buy a currency, for a 1-3 time/weekly lockout activity for a Legendary cloak that doesn’t do anything awesome at all.
And that’s it. That content is supposed to tide us all over for the next 8-12 months. Yippee.
I think for me, as a follower and player of this game for the entirety it has been out. I find this very disappointing, even in WoD we had a better ending cinematic. I think WoWhead summed it up on what is missing and what has happened.
"This cutscene focuses on our character’s heroic actions to defeat N’Zoth with the Heart of Azeroth, but there are still many unanswered questions related to plot points developed through the expansion. For example, Azerite sparked the faction conflict, but here we are praised for using the Heart of Azeroth with no mention of the tragedies it has caused. Azshara and Xal’atath impacted N’Zoth’s story greatly, not to mention all of the symbolic whispers of prophecy surrounding the Old Gods, but those characters and imagery aren’t really referenced in the ending. And many characters willingly chose to listen to the whispers of the Old Gods, but the implications of split loyalties and past indiscretions isn’t covered as Magni and MOTHER celebrate all players.
Battle for Azeroth started off as an expansion promoted as a faction conflict with a twist in store. The final boss was not revealed until the Patch 8.3 PTR, leading the faction conflict to dominate most of the expansion’s narrative. With so many Battle for Azeroth cinematics devoted to the faction conflict, it would have been nice to see more of the Old Gods storyline receive the same high-definition treatment. While Battle for Azeroth tackled two complicated storylines, unfortunately the Old Gods storyline may not be remembered as much as the faction conflict due to the lack of patches, zones, and additional media like cinematics created for that narrative.
In addition, past end boss cinematic set up a bridge between patches or expansions, such as Illidan opening a pathway to Argus at the end of Patch 7.2, or Gul’dan escaping to Azeroth at the end of Warlords. With the Ny’alotha ending, it’s still unclear how we’ll pivot from the Old Gods storyline to Shadowlands and Blizzard revealed in an interview that there is no Patch 8.3.5."
Also, how come we are always left in the dust or shadow when it comes to responses from blizzard. The majority of the player base has spoken in regards to this patch and overall feel of it… Just my 2 cents
Why do people shill for this Potato-head looking guy? It’s 2019 and he’s using a whiteboard for his thumbnail.
I can smell the poor hygiene through my monitor.