The game rewards time played and effort. that’s all there is to it.
The game rewards time played and effort. that’s all there is to it.
You can get enough gear in this game to do anything you want within the same day of hitting 120, thats all there is to it. I am right, it takes no time at all to get geared to do anything you want in this game. Be stubborn all you want, I am not wrong. I have done it myself. Maybe youre not as skilled to be able to accomplish that.
Honestly gear is the last issue when it comes to alts. Especially with a group of friends you can bring an alt up to speed in not even a few weeks.
The problem is the Azerite system. This includes neck level and essence unlocks. Making essence and neck level account wide I guarantee would encourage a lot more people to hop on alts. Right now its far to time consuming farming out exalted reps and doing all the things you need to unlock specific essences. I have 0 interest in even attempting to get the new reputations to revered and having to do all the world quests on multiple characters.
The end of a season is probably the best time to consider leveling an alt considering raiding and M+ are dead at that point and the azerite catch up. But as mentioned before many players like myself have 0 interest in farming up rep and having to grind out neck essences multiple times. It is way to time consuming in its current state.
I think we need to do away with the term “mains”. In the games current state many people just have no interest anymore in grinding out the neck level required or the essences. There was a time you did not have to worry about that nonsense. In MoP I was able to keep 3 characters somewhat close to eachother in gear and on 2 of them I easily completed the cloak questline. I could have easily finished it on the 3rd but I stopped caring. Unless you have 10 hours to play everyday now and the patience to do the same boring quests multiple times good luck doing that.
you’re changing your argument. I never said you couldn’t get gear easily to start off. That hasn’t been the point of any of this. Be stubborn? About what? You made a blanket statement that the games doesn’t reward effort and time played. That’s it. Clearly that isn’t the case.
That is literally the first thing I said that you commented on to start all of this, I have never changed anything I have said. If you’re arguing against what I said in the first place, then you are arguing against saying that you couldn’t get gear easily to start off.
Out of curiosity, Mechlovin, what character are you doing Eternal Palace and Mythic dungeons on? Your chosen one hasn’t stepped foot in any of it this season.
Which leads me to believe you’re a troll.
takes forever actually
we used to be able to get complete tier sets and hit our BIS within a couple months. Now it is literally impossible to get a BIS before the next tier that makes our current gear garbage.
And gear is now only one part of endgame progression, as you also need the right azurite traits on your gear, the right neck level, the right essences unlocked from grinds, the essences grinded to rank 3+, massive quest chains to unlock necessities, pathfinder to have remotely efficient world anything from flying
I’d say we have the longest endgame grind that has ever existed in WoW by a long shot, including a much longer gear grind.
In a world with M+?
No, it’s faster than ever to gear an alt.
Look, if you want 3 characters that are geared to the teeth, that is going to take time. It’s not going to be quicker gearing subsequent toons after having done it once before. Gearing doesn’t get exponentially faster based on the number of alts you have, nor should it.
Gearing characters has gotten exponentially harder as the expansion has progressed, mostly due to essences.
Arguing about what an alt is, or dictating how others should play a game, is immature and innane. For the purposes of this thread, alts are defined as alternative characters for casual endgame content. If that’s not within your interests, move along. This thread isn’t for you.
You consider Essences to be the same as gear?
Alright. Lets examine gear.
There are 415 weapons, 430 weapons, and 445 weapons.
You expect your potential army of alts to all be running around with the highest grade of weapon, just because you got it on your main?
Rank 1 Essences are much like 415 weapons quick, easy, and very much accessible to all your alts. All that is needed is for you to go out and get them.
no one loves lvling alts
Gear is too easily gotten and makes it boring to gear up alts. The rep grind for essences feels really bad to me and should be account bound or the rep should get buffed if you’ve already hit say honored,revered or exalted you should get a bonus to whatever your highest rep is.
Yes. It’s something equipped by your character to enhance stats and performance. Arguing over its definition is a straw man, and innane.
Not enough for what I’m requesting for several classes. You need two our higher.
Again, being erestic over definitions and - like several in this thread - ignoring the clarifications of meaning and intent in my original post. You’re reading to respond, not to understand and process.
It is not for you, or me, to dictate what others do to enjoy this game. I’m advocating for easier access for multiple characters to dedicated, casual, endgame content.
Want to know something funny? I, personally, have zero intention of getting another character to this level of performance. Baihuai can do all the roles, and I’m admittedly lazy when it comes to investing more than base content time in other characters. Don’t rage and call me a troll. Read the next line.
I made this post for several 10s of PvErs I’ve had this conversation with since 8.2 launched. Most were one-off M+ run strangers or pug raids. A handful are people I know.
So when I say “Consider, Blizzard, designing the game to give easier access to end game for two or three characters within a healthy time frame”, the hyperbolic, negative response of someone reading only what they want and inserting their own narrative is amusing. The first 15 times. Now I’m bored with it.
^ someone that “gets it”.
I started playing ESO a while back. Still havent mastered professions by a long shot, but was absolutely amazed when I was able to craft gear that was 6 levels above what my character was.
i could literally make gear and enchant it that I couldnt even use yet.
by the time you can make something in WoW, its outdated.
Not to mention that anything you can find in a dungeon is pretty much always better anyway.
Other than alchemy for various potions, etc…and engineering for Goblin glider kits, professions are pretty much a waste of time, energy and gold in WoW.
Finally managed to finish Nazjatar and mechagon intro quests on my last alt yesterday. Back to the regular todo list …
You could make high level stuff back in the day. During Vanilla, you only needed to be level 35 to learn max crafting (rep and BoP plans were something else.)
Lots of folks would level a bank alt to 35 and make them tailors/enchanters.
I seem to recall sending herbs to alts during BC and WotLK and maxing out their grades before leveling much in those xpacs.
Now crafting seems to be gated by expulsum. It’s really hard to farm that up without actually getting out into the world.
Complete bullocks.
Having rank 1 essences on an alt is exactly like having a lower quality weapon than your main.
Your alt having a 415 is perfectly fine. It doesn’t need a 445 just because that is what you are packing on your main.
Alts have never had perfect parity with mains.
Everything is all right. It’s all going to be okay.
The trick I found to essences is to ignore their existence. Ever since I did that, my enjoyment of BFA greatly increased.
I dont gear, essence or neck grind anything on alts or main. I gear 1 character at 120, the rest get whatever drops and low effort upgrades. In 3 months everything is replaced.