BFA kills the game for alt lovers

You alts won’t need anything more than level 2 of any essence for most game activities. People were doing high levels of mythic+, rated PvP and mythic raids on their mains with out having the best essences. I think your alts will some how manage to muddle along just fine.


Now you are changing the goal post in addition to all your previous strawmen. Doing what you claim is not time consuming and not hard. You were talking about raiding on split raids with multiple toons as if that is how we should judge gearing alts in BfA. Also maybe read the OP.

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I think you’re mixing me with someone else I didn’t say anything about splits

what you on man? you seriously just want to argue.

Doing an alt raid to get gear was typically a 2-4 hour affair one night a week. Once you were 1-2 months into a raid tier, that was sufficient for gearing out alts. Time spent was substantially less. Your ONLY concern was gear and a raid would provide that.

This makes 0 sense.

Titanforging doesn’t matter for alts? So and ilvl doesn’t matter?

MOP and WOD both had catch up mechanics for PVP. It was also more reasonable to run alts through raids because the best possible gear was centralized. While they did have some legendary pieces, the required items were from raiding. So you were likely already doing content you were wanting todo in the first place. As opposed to grinding rep.

It’s not a couple minutes. It’s all relative I realize, but tell a returning player they have to grind out X amount of Azerite before their play experience is good. A lot of friends who have wanted to return the game but the uphill climb is turning them off.

Also, even if it was just a few minutes… it’s a few minutes here, then there, then over there. Were it JUST azerite, then fine… but it’s not. It’s a lot of stuff that has little or nothing todo with the end game content.

It’s not BIS or min maxing, it’s gear that literally doesn’t work. Some specs are 100% tired to their talents. Not having them dramatically changes their performance.

I’m voicing the same opinion of tons of players who are having issues. You are just some company shill who wants to argue. Sick of players being dismissive of others players experience with the game.

It’s an issue because there isn’t a reasonable path to take now. What do you not get? What is your problem? Honestly. There is so many players and streamers saying the same thing, and you actually want to argue about it?

RNG has gone overboard. Especially for PVP. It’s frustrating to put in hours and weeks of playing and get the wrong piece over and over again. It’s not fun. There have been vendors since BC. Why remove them now? Was there something so terrible about it? Clearly you would think so.

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My alt is more geared/progressed than some people’s mains… is that unfriendly?

Legion had the artifacts that killed alts. (Before it was fixed)

Wod had stuff locked behind levels of the garrison thay killed alts.

Mop had rep gated stuff at the start that killed alts.

Almost every xpac has had at least somthing alt unfriendly.

Doesn’t sound like you are playing BfA and seems like you have short term memory. You do realize in Legion you had to “grind” AP for alts too right? Or did you forget that. SAME exact whining and crying like your post and now you act like this is a new thing?

Also? You seriously must be trolling if you think it takes time to get gear for your alts. It has NEVER been so easy. Please name 1 other expansion that gave you free heroic raiding ilvl at current tier(s) for doing almost nothing? I have never gotten an alt so high an ilvl before. Normally I would just do LFR to get that ilvl but now this heroic ilvl gear makes lfr pointless on alts. Add in timewalking, 400 ilvl Warfront (last tier) and WQs along with the easy to upgrade Bethlic gear and you are at 400 ilvl asap.

Can go from 350 or whatever you finish leveling at 120 and get to 400 in a week or 2. But yeah. Soooo much grind. You don’t even need to upgrade your Bethlic to 425. Getting it to just 400 takes no time.

I have seen this in several posts now. What does it mean in WoW context? Outside of a BG or an Arena, I wasn’t aware their was a competition.

1-2 raids per week. ‘the alt run.’


So you are comparing 3 weeks into a raid tier to your alts being carried months into a tier? Also go spend 4 hours farming AP and see how high your fresh 120 is.

Your alts not only do not need TF, but if they get a TF piece that only helps them. Which makes a complaint about TF being “alt unfriendly” completely wrong.

Lol you do realize that people were even kicked out of LFR for having PvP gear in those xpacs? Especially MoP. Also you may want to revisit the cloak and ring quests before trying to use those xpacs as a good example.

Yes you can target azurite quests an knock of a bunch of them in a few minutes. With base level of 35 and weekly ramping catch up getting your neck up is actually really easy.

