So i was thinking about the future of story direction and was reading some older posts and a couple of newer ones like the state of Arathi, how does Blizzard move forward with the handling of factions and their heroes?
Please. Correct me if I’m wrong (I’m sure you will ). The canonical version of events mean that Alliance pretty much won it all right?
Alliance loses Teldrassil.
Horde loses Undercity.
Alliance wins Battle of Darkshore.
Alliance wins Battle of Stromgarde.
Horde gains Zandalari navy.
Alliance gains Kul’Tiras navy.
Horde loses Zandalari navy (not all but most of it).
Alliance sacks Dazar’alor and kills King Rastakhan.
Horde loses their High Overlord.
Horde loses their Warchief… again.
Alliance finishes war looking justified.
Horde finishes war looking like shameful morons.
And the Night Elves don’t get any justice.
Not to mention many Alliance heroes came off looking more powerful and capable like Anduin, Tyrande, Malfurion and of course Jaina. Where as the Horde only really had Sylvanas who wasn’t even really on the Horde’s side after all and used them more as pawns. The Horde’s heroes came off as placid and i know they were fighting a war they didn’t want but that just makes them even more pathetic to not band together to overthrow Sylvanas. The conflict ended with desertion of a Warchief, a Horde hero dead and the Alliance King standing in the middle of Orgrimmar.
My point is, how does Blizzard write back Horde pride and power? Do they even? Is the Bloodthirst that Horde are famous for now just gone? Maybe from this point forward the Alliance takes lead with the Horde as glorified “backup” from now on. A faction that now just advises and provides troops to the Alliance.
I also had a thought that maybe Blizzard are going to go the lazy route and write Horde characters powerful and capable again, attributes that were missing during BFA but are now suddenly back which would beg the question, Where were these guys when the Horde needed them? Many died in this war and many from the Horde didn’t want to fight it, and they didn’t do a damn thing because they were so scared of Sylvanas, pathetic.
I very curious to what direction Blizzard is going to take but it just seems like they’ve written themselves into a bit of a hole with this expansion. I just hope they don’t flip it half way through and the Alliance become the baddies, oh god i can imagine the forums being ablaze for that.
Just to add between this two, you forgot alliance lost its navy because of the deal your former warchief made with azshara.
This i agree however i believe im not curious on the same way you are, i also believe this events will taint the next expansion on a negative light my expectations are… low to say the least.
You aren’t wrong, OP. Even if the Alliance didn’t technically “win” everything (and they will come soon and tell you why none of their wins counted) the Horde most certainly lost everything.
Yeah, true. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if in Shadowlands we meet Arthas where he has much to say and interact with the Alliance, Bolvar, Jaina, Taelia even, but to a Forsaken player he’ll be like “Hello Undead, I have need for a champion for an urgent quest.”
Another Legion expansion, or worse it being the status quo, is what the Horde dreads the most. Let’s hope that isn’t what’s going to happen, though it kind of looks that way. What with Uther, Cenarius, and Tyrande representing Alliance while Horde gets … Draka, who? Oh right Thrall’s mom … okay. At least we technically get Kael, and hopefully he is finally getting redeemed YEEEEES! The “gameplay” trailer showing 0 Horde players is very uncomfortable in that regard. Looking like another Legion expansion with barely anything Horde so far.
To be fair, it feels like as many Horde posters will come to point out that the Alliance didn’t win the war and it just ended in an armistice because Sylvanas left.
BfA has left massive permanent damage in the wow lore and no matter what they do, they can’t fix it anymore.
I mean not that they will try to fix it, they will just keep throwing random events at us that don’t make any sense at all like they did in BfA to satisfy those people that only follow the lore through cinematics, then forget about it to throw out more random things.
Alliance permanently zone and a city
Horde temporarily loses a third of a zone and a city
Alliance loses Ashenvale
Alliance wins Stromgarde. Let 'em.
Alliance loses Kul’tiran Navy to Naga a patch later.
