Betting on high elves

Do you know how to make them disappear forever? Give the people what they ask for. The rabble-rousing will cease, and the naysayers will simply move on with their lives, nary more a soft complaint upon their lips.

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Nope, not engaging.
Ive seen your behaviour on the other thread.


Trepidation is a natural response to uncertainty, but there is no reason to fear; I only illuminate the obscure and those which deliberately obfuscate.

That’s incredibly stupid and would be the biggest waste of a new race slot since mechagnomes, arguably worse than mechagnomes because they’d look literally identical to blue eyed regular skinned velves and blood elves. Thank GOD Blizzard won’t do this.

Yeah all five of them aren’t happy lol.


Problem is these people keep asking for more when you give them stuff. They wanted the belf model, they got it. Then they wanted to paint the belf model like belfs, they got that too. Now they want both again. What’s next? Demanding the belf city? Oh wait, that’s already happening.


You are being disingenuous for the sake of your argument. The only reason they request these compromises - and they are exactly that - is because some are, or were, under the impression that blizzard could not be swayed. Not only has blizzard proved flappable, they have also undermined their own arguments that denied the initial request, which held little water to begin with outside of precedent (i.e. blood elves were horde first and blizzard has never given one race to its opposite faction). So now people see the opportunity and they are capitalizing on it, and I cant really blame them given blizzards atrotious efforts to sidestep the issue entirely. It is also why I find contrarions so absurd; if your argument against high elves is to preserve the blood elves identity as a horde race, void elves have already invalidated it. So unless your issue is with void elves, there is no argument against high elves, and if it is, it becomes invalidated by the former’s very existence. If your argument is against elf bloat, adding a third dwarf race invalidates it. If you claim earthen arent the same, then the same argument applies to night elf/nightborne/high elf distinctions, which invalidates the accusation of elf bloat, since these are by tacit admission not the same elves. Basically, we wouldn’t be having this discourse at all had blizzard swallowed their pride and just gave the alliance high elves. Now we are trapped here until someone gives, and I for one put my money on the position that has thus far proven to be relentless.

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Compromises? Getting everything you asked for isn’t a compromise. Who’s being disingenuous here?

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Allow me to play the fool, just for a moment, since you are so keen on holding that title; please explain what compromises are in fact getting exactly what discontents wanted, particularly in light of your own admission that there were multiple requests fulfilled despite only one being necessary?

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Ask without trying to insult me and maybe I will.

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By all means, proceed.

Are being generalized as a monolith, as opposed to being treated as a group of individuals with wildly different preferences and ideas on when and where a compromise is deemed acceptable, or whether or not a compromise was ever acceptable at all.

I think it’s fair to say that making High Elves playable through Void Elves was seen as a valid compromise back in BFA, because the alternative was, “wasting,” an Allied Race slot, when many of the Alliance’s Allied Race slots were already being widely panned by the community at large (Dark Iron Dwarves being the only Alliance Allied Race to be considered a good addition by popular sentiment).

Problem is, that compromise was answered in installments. It started with skin tones. Then hair colors. Hairstyles are still problematic, and entropic embrace remains an uncontrollable and forceful immersion breaker. I’ve heard arguments that one shouldn’t notice it for any number of reasons, but the fact is people still do. I know I notice it quite frequently myself.

I don’t think anyone ever truly considered Blizzard would add a new race using the same model as an old race after BFA’s Allied Races were largely panned for doing just that. Then, we got the Earthen.

So, we’re at a point where players are revisiting the topic, because:

  1. Blizzard never completed the necessary additions for High Elves to be an immersive option for Alliance players through Void Elves.
  2. We see that re-using a model repeatedly is not something Blizzard is opposed to doing.
  3. We’ve got an expansion coming that’s all about, ‘uniting the elven tribes,’ and takes place in Quel’Thalas.

It’s kind of a perfect fecal storm for the High Elf debate to get dragged up again. Personally I don’t see harm in giving Entropic Embrace a toggle. It takes nothing away from people who want to play actual Void Elves, while giving the High Elf, Darkfallen, and soon to be Arathi RP’ers a vital tool for their immersion. By contrast, adding High Elves as their own independent race feels unnecessary when all Blizzard needs to do is finish what it started.

Even as someone who wants High Elves, adding them as a separate race at this point, to me, feels wasteful. However, there are other players whom feel that Void Elves have lost an ineffable uniqueness with these consistent additions.

Maybe the best solution is to just merge the Void/Blood Elves and let players pick their racial tooltip. Blood Elves could get access to the Void Elf hairstyles, jewelry, beards, etc… Void Elves gain little specifically for them, but I would hope to see new void options added for them. Maybe for the undead elves as well.


It’s already confirmed :dracthyr_nod:

… Blood Elves will still be playable in Midnight :slight_smile:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: So yes, High Elves in a sense will be playable.


Or maybe the best solution is to do nothing and put this nonsense to rest because I don’t believe this is ever gonna stop until you have effecriveley removed the belfs either from the Horde or from their position in the Lore as THE High Elves.

And you can swear to me right now on the holy cross or whatever that’s not true, I won’t buy it because it happened times before. You demand something, another compromise, you get it then, you demand a compromise to the compromise and justify it by saying that you didn’t ask for the initial compromise, someone else did, or that a certain amount of time has passed and you deem the compromise invalid or something like that. I’ve seen it done every time when a compromise was made by the same people usually. Hence the generalization.

This is why I am convinced the best solution is to do nothing.


Mixed. One is that it could possible never know since it’s Blizzard with Earthern or Two we won’t and just have Blood Elf and Void Elf Customization Options.

Well they are adding pointy ears to human customization

You’re right, OP. There are not nearly enough types of elves in the game. We need at least half a dozen more elf races, if not a full dozen.

100% chance they will be playable in Midnight, since Blizzard isn’t going to remove a race that has been playable since Burning Crusade.

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Those elves died or became wretched in Quel’lithien. With some exceptions, most of modern high elves today have been living outside of Quel’thalas for far longer. What happened during the Third War is the finalization of that long, gradual split

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The problem with this hypothetical, is that those humans are still humans. American white humans, can do British black humans. And they will just create a new, likely different colored human.

You’re making the mistake of trying to equivocate ActiveBlizzard’s murky race lore, with real life genetics and biology. This is complicated and reinforced further by the fact that humans can knock all three of em up just the same.

Cultural differences are irrelevant here, they are the same species. And as an aside, Forsaken are just undead reanimated humans. They aren’t suddenly a new breed of H. Erectus.

Magic might have begun seasoning High Elf DNA, to create entirely separate food groups, but for now they’re just different colored grapes.

There is about as much difference betweem them as the differences between humans who are mages, humans who are shadow priests, and humans who are warlocks. Still humans.

If ActiveBlizzard decided to make a third variation of the same species, ce la vie; not like it’s hurting anything. But this justification ain’t it.

They’re are all still High Elf, down to their code, regardless of whose set they throw.

Blizz kinda put themselves into a box, putting High Elf customization onto the other two variations.

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We are the Sin’dorei now. You will be assimilated.