Beta invites decreasing

It was kinda a double smack in the face, they dramatically cut down available skills, cut out a lot of the talent trees, began the mass homogenisation of the classes, and on top of it all anyone who wanted to just wander back to auberdine, westfall or [insertplacenamehere] to try and forget about the woeful state of gameplay and revel in a vanilla atmosphere was greeted by a smouldering wreckage filled with gratuitous cackling bad guys.

OOOooOOOoOO its the twilight dudes, they do bad things because… badguy…


I keep saying, Blizzard should bring the old world and dungeons back to Retail. That way the people who want Classic with retail QOL can have it while we still have true Classic.

I’m not unreasonable.

They even have tech now that’d facilitate that!

They have “most” of the tech they need. There are a large number of other intermediate steps they’d need to take first.

You really don’t think they can just tell Ziridormi to allow us to go back in time to before Cata?

They’ve already taught the game how to read the old maps.

It shouldn’t be THAT difficult to instance it and then connect it via a bronze dragon.

They haven’t taught the game how to dynamically adjust talents and game rules/mechanics “on the fly” as it still requires different clients in order to use the different rule sets.

I do think that a “walled garden” mechanism is on their to-do list(which would allow such “dynamic rule changes” without needing to switch clients), but it also is outside the scope of anything that should be slated for testing either in the BfA PTR, or the Classic Beta.

Very true with the silithus/darkshore dragons. Additionally I always thought that seeing as they are able to have pvp specific talent trees I never got why for the timewalking events in retail they didn’t make it so the dungeons were at level using the native talent trees and abilities for that particular expac. Would have made the events actually worth doing.
Probably didn’t want people thinking too hard about what they had lost over the years I guess.

Well, that and the technical stuff’

I’m not talking about connecting the clients. That would be bad.

I’m talking about completely re-implementing the old world in Retail.

They have the files, the game knows how to read them… they just need to ADD them and put in an NPC to allow access.

I you didn’t mind being level 120, and playing the content with BFA talent trees, sure, they could possibly implement the old world content into the game about 3 minutes after the Classic Beta ends. Although realistically they’d want to do a PTR first just to make sure the various “Stat squishes” implemented correctly.

Sure they would. I’m not saying that shouldn’t happen.

Again, I’m not unreasonable.

I’m just proposing a method to placate people begging for the old content with QOL changes that doesn’t negatively affect those of us who are going to be playing Classic.

The two will still remain separate.

Found the first mistake.

Found the second mistake. It’s not “free money,” you’re buying a WoW subscription.

Probably a good thing I didn’t get one … I might not be as interested in my new girlfriend as I am if I did LOL

How about how most of the guys streaming it on twitch didn’t even play till wrath. Or how some, without active subs or that haven’t been subbed to retail in months, got an invite over other people were. Lets also not forget, how during the stress test streamers had little problem getting back in while the great majority plebes didn’t even get to make a character till maybe, if they were lucky, the next day.

Seems to me like they care more about selling to this loyal community of people that play this game. Frankly I’m starting to think they don’t deserve it, and that maybe they should be boycott. To help them put things back in perspective, it might help for them to see where their money comes from.

VIP access. That’s why they can get dc’d and log right back into their characters again while the rest of us riffraff are lucky if we can get back to character selection, if we even make it that far. lol

Step 1: Create a player base around the idea that the comoany is always right, not the customer
Step 2: Create situations for extra money.
Step 3: Raise drop rate for streamers for ragnaros and thunderfury.

I think around step 3 they will lose their player base if a streamer rolls into MC and gets both parts of thunderfury on opening raid.

Duuuuuude. I CHOSE to use a token for a chance at beta. I wasn’t forced to.

YOU are arguing semantics. Oh… and I got Stress Test so see you all tomorrow!

You mean like the millions of freeloading retail players who will be getting the entirely different game for no additional cost?


Nope! I wasn’t dumb enough to take the bait :slight_smile:

I like it.

I’ve been subbed for over a year and have only logged in for less than an hour total time in said year. I just don’t think about canceling my sub and they take my money. It’s all good though, I didn’t realize I needed to opt in to get a beta invite so that is on me. That being said, I’m anxious to play vanilla, but I don’t care if I get a beta invite or not, it’ll be out in 3 months anyway.

Someone isn’t very good at math.

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