BFA kills the game for alt lovers

no, it’t not. essences are not end game content. azerite farming is not end game content. getting the correct azerite pieces from pvp is ridiculous. even getting a weapon if you decide to change spec is ridiculous. I wanted a pole arm for my alt hunter and it took me 6 weeks to get one from RNG.

Also, you’re basically describing the issue.

They don’t want to do M+ for starters. Also, there is no guarantee you get what you need. A lot of these guys used to just play a couple nights a week. That was enough to cap conquest for the week and get w/e piece you needed. Now you have to pray to the RNG gods to hope you get something functional out of your chest. If it’s not… back to the loot pinata.

But again, IGNORING literally everything you’re saying, there is still essences and azerite and the nightmare that is titanforging. The game rewards time played way to much now. It’s killing off alts and it makes it a complete pain to stay relevant even for a main that isn’t spending 10-20 hours a week on the game.

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essences and azerite pieces are granted from end-game content. If your trying to mix/max and get the best builds from pvp while playing casually then again, your misuing the system so it’s a self-created issue.

That’s tragic. Wrong game then. Gearing through PvP has been dead since legion and it will continue since they merged all gear under one blanket.

Again, if you want to go past heroic with 10 hours a week that is your misunderstanding of the system thinking that is supposed to be viable, its not and I would never want it to. What’s the point of gearing end-game when any bonehead can get mythic geared from 10 hours a week? Like what?

Even with that argument, you can again, still gear faster today than you could with PvP tokens. If you ever decide to play the content that gears you :confused:

misusing the system? wtf kinda response is that? Define casual. If someone raids 8-12 hours a week, is that casual? That used to be all you needed to be in the best gear in the game. Now you don’t. With PVP, now you need even more than that.

Some of the best essences for PVP have nothing todo with PVP.

typical dick response. Wrong game? Yes, they changed it in Legion, but the majority of the life of the game it wasn’t this way. there is no reason why it needs to continue down this path.

None of what you’re saying has anything todo with what I said. The scale of difficulty in this game has been relatively flat. What’s mythic now was heroic in past expansions. Heroic now is basically normal. There are plenty of mythic raiding guilds that ONLY raid two nights a week. It’s pretty normal. So you’re a bonehead if you only want to play 10 hours a week? got it…

wrong. because the gear is just filler gear. the gear you used to get was the best gear you could get. the gear you’re describing is basically just a step above welfare. the gear that matters is the gear from the chest, and that is RNG at best.

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i don’t know why you think BfA is bad for alts. i’m having so much fun i have no idea which toon to level on a given day. i got a pally, a warrior, a priest, a mage, a druid, a rogue, and this DK. there’s more content than i could ever consume just levelling new characters, and i haven’t even hit the actual BFA stuff yet.

everyone has a different idea of what an alt is. in this case, it’s have an alt that’s relevant enough to be another ‘competitive’ toon for a player. In that respect, keeping an alt relevant for end game content (arena, raiding, m+) is very time consuming.

yeah, try saying that after you hit 120… much less have 13 max levels.

but that’s always been the case. if you spread your playtime around more characters, you aren’t going to max out them all in everything. there’s simply not enough hours in the day. how can blizzard keep the game engaging for the people who just play one or two toons, while still pleasing all the alt-o-holics? if it was trivial enough to gear all of your characters it would be horribly boring at end game.

well, for one, people who only play 1 or 2 aren’t even affected in the same sense so it still doesn’t concern them.

it most certainly does concern them if suddenly there’s nothing left to do because blizzard ditched all the things that make getting gear a drawn out process. then we’re back at the same starting point with people screaming “give me more content i’m bored now!”

if it only took a couple weeks to finish all of the end-game and blizzard just said “lol go play alts then” everyone would be changing their tune in a heartbeat.

no it does not affect them. once everyone gets their main geared, that’s it. only those of us who choose to do that more than once [are] affected. adding more crap to do does nothing in the sense of more work for a solo main vs alts.

it hasn’t though. It used to be that doing the end game content alone was sufficient for keeping a toon relevant and the best possible gear for that content could be earned only doing that content. As in, if you only did arena, that woudl be sufficient to put you in some of the best gear you needed to participate in arena at the highest level.

For instance, in Wrath, Cata, Mop, and WOD, I had 7-8 or more toons that had the best gear possible from capping conquest each week. Not only was it much quicker to cap, but the gear I got in the end was exactly what I needed.

But, ignoring the pvp side. The big time sync is trying to get essences on more then one alt and have time to farm a bit of Azerite. With how titanforging works as well, even keeping a main competitive takes more time. Whatever toon you put the most time into is going to be the highest gear simply because of timeplayed style mechanics. The more drops you get from RNG the higher chance one of them procs high. That was never a thing for the majority of wows life… now it is.

no one is requesting anything close to being… trivial. we just want the game back to how it’s been for the majority of the games life.

why does gear have to be the only thing that’s engaging? why should there always be better gear? Why can’t it be possible to get the best gear the game has? I hate that you can’t actually feel any sense of completion anymore. We all know you can’t ‘beat’ wow, but you can maybe… just for a small time, be the best you can be. Even in wow’s old days that was still very tough, but some players could manage. I hate the constant hamster wheel style of game play. constant running but you aren’t really going anywhere as you can never get the best of the best without ridiculous RNG and that’s only for ONE item potentially.

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do m+, get heroic geared in a week, profit.

again, it’s not the gear that’s the issue. it’s the having to grind out more and more sets of essences on multiple characters that people like myself raid with. with smaller raid groups like ours, i normally switch among 2-3 toons to fill needed roles. with the way it’s set up now, i’m too burnt out just gearing my main to the point i don’t even feel like raiding some nights- and i hate admitting this because i feel like i’m letting my fellow raiders down.

i would agree that the best pvp gear should come from pvp. i hate pvp and don’t do it, but have no issue with it being it’s own entirely worthwhile mode of progression. that being said…

endgame has -always- been a grind for pve. and it was worse for most of the game’s life. it’s gotten easier from late wrath on through legion, but now is NOTHING like how grueling endgame was in vanilla and cata. the stat jumps between content patches for vanilla endgame were obscene. you could not simply “level an alt” and gear them up to help your guild with AQ40 or OG Nax. you literally could not survive in blackwing lair unless you farmed molten core first. you coudln’t survive AQ unless you farmed blackwing lair. naxxramus was on a whole nother level. you didn’t level alts, guilds recruited extra players for their side bench to keep a roster ready for backup slots when someone on the main team couldn’t make it. it took months at a minimum to gear a new character up to a level to be viable in nax. few did it with multiple characters on one account.

You don’t need rank 3 and BiS essences outside of cutting edge progression and if your expecting to have 3 CE toons with low play time then again, there lies the issue. Rank 1 of every essence is basically a freebie and rank 2 is avaible after a week. The only real grind is rank 3 which shouldn’t be an alt-players goal unless it’s for CE.


M+ is boring as hell for a massive amount of players

pretty simple really, repeating the same old dungeons for the 1000x is just pure tedium and friction

why should the game design revolve around pushing a ton of players into an activity that they are completely burnt out on? Why shouldn’t there be other viable paths?

M+ is not brain dead. It takes keys, making groups, going to the locale, hoping the group hangs together, hoping the group makes a sufficient time, hoping you get the gear you actually need. It is a giant slot machine that costs 30-90 minutes of your time per run depending on your circumstances.

it’s an unbelievable slog really


exactly. last night a friend and I were looking todo our ‘10’ for the week and got into a +12 TD. Run was going fairly smooth with no wipes until the third boss and we wiped twice to some basic player errors. No biggy, but the tank left. 30 minutes wasted. We cue up for another run and it takes 35 minutes to clear. Smooth enough. In total it took us about 1:45 to complete. We usually run our own keys, but after 10-15 minutes in cue with no bites, we just looked for one.

Considering this is for one piece of gear potentially, it’s a pretty big time sink. More then half the pieces I have gotten from either the pvp chest or the M+ chest have been useless. Mostly repeat items or things I can’t use. :frowning:


Your alts dont need to be on the same power level as your main. There needs to be some type of progression in this game that rewards time and effort, since gear is no longer based on time and effort.

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Pretty much what this guy typed. We have the B or even C team developing BFA at the moment so we are getting some pretty low effort ideas right now.

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gear is based on time more now than at any point in the games existence.