Waycrest manor: not soloable because 3 witches MC you and then reset endlessly. Atal Dazar: technically soloable, but extremely difficult for melee classes Shrine of Storms: Not soloable due to mind control mechanics
I thought this patch was supposed to fix Legacy stuff :[
At the very least please just make tidal cores and expulson unbound so my alt can craft the Uldir transmog sets.
Not at 2 am when i have insomnia and want to grind to get to sleep.
This is not a gearing or skill issue. I can very easily solo dungeons like Motherlode and Siege of Boralus on mythic difficulty because they don’t involve mechanics that reset the entire encounter. It’s a mechanics problem.
Right, because an encounter being undoable is laziness, ok.
I think you vastly overestimate how many people are online and want to run old dungeons.
(but also thanks, keep bumping my thread)
True. Though I think it is a bit silly to only fix expansions that are 2+ old. By the mid to end patch of an expansion, usually at least the first tier of the one previous is easily soloable.
Plus, I’m not even trying to solo raids, it’s 5 man dungeons that drop tidal cores for the crafting.