Better community

Alt hoping doesn’t help that. They’d just see who they put on ignore again. And a lot of those trolls alt hop. Sometimes purposely to get around ignores.

There is definitely need for change. This forum is a mess even before Sunday anymore.


And then they should be banned. Apathy helps nothing though.


so they are worried about people on here trolling even though they aren’t being targeted? are you serious? who cares if people troll if you aren’t involved? just report if it bothers you or put them on ignore again.

In my scenario i am referring to throwaway accounts. Where a bann is nothing to them.

I don’t know if they are being targeted and harassment or not doesn’t matter. After the t-virus issue, this forum needs a cleansing.

Paying for a new account just to post here would be quite rare. But also should be actioned. Since it is considered harassment to try to get around ignores.


You underestimate certain people. And the regular trolls stop if you just pay them no mind. At best they try to annoy you a couple of days and then stop bothering since they cant trigger a reaction.

Ofc they would be punished. However they wouldnt care what happens to a throwaway account.

This is a great idea, but it lacks specifics. Maybe you could explain better what you would like to see changed. Otherwise, there’s not a lot to discuss.

I concur! :+1:

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It shouldnt be the btag that you need ingame to add other people. People should be told to chose a separate Btag for the forums (which is then permanent)

I think both sides of the argument exaggerate and this thread like the what 3 or 4 last ones will turn into a dumpster fire


No, I don’t think I do. Staff posted about the spam issue before and said it’s only a few bad actors. The problem is that they can post on 110 alts now with Classic.

It’s not a frequent thing that people buy the game and pay a sub for an alt account to post here. They mostly just post on alts on the same account.

Why? Btags are the username for the forums and other social related things. That was the whole reason they were created.


From what you say here its rather an issue with lack of moderation than anything else. People that step out of line should get punished. Which they very rarely do. Across all forums of Blizzard.

Forum Moderation has been trash for a long while. Be it mods not reading context to flat out refusing to work with more than obvious posts that wont get deleted even after they flagged.

Because i dont want every hilliybilly be able to add me that easily just because i chose to post on the forums. And if the forum btag is permanent then its no issue at all to detect alt posters anyway.

  1. Warcraft Emojis

  2. A few Warcraft gifs for TL2 and TL3.

  3. Allow our character titles to show.

Make it happen.


yeah that flaming dumpser we need to fix that

It’s part of it. It’s also because the forum doesn’t work like many other forums out there so that people can post on individual characters. It also doesn’t work like the other Blizz forums. And is notoriously more of a mess.

Doesn’t happen. You have to accept their request for them to add you.

Mine is Soulebreaker#1628

I’ve posted that many times. And you can see that I’ve posted here very often over the years. I’ve only gotten a couple friend requests from this forum.


I mean it’s not like they can do anything with that information. Worst case scenario they add a friend request… put em on ignore.

The horror


Blizzard already said they are looking into making changes they just won’t tell us what they are or when they are coming. I do enjoy a good dumpster fire of a thread tho always entertaining.

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Fixed that as nobody can add you without your consent. Valid point I guess, but every other Blizzard forum already uses the battle-tags. Wow is the only holdout. I don’t think the apocalypse will be ushered in by WoW forums coming in line with all other Blizzard forums.


Account wide ignore would be glorious, but don’t just apply it in the forums make it work in game as well.

That stops the alt hopping stuff. I guess true delusional people could buy another account, but at least that would provide me some satisfaction knowing they spent more money.

All that said you’ll never full stop toxic forum posts. Not short of closing the forums.

People exist who thrive on getting a rise out of everyone they can. Then there’s the crowd that just doesn’t care about anyone or anything. Those types are not threatened or “scared” any discipline blizzard throws at them short of banning their game account so they can’t even play.

The real advice is convince the majority that it’s just a game and chill out.


The post is a little vague but it seems to have something to do with reducing toxic behavior which I can get behind.

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