Beta is nerfed version of classic yes?

A few mobs aren’t hitting correct. But they are far and few between. Overall the numbers look right.

Haven’t noticed anything that felt out of place so far. I attacked a mob just a few minutes ago who resisted my spell, then proceeded to parry/dodge my next 4 auto attacks. It was a yellow, same level mob and my weapon skill is up to date. Sometimes you’re lucky with hits, sometimes you’re not.

That’s just how probability works.

People are butt hurt from not getting invites so the concept is lost on them at the moment.

Aggro range should be very wide. You could pull mobs way lower level then yourself back in the days. When it comes to dodge or parry, you had to had the stats on your gear and reach a certain type of % threshold to get your 100% dodge or parry. Only geared players or stats nerds in the days could pull it.

Rested XP was only given to players that had logged out in the inn otherwise it was a joke what was given to you at the time. eg: 100% logged out in the inn but 10 or 15% i think if logged out in the world. I remember getting something like 2 bubbles of xp for logging out in the world back then but 1 level and a half of rested xp if logged out for 24hrs in the inn. Yes it was base on real time not play time.

Some of the numbers here i am giving are on the top of my head but 1 thing is for sure is the fact that you had to rest in a inn when logging out otherwise you where missing on lots of xp bonus.

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If only the client had that kind of data. We’d all have access to it then.

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This depends on your definition of accurate in terms if privates.

Private servers got their info not from a 1.12 server, but various guides, videos and memories of playing the game - most of which wasn’t 1.12.

1.12 was the final patch meant to catch everyone up quickly before TBC. Dungeons nerfed, damage/regen rates retuned, etc.

Not to a great degree, but enough of a change that many who did play Vanilla for MOST of its life won’t remember what 1.12 actually felt like.

If only hooked on phonics had worked for you.

Here’s a question. If the players have too many hit points, it can also be perceived as stuff being nerfed. It may not just be mob damage. Do the hit points add up?

I’ve gone back and read the patch notes, all the way back to when I started played, right before ZG came out, and I don’t see any specific notes in the patches about tweaking regen rates and mob damage, etc. across the board. Just minor nerfs to certain dungeon bosses and some world npcs, but not a sweeping “everyone gets caught up!” nerf.

Vanilla wasn’t a single patch over a couple months. Many folks played over the course of the entire game, through various patches and thus, will have different memories.

Stuff changed in every patch and 1.12 was the cumulative of all of those. There weren’t sweeping changes, just changes throughout 1.1 to 1.12

At any point someone was playing the game they are more than likely to remember the game from the point fo reference through the patches they played.

At one point, fear never broke on damage. Then it did. Then that threshold changed. Then we got diminishing returns.

None of those came in a single patch.

That’s my point. Everyone remembers highlights. 1.12 is a cumulative of every change since the game’s launch and the majority of folks played at different times so they recall things differently. 1.12 was the final patch before TBC and folks knew it was coming - many folks kicked their feet up and just casually played or got alts up to 60 without paying much mind since none of it would matter in a few months anyhow. During the 1.12 time folks weren’t really creating new memories as they did throughout the life of the release.

There’s so many different moments across slices of the game that there’s no one moment where everything is locked, so memories skewed.

Also, let’s not forget hotfixes and ninja nerfs and buffs that never got a peep in any patch note or even forum post.

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Are they being attacked from behind? IIRC, you can’t be dazed if you’re facing a mob so if you strafe past it as you run, it’s only hitting your side, not your back (a tactic a lot of people have learned to do since vanilla) and thus you won’t be dazed but still run at full speed.

Blizzard has never put every change in their patch notes, and this was especially true in Vanilla.

Every patch, we’d all have to go exploring and testing things just to figure out what changed.

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Except you said, and I quote, “1.12 was the final patch meant to catch everyone up quickly before TBC. Dungeons nerfed, damage/regen rates retuned, etc.”

And then I countered with the fact that 1.12 and 1.12.1 patch notes show no damage/regen rates being retuned, and only minor changes/nerfs to specific dungeon bosses. Damage/regen rates wouldn’t have been a hotfix, nor a stealth nerf. They would have been added in a patch, with notes on it. Hotfixes were for unseen consequences of changes, or when someone finds a way to use something not intended by blizzard (Reck bombing Kazakk, Reckoning nerfed within 24 hours).

If you only comprehended my meaning.

Every single “this doesn’t seem to be correct, from the way I remember it” threads would be shut down if we all had the data.

If it was in the client, we would.

if only they had a 1.12 client from august 2006 designed 21 months after launch and 3 months before TBC with scuffed catchup mob difficulty they could pass off with other 2006 scuffed videos for authentic 2004 2005 launch vanilla difficulty and fool all the low iq bfa clowns that adult neck beards didnt exist in 2004 and couldnt possibly know how to use a keyboard or mouse therefore the damage in classic must be right.

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Well there are plenty of vanilla servers out there…more blizzlike then blizz these days too !!!

pservers are actually harder than beta.

And most thought pservers were fudged to be easier

And that would be me. Private servers at least based off of what we’ve seen were inaccurate as I said. However, it turns out they were way harder not easier. Jokes on me.

There used to be this manager that worked downstairs from our IT department where I did QA. He was in charge of retail sales for the product the company I worked for sold.

He had a very annoying habit of showing up to our cube area just after we got out of our daily scrum meetings. He would constantly try to get information about his particular app that we were developing and if testing was going good. He would pester us for a good 15 to 30 minutes keeping us from getting to testing. We had 5 teams and several projects to test each day and try to find bugs and report them to the developers so they could get fixed.

I tell you this story to tell you this. Do you want the game fixed or do you want them to stand in the cubicle with you drinking coffee shooting the breeze about YOUR particular want and keep them from doing the job they have limited time to do?

Report the bugs. KNow they are getting logged and being triaged every morning.

Everyone praised them for the blue posts that started flowing a few months ago. Now we see posts daily saying they are not communicative. I am sure we will learn more details as time goes on.

TLDR: Report the bugs you see and experience if you are in the beta. If you notice something in the stress test, put it in the forum post they provided. If you see something on a stream, mention it in the forums.

I can’t wait to play either!!

Rock on!

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Then the bestiary book must be all wrong as well.
Devlin Agramond, for example, hits less on classic than what the Bestiary book says but matches a certain “server that shall not be named”.