BFA kills the game for alt lovers

says you. just because i enjoy raiding and pvping on multiple toons, that doesn’t give you the right to dictate how i should be playing to suit your wants and needs.


Bingo. This characters been 120 about 2 weeks. Never even taken him to mechagon yet. ilvl 402 currentlly. This game is raining gear. Its never been so easy to gear up. Even basic essences are super easy to get.

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Like I said then, self inflicted issues. The issue isn’t BFA isn’t alt friendly. The issue is the game is and never was designed for players to want mythic level characters across 4+ characters. Heroic level? Sure. Mythic? Nope, not gonna happen, sorry. Especially casually…the fact an argument even exists that having 4+ mythic characters should be achievable casually is alarming.

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Alternate characters aren’t supposed to be secondary mains, just saying.


It sliced off a very tiny part of power progression from high end group content to casual content (and only if a BiS essence is not from mechagom/mythic+/raid) and gave it to casual content.

Now all the super serious raiders are “forced” to grind 3738393030 hours so their 17th alt can pug heroic EP and do 2% more damage.

you keep throwing around the word “casual” like it’s supposed to support your argument. i don’t know of anyone that has multiple high tuned alts that play “casually”. and just because i’m not pushing mythic raid content, it doesn’t mean i still don’t strive to be or do the best i possibly can, regardless what toon i’m playing.

maybe you’re happy getting carried on sub par characters…

Seeing as how that was a major point of the original argument against me that you hijacked off of…ugh…yeah lol.

It takes no time at all to be geared enough to do anything you want in the game, so no, that is not true.

It’s better with flying but I find zero enjoyment with essences and the Azerite grind.

I wish we had some spicier ranged classes to dabble with. Mage has some cool stuff but doesn’t have much staying power to me for some reason. I like my lock but I’ve been leveling it for VE heritage armor and the leveling is so strung out and boring these days.

Hunter…I want MM to feel like more but it isn’t. BM is a yawn…survival while cool isnt ranged. Moonkin, yawn ele shaman use to be a main but GoW gone and it just misses the mark right not. Never was a fan of unleashed elements and now it’s mandatory to use UE 2.0 in stormkeeper.

geared… are you geared right now? is that what you consider geared? The gear you are in now used to be blues. For w/e reason, blizzard had to make everything purple and it’s distorted what ‘geared’ even means.

Geared used to mean, as far as I’m concerned, geared for end game content. I.E. geared in mythic equivalent gear. Before there was Mythic was hardmodes and heroic, before that was 40 mans, etc. It’s all relative.

Since gear can titanforge and warforge, the baseline for that has been moved up. Some end game content, like M+ and Arena, scale with gear. As in, the better gear, the likely the better you can perform. That means you could keep playing the same toon to try and get the highest titanforged pieces possible.

So you original statement was…

that’s obviously wrong. the game rewards time played more than ever. The more you play on a toon, the more you roll that dice at a titanforge, the higher likelihood you’ll actually get one.

Look at the top geared player in the world. Currently a warrior that is 448 equipped. Decent mythic progression with 4 kills, but look at the number of M+ they have run… They have 6 pieces that are from M+ that are 445+ or higher. Considering at +10 they drop 430, then the chest drop 440, that means everyone of those pieces has warforged or titanforged…

That’s a lot of play time and effort.

So when you say the game doesn’t take time and effort, it couldn’t be any further from the truth.

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Get off of your highhorse, youre 6 ilvl more than me, Im geared enough to do normal and heroic raiding. Which means Im geared enough to do all the content in this game. Mythic is aimed for the absolute hardcore players in this game, which raiding itself was never aimed for, even back in classic.

So yes it is easy and fast to gear for any content in this game. If you consider me not geared enough to do everything just cuz of mythic then youre jaded, I dont consider not being able to do mythic as anything significant cuz its the same raid with a few differences, which isnt worth doing to me

uh? What does this have todo with my ilvl? I never said I was geared…

You are? You’re geared enough for Mythic Raids and +15 Keys? Most of the groups I see for even heroic require 430+. Seen plenty of keys asking for 435+ already.

I love how people just have to double down on their dumb comments. Like, you can’t just back off… nope… have to come back and argue more. We might as well be playing seperate games.

Again, you said “since gear is no longer based on time and effort.”

That is obviously not the case. You can sink more time into the game now then ever before… THAT’S the whole point of the current games design. They don’t want players ‘finishing’ an expansion with nothing left todo.

How ironic…

You keep coming back to argue instead of backing off. I can do every single thing in this game with the gear I have. Eternal Palace is Eternal Palace no matter what difficulty it is. Stop trying to tell me Im not geared even though I can litterally do anything I want in the game with the gear I have besides Mythic Raids. A +15 is the exact same thing as M+ lower than it, yes its harder but with lower ilvl than a hardcore player than lower M+ will be just as hard as a +15 would be considering the gear difference, since all it does is scale the content.

Dont come at me saying Im wrong and I wouldnt know, I played and did all of those things in Legion to know what Im talking about.

well of course. I’m right. why would I back off. I have already described in detail why your comment was wrong. I mean… what more do you want? You said time played doesn’t matter. It’s painstakingly obvious that is not the case.

Disagree. But to each their own. The dynamic of the instance creates the intrigue. Nothing exciting about almost afk’ing through LFR and getting loot at the end.

nope. Mechanics change dramatically as you move up in keys. what you could ignore in a +10 is now killing you in a +19.

well, then try to formulate and argument that proves your point. Since you can’t… I guess I’ll just wait for your next response.

Youre wrong, I am right. End of story. With your logic being geared enough to do a +19 wouldnt be geared either since there is people doing well above that too…so in other words, there wouldnt ever be something considered as geared to you.

my logic? dear heavens.

I don’t get it. As amusing as this is… you got some problems. The more time you put into this game now, the more you have to show for it. That is by design. That goes against what you’re saying.

Here is the current design logic… from Ion.

“Hazzikostas went on to drive home the point that Titanforging provides players with “hope of continued power progression” and that raiders have “things to look forward to” when stepping into a raid.”

This was specifically addressing titanforging. The entire idea is there is ALWAYS something better. That means TIME PLAYED and EFFORT can be continually rewarded. So when you say “since gear is no longer based on time and effort,” you are wrong.

I’m an alt.

I am also not dead.

I fixed it for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

People keep thinking alts are “secondary mains”.



I have issues? Youre the one making this personal by saying that, sounds like youre the one that has issues.

Its amusing to see you struggle to maintain that you arent wrong.

The fact is that it takes no time at all to get enough gear to do everything possible in this game. You can get to level 120 and go get some benthic gear within a couple hours, get a few more pieces from some WQs here and there, or some dungeons, then bam youre geared enough to do some mythic dungeons or LFR, gain some more gear from farming that for a bit, and youre already able to do anything you want. Not top difficulty stuff, but that doesnt matter, that is only meant for an extremely minor amount of the player base, you cant factor that into saying that you cant do everything just cuz you cant go do mythic, the vast majority of players have absolutely no intention of doing mythic…but they can still complete the whole raid without touching it, as well as do M+