I am pretty sure you replied to the wrong person.
I don’t have a problem with alts - I have 15 120s. I certainly am not ‘too scared’ to play them.
I am pretty sure you replied to the wrong person.
I don’t have a problem with alts - I have 15 120s. I certainly am not ‘too scared’ to play them.
i too have 50 characters spread across several servers- 13 at max level, and 6 were over 400 before this patch.
i normally “dual” or “triple” main toons instead of just playing one for our raid group, depending on what’s needed. with the introduction of these essences, i barely even look at my alts now; i’m so burnt out on trying to do everything with my #1 that it makes me sick to even play the others for more than 10 minutes or so.
BFA is hurting the game for all players not just alt lovers.
Oh. Didn’t know that. Thank you.
Sorry my bad. I think I was shaking my head so hard over him saying MoP was more alt friendly that I miss-clicked the wrong reply. I guess I am the only one who remembers trying to farm for my cloak mid xpac which was a baseline requirement to get into a raid.
Edit: Plus the stupid farmer title being character specific made me re-farm it on my farmer themed mage
i got about 5-6 toons with the legendary cloak- the roughest part of alliance was the damn BG wins.
now that farming crap, on the other hand…
OMG I forgot about the battle ground win. I suddenly remember the forum drama over that.
I think its more of the idea that we will never feel as if we can play them because there is a feeling that we can never catch them up or if we do work on catching them up we are letting our main sit and not continue growing with the AP grind.
I don’t even care about being “competitive.” It’s just that when I start a new character and then think about all the necessary grinding, I’m all like “eff that delete”
I have always had a ton of alts. In fact when I started playing it took me nearly 9 months to get 1 guy to 60 because I would spend time playing different class and race combinations for the hell of it.
All that time though it never dawned on me to try and make my alts as well geared as my mains.
I guess I just have a different style of ply.
But with AP catch up it gets progressively easier to raise your main and alt’s necks. The difference between someone who farms themselves near to death grinding AP vs. people who don’t even care about neck level is only going to end up being a few inconsequential levels. At the end of last season my neck was 46 because I was focusing on alts. Do you think someone with a 50 neck was that much better off? Especially then in S3 I got to 50 in like 2 days of playing.
I’ll never unlock flying in BFA and without flying it makes leveling alts impossible. So yes.
AP sub 55 just isn’t that big a deal. If you where 50 at patch it did not take that much to reach 50 by now. Every single week its nerfed by 30%. If boa azurite chunks where in game I suspect people would buy them on alts and send then to their main. The exact opposite of what you think.
You can get rank 1 and 2 basically for free and don’t need 3 unless your pushing content. Altoholics shouldn’t be concerned with 3’s. Other than that you can get geared within maybe a week and that’s from a fresh 120 no gear.
Not it doesn’t, as an alt lover I can assure you BFA has not killed the game for me.
hilariously that dude doesn’t realize alts don’t NEED tf pieces. or to be BiS or anything else a main is. thanks for being the voice of reason i a really silly thread. i’ll give you more likes in here i’m sure. <3
AP is fine. Gear is fine.
Essences are pretty much 100% of the problem, and even with that you can break it down into essences gated behind grinds vs essences gated behind m+/raiding.
The need to grind on alts needs to be alleviated. There is plenty of precedent in the Magni questline to raise the HoA by 15 levels per shot, in account wide things that already exist, in Pathfinder being account wide, etc.
Nobody here thinks each alt should have to earn flying individually… do they?
I’m not even worried about gearing so much, just hate that I did more than enough content to have flying, but I spread out my rep and don’t have it.
What’s hilarious about it?
Looks like we all have a very different idea of what an alt is or can be, and honestly, it’s like a lot of people here want to impose their idea on everyone else.
One side looks at alts as a toon thats potentially equally competitive as a main, but likely has less time played. The alt likely is still a bit behind in gear, but still can participate in the same content. It’s… an ALTernative option.
The other side looks at alts as a lowered geared toon that isn’t for min/maxing and doesn’t need as much gear as a main.
I personally don’t get this logic at all. An alt should be able todo the same content as your main. If the content you enjoy is mythic raiding, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to reasonably have an alt that can also participate in mythic raiding. Since I started playing, I have always had 2-3 ‘alts’ or more that could do the same content as my main AND be competitive. I have been able to since wrath with a reasonable amount of time.
Legendary items in mop and wod definitely made this slightly harder, but it was only one item that needed to be worked on and it primarily was earned through end game content, not fish goblin rep. Not ideal, but wasn’t game breaking. It also didn’t affect instance pvp.
The frustrating part here though is the players being dismissive of other players thoughts on this. If you don’t think an alt should be a geared, functional toon, then this doesn’t affect you in the same way it’s never affected you. For players who are more competitive though, and enjoy that aspect of the game, this expansion has become more frustrating.
Even for my main, I feel incredibly limited with how Azerite armor works. How essences work. All of it. The amount of time I need to keep just one toon relative is a lot. It’s substantially more than I have ever had todo in the past. In MOP and WOD I somehow managed to have 20+ max level toons, 8+ geared toons and still had time for arena and farming mounts or whatever else I wanted todo.
I think a lot do, suprisingly. People for some reason think alts shouldn’t be geared, shouldn’t have titanforge, shouldn’t be relevant. I don’t get it.
Define geared. Every friend of mine who is returning or plays casually can’t keep up. Is geared 410 ilvl? Is geared just being in full purples? what is geared to you?
It’s cumulative time… it starts to add up a lot. It was a mechanic that didn’t exist prior to legion. Even if you have to ‘only’ farm AP an hour a week to keep a toon relevant, at some point it still creates a limiting factor in terms of how many toons you can keep up to pace.
My main’s neck is 59 and my alts are at 50-51. I have basically 2 alts right now and one has 3 essences unlocked while the other had only 1. The quest chain to even open up the first ones takes a decently long amount of time.
The annoyance in all of this is everything is requiring more time. In another thread a week back there was some frustration relative to how Azerite gear works for off specs. It’s expensive to change gear. So what was the response of some players? Just farm more azerite gear…
That’s the issue now. Everything is requiring a lot more time. Every aspect of the game. It’s all adding up.