Betting on high elves

There is nothing that a high elf can offer that a blood elf or a void elf cannot.
There is no customisation that can be given to a high elf that would not be at home on a blood or void elf.

A name tag and a racial is not enough to justify a new race.
So until someone works out how to make high elves different from blood elves, its just not going to happen.


They’re the same thing, get over it.


Yes we need another Blood Elf copy-paste race!

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I have scrolled past this " high elf" crap for months now and I think y’all are overlooking one major point: aren’t the high elves going to be gasping for air at the bottom of Vashj if they come back?
Drops microphone.

Blizzard, pls gather all the elves in Silvermoon and then drop a void nuke on the whole place. No survivors. End this once and for all.

don’t we already have high elves though with the nightborne?

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Those elves were Highborne, which predate the High Elves. The Highborne closest in association to Azshara became Naga, who can very much breathe underwater. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not quite; the Nightborne descend from the Highborne caste of Night Elves, albeit the population of Highborne that survived in Suramar and flourished.

I’m not going to bet on them giving us something we already have and calling it content. It’s like wagering on the apocalypse- if you win you still lose.


This “problem” could be immediately solved by letting the visual effect for entropic embrace be toggleable.

High elf thread number 183728183173.

They never give up.


The difference with these is an actual evolutionary change. Belves just changed their name.


They’ve been playable since 2007.


The split between High Elves and Blood Elves happened 20 years prior to the current year in WoW.

That is barely a generation in terms of cultural shift. Specially for a long lived species like the Thalassian elves. Furthermore, there hasnt been any biological difference between both groups.


So Forsaken are just Humans, I see… I see.


High elves have been playable since January 2007.


There are so many races in this game that either shouldn’t exist or should have just been alternative customization options to ones we already have.

Any fan of Elves want the Quel’dorei.



They’re Sin’dorei. Not Quel’dorei.

Way to show that you have 0 lore knowledge and didn’t even do the Blood Elf intro.

It’s sad how people like you have to lie.

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I want to be an untainted Quel’dorei that comes with their own Quel’dorei themed faction, mount, and heritage quest/armor.

So blood elves just magically appeared out of thin air after the 3rd war? No, they didn’t. They are high elves.