[Beta] Graveyard Hopping?

I was curious if anyone has checked graveyard hopping at the tail end of the Beta? I saw some posts in May about it, but from my understanding there have been several Beta patches with bug fixes.

In some of the other posts people mentioned not being able to GY hop may have been a bug, and/or that logging while dead would release your graveyard restriction in Vanilla. I wasn’t sure if any of that had been tested recently. I also didn’t see it on the “Not a Bug” list, so I wasn’t sure if there was any official stance on this yet?

It didn’t work in 1.12 and doesn’t work on the Beta.

How certain of this are you? There was never mention of changing how the the spirit healers or graveyards worked in the patch notes. At least not related to being bound to a GY.

Graveyards & Spirit Healers


  • The penalty for using a Spirit Healer has been changed * there is no longer any experience loss, instead all items (equipped and inventory) will take 100% durability loss and the character will gain resurrection sickness for a duration that scale according to level.

  • New graveyards have been added to many zones.

  • Using the Spirit Healer now results in a 25% loss in durability for a player’s equipped gear and items in inventory, instead of the previous 100% loss. The length of resurrection sickness suffered from using the Spirit Healer has also been decreased to a maximum of 10 minutes.


  • The Ashenvale, Felwood, and Azshara Crater areas are using a new graveyard system that should help to place dead characters at appropriate graveyards.


  • A new graveyard has been added near the east coast of the Hinterlands at the Overlook Cliffs.

  • The two Hinterlands graveyards are now using a system that will ensure that the spirits of dead characters go to the closest graveyard.


  • Feralas, Durotar, Mulgore, Darnassus, Tirisfal Glades (excluding the Bulwark graveyard), Elwynn Forest & the Eastern Plaguelands have now all been converted over to the new graveyard system. The system will place your character’s spirit at the closest allowed graveyard in the zone. For example, an Alliance character dying closer to the new Darnassus graveyard, detailed below, will use that graveyard rather than the one located at Dolanaar. Starting area graveyards are still reserved exclusively for characters of similar faction that die within their confines. For example, the spirit of a Horde character dying right outside of Deathknell will not use Deathknell graveyard, but will instead go to the next closest Tirisfal Glades graveyard.

  • A Horde-only graveyard has been added in the northern section of Durotar, just to the south of Orgrimmar. In addition to serving northern Durotar, Horde characters dying in Orgrimmar, The Hall of Legends and Ragefire Chasm will use this new graveyard. Alliance characters dying in Durotar will continue to only use the Razor Hill graveyard.

  • A Horde-only graveyard has been placed at the northern base of Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. Horde characters dying in Thunder Bluff will also use this new graveyard. Alliance characters dying in Mulgore will continue to only use the graveyard at Bloodhoof Village.

  • An Alliance-only graveyard has been added at the eastern end of Darnassus. Alliance characters dying in Darnassus will use this new graveyard. Horde characters dying on Teldrassil will still only be able to use the graveyard at Dolanaar.

  • An Alliance-only graveyard has been added just outside of Ironforge, around the side of the mountain. It is only for use by Alliance characters that die inside Ironforge and in the Gates of Ironforge sub-area of Dun Morogh. Horde characters dying therein will continue to only use the Kharanos graveyard.

  • The Ruins of Lordaeron above Undercity now has a Horde-only graveyard. Horde characters dying inside the Undercity will use this new graveyard. Alliance characters will continue to solely use the Faol’s Rest graveyard.

  • A neutral graveyard has been added at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest. The graveyard at Goldshire is now for use by the Alliance exclusively. Horde characters dying in Elwynn Forest and its sub-areas, as well as in Stormwind, The Stockade and the Deeprun Tram, will have their spirits travel to the new graveyard at the Eastvale Logging Camp.

  • A neutral graveyard has been added on the island of Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands. It will serve characters who die on Caer Darrow and in Scholomance.

  • A neutral graveyard has been added in the Eastern Plaguelands near the northwestern shore of Blackwood Lake. Characters that die in The Fungal Vale will continue to use the Darrowshire graveyard due to the mountains between it and the new graveyard. Additionally, characters dying in Stratholme will now use the new Blackwood Lake graveyard.

  • A neutral graveyard has been added in Feralas, just to the southwest of Dire Maul. Characters dying in Dire Maul will use this new graveyard.


  • A neutral graveyard has been added to Silithus at Cenarion Hold. With the addition of this graveyard, characters dying in Silithus will be sent to whichever graveyard they are closer to when they die: Valor’s Rest or Cenarion Hold.

  • A Graveyard has been added to Duskwood at Raven Hill Cemetery.

  • All graveyards that needed adjustment were changed so that a character’s spirit comes into the world facing toward the Spirit Healer.

I know it was changed in vanilla. I cant prove it, partially because im too lazy to try to prove it, but it doesn’t matter because in the beta it doesn’t work.



It doesn’t work on the beta for as far as I have seen people try it.

But I can vaguely remember me doing it back in vanilla because I was a big noob, stealthing human rogue. And I liked to avoid as much danger as possible.

But U know how it works, that memory can just as easily been me trying to do it and it not working even back then. Just a memory of something getting close to doing it is enough to make it into anything.

Find the 1.6.0 Undocumented Changes. I think its in there as the “New graveyard system”.

In the beta sometime recently, you could manage to do it across continents as long as you were a spirit and “died” to fatigue. You just couldn’t do it without dying as a spirit.

I have performed several graveyard tests in the Beta over last month.

June 13:

  1. Created a Gnome, died to wolves in Coldridge Valley, walked my ghost to the Kharanos spirit healer, and was rezzed in Coldridge Valley.
  2. Same as above, except I logged out at the Kharanos spirit healer, logged back in, and was rezzed back at Coldridge Valley.
  3. Died again, walked my ghost over the Dun Morogh/Wetlands mountain skip to Menethil Harbor, got on a ship, arrived in Darkshore as a ghost, walked to the Darkshore spirit healer, logged out and logged back in, was rezzed back at Coldridge Valley.

June 29

  1. Died in Coldridge Valley, walked my ghost over the Dun Morogh/Wetlands mountain skip to Menethil Harbor, got on a ship, arrived in Darkshore as a ghost, walked out into the ocean, had my ghost die to fatigue (which returned my ghost to Coldridge Valley but moved my corpse to Darkshore), did NOT rez at the spirit healer in Coldridge Valley, made another ghost run, took the boat to Darkshore, ran out into the water, rezzed at my fatigued corpse then swam back to the dock. Mission accomplished!

More information can be found in these threads:
