i remember the saying “the green leveling sword will replace your mythic purps” years ago. and then leveling gear is worse than mythic purps until the later levels of new cap in recent years.
all under ion id guess
i remember the saying “the green leveling sword will replace your mythic purps” years ago. and then leveling gear is worse than mythic purps until the later levels of new cap in recent years.
all under ion id guess
I love the game as a whole, but every issue I have with it, stuff that ion wants.
Nope, not originally. You’ve just bought into whatever narrative they started selling.
I’m pretty sure it’s a bug, because Legion raid loot is also showing boosted item levels but its 8x damage multiplier still exists. Same with WoD, which has an even higher factor by now.
yeah the
1 xpac after you have the power of 5 people
2 after you have the power of 20 people
3 after you have the power of 100 people
hah sure doesnt feel that way though
a bug they wont fix because its intentional. we think its a bug, but its intended and they wont say its intended.
theyll take the confused questions but they dont want backlash on a wider scale
Blizzard screwed up the scaling for legacy content before the next expansion goes live?
*pretends to be shocked*
this happened in bfa prepatch, SL prepatch, DF prepatch, and now WW prepatch
idr this happening in legions prepatch
ion hates raid farmers lol
Second blue post here:
https:// www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/us-en/14277488311-feedback-post-squish-legacy-content/
(There’s a space before www cause forum doesn’t like links)
this isnt originally. this is leading up to wod. id assume original means the way before this you linked
That was far after the release of BC, when the system was originally in play.
There was no multiplier before squishes.
Maybe, but at the moment if you are able to solo these mythic raids…items are vendoring for a very high value. So…
What’s that phrase? Something about doing something early…blah blah blah often?
i just want my ny alotha all seer and i have to fight beefed up raid bosses that now can kill me on 12 characters to collect their skips
I didn’t even consider this. Kinda tempted to go back and finish my Ny’alotha IDs to see.
Because as of pre-patch, 80 is now the level cap. You just can’t get there until the xpac goes live.
Happens every expansion.
bread’s 987th claim of quitting this week, folks
This has never been how prior raid tuning has worked, though. Legion raids didn’t get raised to BFA level when the Dragonflight pre-patch dropped.
3 or 4k gold from one raid its like mop and wod doing firelands every week
good times indeed