Bfa is at 8.2. How do we feel about surv hunter

As soon as they removed Flanking Strike and made Wildfire Bomb a big part of its rotation, I lost 100% of my intrigue in it.

When’s the last time you saw a Night Elf or Troll Hunter throw an explosive shrapnel/steel grenade at someone?

Literally never.

All they did was incorporate all abilities of the stupid Iron Horde Hunters from WoD into a spec, and it really sucks.
It’s literally the opposite of what a Hunter should be and do, and especially a melee one at that.

'Cause, you know, a Night Elf Hunter I’m sure would just love to burn down forests with grenades and go against their entire culture.

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I love it, and have mained sv since it came out. It could use some improvements [don’t they all], but I have a hard time playing the other specs now. I chuckle a bit about it now, as when they first announced they were turning it melee, I didn’t have the best reaction…now I can’t imagine playing anything else.


Didn’t the devs state they weren’t happy they had to give druids a fourth spec? Or something along those lines?

It seems like such a stretch…and again resources…

It’s really amazing to me people want RSV back. Especially when, in my opinion, you can play MM very close to the old RSV playstyle, even more so with essences.

it was surprisingly worth the read imo.

I’m sure it is. Considering the numerous times you’ve said how much you hated that spec.

You have your opinion, you feel like the stuff you can get through MM makes for a playstyle similar to that of old SV.

Considering there isn’t really anything you can do to remove the baseline stuff from MM. Such as Aimed Shot, Rapid Fire, I wont agree with you on that.

You can get Serpent Sting.
The Explosive Shot MM has access to is still horrible.
Sure, better than in Legion. But still nothing I would ever pick when comparing it to the original version and how that, combined with Black Arrow and Serpent Sting, not to mention any passive effects that built on this playstyle.

None of the other talents really speaks to the old SV. Part from L&L. Although that one has been stripped down as well. And it does not interact with Explosive Shot anyway.

I made this character back in Wrath, and played until the MoP pre-patch (left the game, came back for the start of BfA).

I was a survival hunter. I -loved- the spec. Imagine my surprise when I logged in after 5 years or so to see a polearm in the mail and my spec completely destroyed. I had quite the sad.

So, now I’m Beastmastery and I rather enjoy it. I would give anything to have my old survival spec back, though.


You and many others!


I’d be all for Outlaw being a dual wielding pistol ranged spec.


That would actually be AWESOME.

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I could see them deleting melee Survival altogether, simply because the devs like making a mess out of things in this game, like effectively deleting an entire class spec’s worth of Artifact transmog appearances.

I’d rather the devs go the fourth spec route, or otherwise figure out some way to allow the spec to be melee or ranged through talents or by allowing the spec to equip ranged weapons in the off-hand slot or something.

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I like it - I mean my survival hunter (yes I level different characters for different specs sometimes… don’t ask, I have a problem) is still pretty low level, 35, I’m having soooo much fun.

I haven’t tried Marks, I think that’ll be the one I combine on this character low. I like levelling and find it kind of relaxing to learn new specs and making a new character that fits that spec aesthetically (again, I have a problem).

Beast Mastery is freaking amazing, though that’ll always be the main spec on this character.

I am rambling.

would prefer if they go back to range dot class.

melee feels off. And I want to play melee have plenty of other better classes to choose from.


Give me a dual wield option. I like 2h but I want the option to be dual


NO ONE asked for Survival to become a melee Hunter, the devs made that decision all on their own. The game is FULL of melee it is OVERCROWDED with it, there were 3 total specs of physical ranged dps in the game all in the Hunter Class…now there are 2 with what 25 or 30 melee specs in the game…or more?

But we are where we are so i hope those playing it like it.


