Betting on high elves

Mmm, yeah, about that……. You’re in for a treat in Midnight lol

In Midnight, all the Thalassians are going to be assimilated into Sin’dorei. It’s time to come home, my children.


They all are already Thalassians :+1:t3:

Ah you edited your post.

Sure, pal.

I’m glad you see it our way. Drink of the Sunwell’s power and be cleansed.

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Elves are tasty medium rare.

Night elves extra crispy are also good.


Elves are far too salty for me and they’re loaded with carbs. No amount of seasoning or condiments can make them tasty!

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I suspected playable Forest trolls in midnight when war within was revealed with the earthen, but now I suspect the harronir will be that neutral troll race.

Someone didnt play wc3~

I hope so !!

exactly, how many elve races do we need? some will never be satisfied until they make a new character that has a race called high elves (even though blood elves are basically high elves)


We don’t have playable Quel’dorei.

You do. They are just not EXACTLY how you want them to be.



Quel’dorei aren’t playable.

They are on both factions. Belfs are helfs and velfs were given enough customization options to look like helfs. Your demands are unreasonable.

But let’s say they make em playable. What next? Cause there’s going to be a next demand with you people. Silvermoon given to you? Belfs too belf, have them redesigned for you guys to feel unique? Or maybe just deleted?


Those aren’t Quel’dorei.

Quel’dorei are untainted and never left the Alliance.

They did though. All Quel’dorei left the Alliance after the 2nd war.

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They did though. All Quel’dorei left the Alliance after the 2nd war.

Except that they didn’t… see: all current Alliance high elf characters such as Vereesa and Alleria.

They did. Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the 2nd war and the elves did not rejoin until after Arthas destroyed Quel’thalas and they had renamed themselves to blood elves.

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