Alliance helps Horde put a sympathizer on the throne, securing their loyalty
Horde loses their High Overlord
Horde exposes a traitor before she does too much to the Horde but after she does extreme damage to the Alliance. Total win.
Alliance finishes war looking like the pathetic wimps they are on the knife’s edge from total destruction.
Horde finishes the war managing to bring the Alliance to its knees in an aggressive and bloodthirsty campaign and then scapegoat the blame onto a traitor
And the Night Elves don’t get any justice
Actually his first mistake was assuming the writers in charge of the lore have any ounce of professional ethics -this mess is the result of people self inserting themselves to death into the story of this game-.
On the other hand there seems to be what I can only assume as being some poor intern they have working on the Goblin content of BfA … and they did a pretty darned good job IMO. Creative, fun, but always maintained respect for the racial fantasy the whole way through.
Between getting Gazlowe as my new Trade Prince, while also ensuring Gallywix is alive and kicking. From getting to get some old lost faces back like Ricket, Mida, and Sassy, to getting some new faces like the Blastcap sisters (I want more of these two). All of the content involving the Gob Squad was pleasant as always, all of the content with Gallywix was a riot (if frustrating at times). Grapplehammer was well done for what he got, and even the Kelfin were oddly unique enough to be somewhat interesting on paper (Sea Giants and Makrura friends man).
As bad as the Horde experience was in BfA, as a Gob fan I feel spoiled rotten.
The Horde of Cairne, Vol’jin, and Thrall (pre-Go’el) was a Horde that chose to be honorable, but would not hesitate to commit acts of violence if necessary for the good of the Horde. A Horde “council” which is really just a Baine-Warchief-In-All-But-Name is no Horde at all. All of the surviving characters have been drained of all individualism and become Anduin clones. Hopefully Talanji is expanded upon in a more interesting, unique direction in the upcoming novel. Right now the Horde needs real leadership, and the Council simply cannot provide it. Without it we are stuck with a narrative Red Alliance which just sucks from a story-telling perspective.
There is only one solution to this conundrum:
The Horde must permanently exile Baine and invite Sylvanas back into the Horde to once again take up the mantle of Warchief.
I can see that. Recalling your previous stances, it does seem you got many things from your wishlist. Gazlowe replacing Gallywix, and the Goblins heading down a different path, has been something you posted often.
Much of what I wanted to see in BfA was expressly the opposite of what occured. Including Gallywix being replaced. But, it happened. It seemed obvious that it would happen as Gazlowe was being propped up during the Mechagon business. To the point where he actually looks nicer and more competent than his Alliance counter part, Overspark!
The Goblins did have it pretty good. Gazlowe is not offensive. Just less fun and less interesting than Gallywix. So, I can look at the events concerning Goblins, and say:
“Eh. At least someone is liking it. And it isn’t disgusting.”
Which is probably the best I can say for most members of the Horde.
Thats a true statement though (alliance dident win), no one actually won the overall war. Both sides had a few ‘tactical victories’ but no one outright won the whole thing. Really it was a draw.
Honestly to me, the story stopped in legion. BfA has been so bad for everyone. The lack of tact the writers had with both sides (esp the horde) has actually been appalling. The ramifications BfA had will echo for many years to come.
As for story direction, were prolly going into a more alliance centered narrative focus in shadowlands so it will prolly be at least another expansion before the horde can feel any ‘pride’ or not be the side kick anymore.
As for the story direction they SHOULD take in SL they really realllllly need to build up the horde again from all angles, faction pride wise, character wise (seriously the horde overall has pretty boring characters now) and they prolly need to do something for the night elfs too.
As for if that will happen? Unsure and probably not. Who knows syl was said to be an ‘anti-hero’, but we’ll see they better have some really damn good reasons up their sleeve to justify this dumpster fire of an expansion.
If anything BfA left many people from all sides really dejected from the story and thats a big big yikes on blizzards part.
One side achieved all its war goals, and one side didnt. Wars arent won when you conquer land, if that was true, nobody won ww2, and I am pretty sure last time I checked, the allies won ww2