BFA dungeons not soloable due to mind control mechanics

Kings rest: Second boss slaps you in a coffin and that’s GG

Blizzard changed this for 9.1.5
I soloed king’s rest last night no problem.

Having done +16 Waycrest during bfa, I totes understand the mechanics. My problem is the sister that casts an uninterruptible mind control on my rogue, and resets the entire encounter. The bosses disappear while I just stand there unable to do anything.

You probably weren’t affected by this because you popped bladestorm that made you immune to mind control.

For the wood boss, you’re supposed to walk him into the fire, it gets rid of his buff.

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After he MCs you and despawns just jump in the water and go before he comes back.

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can u do in WOW game goodjob

BFA was just giving the option of get full loot, not make them soloable.

Yes, they are harder after level squish. I soloed them on at least one of my tanks (don’t remember which one…may have been blood DK) at the end of BFA. I’m still annoyed that all my alliance alts have the “Defeat Lord Stormsong” quest in their log that I can’t do. At the beginning of every new expac, I plow through old dungeons to clear out previous expac’s dungeon quests, and this is first time since MoP that I haven’t been able to do that.

They changed it so that when u do it solo, you no longer get Entombed

To be fair, I am able to rather easily solo most dungeons on M0 at ilvl 217 with only random korthia catchup gear. I’m not exactly one-shotting everything, but I can do the fights and don’t take a ton of damage (or enough that crimson vial + leeching poison is more than enough to keep me up)

The issue is that BFA dungeons were very phase event / mechanics heavy, and often had specific requirements for each role (I.e. healing the last boss in the snake temple) how is any non-hybrid class supposed to do that?

I havent even tried soloing the dungeons on my very geared monk tank (who is an alchemist, and I need my leatherworker rogue to farm the BOP mats)

Hey uh, I tried this, but the water ticks for like 2.5K damage. And then I die.

Just reset stormsong and run past and swim to last boss

Dude, you literally cannot. Have you tried this yourself? the water kills you in two ticks if you don’t kill the boss first.