Betting on high elves

You are aware we’re getting the Pandamonium event in 2 weeks as content, right?

Everything since High Elves are already playable.

Someone just showed me that the “harronir” are a thing today, and they are ugly and not what we wanted so I am now 100% sure Blizz will be giving those instead for the low, low price of a AAA game + monthly subscription.

A real fan of the High Elves would’ve accepted any compromises and wouldn’t be trolling.

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Reading is hard. But I’m sure you know 5 languages or something and I’m just some scrub who only knows two, whatever that meme is :+1:t5:

You’re quoting one of two sentences in my post. If you take both together and ruminate for a while you may be able to answer your own question.

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And eat some fel energy so their eyes turned green. And they joined the Horde. Original non fel tainted High elves are in the Alliance only, or independent.

And the Void elves added Void to their taint after already having fel energy due to being Blood elves before that. It is the non-tainted variant people keep asking about. Those with blue eyes and racial powers of their own.

This is like a pizzeria that keep adding some none wanted extra topping no matter what the customers ask for. Not everyone wants pineapple or sardines on their pizzas, but they keep getting mandatory pineapples or sardines anyway.

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High elves were part of the Alliance for like 3 years in their long 7000 year history. And they were only part of it reluctantly,

I don’t get where people think high elves have some strong connection to the Alliance. They do not. They were forced into it against their will and left as soon as they could.


From your keyboard to Blizzard’s team!

High Elves for the Alliance! :candle:


Well, this was my analysis anyway. Many people know little about Warcraft lore, me included.

Some years ago, when actual roleplaying was a thing, I visited an in-game wedding. That is a roleplayed wedding between roleplaying characters. I voiced some in character concern about the fact that a night elf was marrying a human due to the rather drastic lifespan differences. Even with immortality lost night elves will outlive humans many times over. And then it struck me that the players behind those characters didn’t get it. As a player I had no problem with this wedding, it was my character that had concerned.

I missed those days with actual roleplaying. I have some loose memory about a party in Sen’Jin village. It was fun.

It isn’t entirely wrong. Blood Elves are High Elves, just as Void Elves are Blood Elves are High Elves. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The part many people seem to want to be a little pedantic over, is that High Elves - Quel’dorei - do still exist! Not all of them renamed to Sin’dorei, not all of them remained in Quel’Thalas. We have High Elves in the Alliance in-lore; the Silver Covenant being the main faction, but there are also smaller holdouts such as the Quel’dorei of the Quel’Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands!

We just, currently, do not have actual named High Elves playable on Alliance. We have Void Elves, who were given a few High Elf customizations (although, still a small percentage of those available for Blood Elves, despite Void Elves… well. Being Blood Elves, originally, in-lore).

What people are wanting, are ‘proper’ High Elves - named as such, sharing Blood Elf customizations in full, having their own unique racials that do not turn them a flavor of grape, and having their own Heritage storyline and armor. Which, currently, the Alliance does not have, even though High Elves exist in the Alliance already in-lore.

Which, I do hope will finally happen in Midnight! It would be the perfect time, and would also help to provide Void Elves the space to truly lean more into the Void aspect of their lore - rather than having to be this strange mish-mash that only happened due to Blizzard’s original stubbornness in adding a race many were wanting, citing ‘population’ as the reason not to… only to then provide an even smaller population of Elves such as Void Elves. :face_with_spiral_eyes: I’m still struggling with that logic, admittedly.


I think Blizzard might just merge all the different elves under one umbrella, maybe let players pick their racial name at character creation.

Unless they intend to introduce a new model for High Elves, I don’t think adding them as a separate race at this point would be doing anyone any favors. They could use the Nozdormu/Alexstraza Visage Form models I suppose, but explaining why they’d suddenly look so different from the rest of their kind would need an explanation.


Eh… Blood Elf culture did change.

For starters, it became a meritocracy, whereas before bloodlines mattered. The Ranger-General was always a Windrunner, for example. Alleria had to abdicate the position, and Sylvanas was next in line for it and became Ranger-General after her mother died.

Another example is Astalor Bloodsworn’s apprentice. He dismisses her as being good for nothing other than basketweaving, and as he doesn’t associate with basket weavers, dismisses her. This harkens to another change in Sin’dorei culture, a shift where ambition is no longer unseemly (key point in Dar’khan Drathir’s story), but is considered a desirable quality.

Considering the High Elves of Quel’Thalas were always a highly isolationist people, the fact they allow the Horde to walk freely through their lands is also another massive cultural change for them.

That said, modern High Elves in the setting (as in, those with the Alliance), were not conforming to the culture of Quel’Thalas either. The old culture of the High Elves of Quel’Thalas is largely gone at this point.


You will never get playable high elves.
You will never get playable high elves.
You will never get playable high elves.
You will never get playable high elves.
You will never get playable high elves.

My suggested fix is to just note that the Bloodelf faction is now only a political/cultural movement, a subculture, though a strong one within the High Elven people. No one cares if anymore if someone refers to themself as a Quel’Dorei in Quel’Thalas thou it is unlikely that such a person would vote for the “Bloodelf Party”, well if they had parties and elections that is.

After this, all it takes is to let people choose their allegiance the same way as the Dracthyr and Pandarians do. Whatever someone has fel tainted eyes or not doesn’t say anything anymore due to people defecting to the other side, returning home, or being exiled from one place to another. It would then be possible to encounter a diehard fanatical blue eyed “Bloodelf” that never tasted the fel energies. The problem is with the Void Elves now existing. It would be better if this power infusion was seperated from the race. An excellent time to do that is in the upcoming expansions. Some Voidelves could regret their position and seek a way to cleanse themselves of the Void when others, non-elves are lured into joining. Existing Voidelf character would remain as such unless they undertake a cleansing quest. Do that and we could have Void Humans, Void Orcs and so on.

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All the developers also said night elves got their revenge.

There is a benefit to high elves

Void elves can truly become the void elves they were meant to be. Not a mix of weird half things intertwined that blizzard has a really hard time making work that makes no one really happy

void elves who want MORE void aren’t happy

high elf fans aren’t happy

blood elf fans always unhappy about something, but they are unhappy too about the whole thing

High elves can look modern and use a completely different moden than void elves (and blood elves).

Void elves can get far more void features

blood elves can be happy knowing their model isn’t further used


Well they’d have to remove Blood elves for High elves to not be playable in midnight. Since that’s not happening I’m going to predict that High (Blood) elves will still be playable by the time midnight rolls around.

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I wish all the high elf threads would get merged in to one.
Theres like 5 of them floating about, all with the same people making the same arguments.

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