Believe what you want dude. I’m not conversing with anyone named pet who has in the past used terms like “alt right” bye
Not really because it’s too vague. Who defines “cool”?
Right now we have people in backwards flyover states who think it’s “cool” that women should lose their rights and even be subject to massive penalties (up to and including being executed) if they dare try and control their own body. The actual civilized world doesn’t see that as too cool.
You don’t let children make the rules. You set the rules and hold them to them.
So like, you’re suggesting Blizzard somehow incited people to act like toxic, intolerable d-bags in groups and on the forums and it should absolve any personal responsibility for acting like decent humans?
What im saying is this whole thing stinks of a pr stunt. Thats all. If they actually cared and didnt want us to share in their blame then they either would have done this years ago as a small reminder or didn’t do it all because we knew.
Name doesn’t matter. The same people would have been upset about signing something promising to follow the already in place rules and asking them not to be awful to other players no matter what it was called.
yup, just what I was about to say… ANY wording would have found a way to inflame someone for some damn reason. Who takes actual time out of their day to even ponder on it? lol
What do general “you” want for a title? "If you can’t play nice get off "---- oh, hell, lol - I can see where that would go if anyone has a sense of humour left?! How about, “children, if you can’t play nice you’re grounded.” ? Or, “Have fun, don’t shun!” /grin
ahh, nevermind
“Try to remember other people play this game to.”
(Personally I just can’t even imagine taking “maybe try not to be a jerk to other players” as some sort of egregious personal attack. Hard to wrap the noodle around that one.)
Yeah, don’t make this about yourself. You’re going way off into left field. The parameters of the contract are outlined, and the title is more about peoples impressions. So, changing the title to something which sets a better tone is a good thing.
“No one is going to read this either document”.
No a better name for the social contract is “Dont be a jerk contract”
This is quite simple just don’t be a jerk and you got nothing to worry about. I’m sorry you can no longer belittle someone or snap on them when they upset you. Maybe you need to have better control of your feelings.
The truth is this is been in the terms of service since the get-go only now blizzards making it more obvious and actually enforcing that much harder
How about stop being a douchenozzle or we will perma-ban your account for realz?
My thought process exactly and basically what I just said above
It’s funny how mad people get when they can no longer be a jerk to people.
Except I’m not?
You aren’t going to get thousands to hundreds of thousands of people to all agree on what is “cool”. What you can do is set a rule and make them agree to abide by said rule.
Then why the non-game related tangent that turned lecture? You could have simply said "You aren’t going to get people to all agree on what is “cool”.
That sort of thing doesn’t belong on these forums, and there are better ways to make a valid point.
Terms of Service/End User License Agreement like it was before lol. People weren’t all paranoid when it was called that still.
The Terms of Service, because everything in the social contract was already in the ToS.
Because it perfectly illustrates the point. People aren’t hiveminds and thus need to be controlled and told what to do instead of just expected to “be cool” because they always have the trump card of “this is cool in my world”.
Calling it a contract sets the expectation of what it is. These aren’t negotiables. They are terms. Now how thoroughly Blizzard enforces them remains to be seen (and precedent shows it’ll be a joke), but at least they can fall back on, if/when they go after violators, with the full understanding this wasn’t a suggestion or a request but an actual demand.