From Gamescon 2017 and Lead Developer Ion Hazzikostas:

Q: In general, how do you feel about the balance of the classes right now? Warcraftlogs says Survival Hunters are the least represented spec right now, and are there any concerns about some classes or specs?
A: Representation doesn’t necessarily matter as much, I think. We knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. I think that a lot of existing hunters, they are all hunters because they want to be a range class, and so we don’t necessarily expect them or want them to feel like they should be changing; but for new players picking up that class, it is an intriguing option; and we have seen a lot of Survival Hunters doing extremely well at very high levels of play. So the fact that they are not playing as often, I don’t think reflects upon their potential so much as it just does where the audience is at right now. That’s not much of a problem.

But apparently it did matter because they did a second fairly dramatic rework of the specialization for BFA trying to make it more acceptable to the players they discounted when they made the change only to see a marginal increase in representation.

Per his own words they knew that they were making a specialization that didn’t appeal to players who actually chose the most popular Class in the game because it offered the only mobile, ranged, physical damage play styles thus in essence feeling like melee in terms of rotations but with the benefit of being able to see more than the bosses ankles and buttocks.

So they deliberately chose to remove 1 of only 3 options of a unique play style, theme, and aesthetic in order to add a 13th version of a melee DPS and 19th version of melee fantasy in general. Which would be like Coca Cola removing Diet Coke in order to make Diet Cherry Root Beer because “some people” might like that, regardless of whether or not “more people” preferred regular Diet Coke.

This is further compounded by the fact that they then took the remaining 2 Hunter specializations and over-specialized them to polar opposites removing much of the class similarities.

Beast Mastery lost most of it’s ranged attacks, and in particular nicer looking attacks and hard hitting attacks in order to become what amounts to a pet buff bot.

Marksmanship went to slower, less “bursty”, more “caster”, and more or less more immobile while also being more mechanically annoying.

Neither of which would be a problem if there was still a middle ground between all pet/little player damage and no pet/all player damage not fun to play.

I went from multiple Hunters and Hunter mains to zero ranged characters at all. And none of my all melee characters are Survival Hunters because, in my opinion, the older and more established melee specializations have better (and more concise) fantasies, play styles, and aesthetics/animations.


Well, cannot argue against you on this. There are never any guarantees here…

Although still, I have my doubts. Granted that they kinda went back on the first melee version we got in Legion and made it…what it is today. But for them to fully abandon that melee’ish approach to go back to ranged…
The thing is, as long as we keep the mindset that it has to be either-or. It will always upset someone, no matter the outcome.

There might not be a ton of players that love the new SV spec, but there are those that do so. So…

…yeah, this! :slight_smile:

#[Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion/Ranged Survival

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It’s my favorite hunter spec and likely one of my favorite specs for any toon. It has a lot of tools in its kit.

This is coming from someone with a warlock, DK, Rogue, Monk, and a DH. I enjoyed survival in Legion and am glad I chose to main it in BFA.

The lucid dreams ability for the necklace has really smoothed out the focus issue that kind-of plagued survival hunt, but once you get your haste above 20% base it feels better.

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I off spec it for giggles. The mobility and AoE are pretty solid, and the bit of control and bit of range options gives you some versatility. Overall, it is a fun, useful spec.

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So for those that are arguing back and forth using anecdotal data as evidence, why not actually source this “data”?
Do sources not exist anymore or is it just laziness because a person believes their memories of past events/data are a 1 for 1 comparison to the actual events/data?

I like the current iteration of Surv. It had a bad flow in Legion and they made it better in BFA. Still not perfect, I personally feels best when I speced into mongoose for the charges on your primary attack and primal for the charges on kill command. Bake those in and I would be cool. The grenades range cone is neat and I like how it works with cleave.

As I think about Aspect of the Hawk I do wonder if they couldn’t remove it and split the spec a bit. Make it a talent that lets you just use a ranged weapon for autos and Raptor strike could be Raptor shot? I personally like being a hunter with a big sword or spear on my back but there is only Raptor Strike and Wing Clip holding us to melee. Make it an option to go either way.