You still speak of multiple mains.
When you want an “alt” to be as geared, as progressed, hell basically on equal footing as your main…then that is no longer an alt.
And I don’t think anyone is really being dismissive. It’s just simple logic. In every expansion, some work has had to be done in order to have multiple mains. Essences are also a lot easier and quicker to acquire than previous expansion things. Or would you prefer to go back to the WoD ring model or MoP cloak model where you had to run raids for weeks on end, only to run the raid for more weeks on end. Adding in dungeons along the way. Oh, lets not also forget you needed to grind Black Prince rep for the cloak.
I understand wanting alts to be viable. But there is a big grey area between “viable alt” and “on equal footing as my main”. One is an alt. The other is a second main. Most of the power in essences is from rank 1 and 2. Which those ranks honestly aren’t bad to get.
If you are wanting rank 3 on everything, or heaven forbid rank 4, along with that “alt” doing every single thing your main does. I’m sorry but that is no longer an alt. And as such, appropriate work getting it to that point should be required.
That said, earlier in the thread I openly said it’d be nice if the MoP Commendation system came back, thus alleviating some of the grind associated with reps.
I’ll even add to that, perhaps once you get the rank 3 raid essence, future characters on the account get double Aqueous Reliquary or something. Again, to alleviate some of the grind. Do the same for the PvP ones. Still require some work, but yield more drops to go towards rank 2 and 3. The Battleground one requiring Honor, add a modifier to make Honor gains count as double towards the essence. Oscillators and stuff from Mech? Give those a blueprint, make it cost like 5 Energy Cells and a couple Crates. Something, you know? Again, to make it easier to get those essences but still require some effort from those characters.
I don’t mind them easing the reigns a bit to make it easier for alts/multiple mains, but I do not think it should be account wide.