But you said “earn BiS”. Also you can again target those pieces of specific boss drops…JUST LIKE OLD TIER SETS. You remember those sets that could completely make or break a spec prior to BfA?

No people wanting to max multiple characters w/o doing anything outside of having their friends gear them up. People are dismissive because your complaints are factual incorrect. Like I said go catch up your cloak or ring in MoP and WoD.

My problem is your factually incorrect info. How are you getting the wrong piece in PvP when there is a structured upgrade path for PvP players that rewards predetermined pieces? Also since PvP are functionally the same as PvE pieces you can now target specific slots with BoA tokens.


How is BFA any different than MoP (Cloak), WoD (Ring), Legion (Artifacts/Legendaries) ? Expansion items/abilities of power have never been alt friendly and/or account wide. This patch has been out for 4 weeks and you sound like you want catch up mechanics already. Just no.


Yes and now you can still go do “alt runs”. You can mail resources to alts to have them do the mission boards for tons of azurite. You can get rank 1 and 2 essences with minimal work. With AP ramp up even alts will have their necks in the 60’s with minimal work. This xpac is insanely alt friendly.


I think they are trying to top the dps meters ? Mythics have world firsts so what else can they be talking about. Server firsts ?

People are raising the flag now because we are already aware of the constraints and the effort our mains required. 4 hours farming AP? You’ll burn through the AP quests on the map way before that. Grinding Islands? zzz… yea okay.

Again, makes no sense. Saying alts don’t need titanforged gear is one of the dumber things I have read in awhile. How can you be anymore wrong?

I’m talking about PVP gear for PVP. Not pvp gear for raiding… That’s why I split the response up.

Revisit what? They weren’t ideal, but at least doing them was focused on raiding as opposed to grind fish goblin rep.

it’s still causes a completely unnecessary effort for all your alts. It’s a limiting factor. Simple as that.

lol. holy hell man. target them? lol. you realize how much residuum you have to earn for the vendored pieces?

there is nothing incorrect with anything I have said.

your problem is your just hear to argue. that’s it. you have your opinion and that’s that. you want to make the players here having an issue the enemy. You can simply acknowledge the issue and respectfully disagree and walk away. you are here to argue. that’s it.

how are you getting the wrong piece of gear? see, you don’t even get the problem. why are you posting here?

The majority of the gear you get in PVP isn’t on some path… it’s RNG from the chest or RNG from doing games. That’s it.

This doesn’t often work out in practise though. My friend who heroic raids and does mythic plus 10s or higher every week on his main has an alt that he barely plays outgearing him because it has been extremely lucky with titanforging.

Up to this patch my second druid which was my gathering character was higher ilvl than my main druid again because lucky with titanforging. My main or most played character in fact up to this patch was my 3rd highest ilvl because it just wasn’t very lucky.

What you are saying is actually the exact opposite of what people complain about titanforging in that it very often rewards not much played time.

Here is why BfA is insanely Alt friendly.

  1. Account wide flying.
  2. BoA war resources.
  3. Insanely easy to obtain catch up gear.
  4. Easy to obtain PvP weapon first week.
  5. Weekly ramp up AP.

You can get a brand new level 120 geared for heroic level raiding in 2 weeks. That people are calling this “alt unfriendly” is ludicrous.

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I didn’t know until this very moment that essences weren’t account wide. Ugh… That stinks

I am flat out saying your expectations of alts or what was required to keep them equal to your main in previous xpacs is flat out incorrect. You even admit the previous versions of the neck (cloak and ring) were “less then ideal”, but then brush it off. You also keep ignoring set pieces that made or break specs some which required sets from previous raids. Also if I am arguing then what are you doing? Alts are in a very good spot for quite a few of us.


Not to mention, the WQ rewards scaling is a lot smarter than the Legion version. I got two alts to 120 this last week, and by feeding them the 370 weapon and a few benthics, was able to start getting 385+ blue gear.


I think the issue here are people who only want to sit in raids, get fed gear from their guilds, and never leave them. I mean I remember trying to catch up my MoP cloak on some alts. It was not a fun experience. Grinding out old raids for drops over months… Yeah hitting the mission board on my phone and collecting 2k AP when I get home is so much more unfriendly…