Beta Key giveaways making people answer trivia feels like gatekeeping imo

seems excessive lets say youre a streamer and told give them to the people. you are not the people

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I am very cynical and I apologize for any hard feelings… sometimes. I don’t want my brash nature to grate too harshly against people but I will also not control more than is needed to not get in trouble with the forum staff.

Look, trivia is fine. Anything sensible they choose to do is fine, it’s fine that people do it. What I aggressively point talons at is the prospect of anyone who does do it for inhumane reasons as taking advantage or control over their fellow people just because they have a “treat” everyone wants and they can get their own little “high” out of it. This can’t be seen or known behind their intentions so my experiences with people will fill in for the lack of context and as you could guess, they have not been positive ones. And no that’s not stated for pity, keep that crap far away from me, I’m fine.

I just have a seething hatred at even the whiff of this “power-trip” behaviour being possible with anyone in particular and can fly off the handle. You’re statement of trivia not being the best way to go about it was interpreted as even a slight understanding to me. Whether this is true or not it’s enough for me to calm down and be more understanding.

I have a lot of guards up, that’s all. Everyone’s a ‘foe’ until they can level with me even just a bit, absolutely no agreement to anything I say is required, just some respect to my person and all the same will be returned. I have no issue with the practice at large.

Fellas, is it elitist to have a trivia contest with easily googleable answers?

“revenge”, for crying out loud get over yourself already…

This guy gets it.

I actually wonder how they monitor that. Timer perhaps. I mean it is a trivia.

Says the one defending the gate keeping tactics of a lore nerd who wants people to jump for a treat and is disdainful of those who don’t know the answers without Google? That’s exactly what this Maximum guy did in his stream…

Did you read the part where the guy giving the contest actually doesn’t give you very long to answer, said they would “know” if you googled it and kick those who did? lol

Pointing out that your “victimhood” status is not the same thing as defending something.

yea this is a gd moment lmao like obv this is so troll

if this ain’t a perfect example of what gd is 99% of the time then idk what is

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You pretty much are defending it.

At this point, shouldn’t everyone just go : “Vulpera rogue ? bait”. How many examples do we need ?

yo gatekeeping op, it has somehow transcended to beta keys

the trivia is cool to watch tho

its almost like its a contest

It has when the guy doing the trivia is very disdainful of those who cant answer it without google, and says he will kick you if he thinks you’re using it.

yea u right fo sho LMFAO

there’s just no point in interacting w/ these ppl

It’s almost like this isn’t a contest though. It’s a giveaway.

Can’t tell if you’re serious or not. And what do you mean “These people”?

ya know i feel like some how, some way, you’re causing more problems than the ppl who are doing the beta give aways

just a thought tho

Has reading comprehension fallen this that badly…