(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread


Why? You just said shadow should use more holy spells. Why not this one?

That would be fine with me.

I think the bigger issue of shadow getting holy spells and holy getting shadow spells is button bloat. There’s too many spells that serve the same purpose across specs (eg smite and mind flay, holy nova and mind sear). That’s why I suggest them auto-flipping between specs in the class tree. I’m fine with deleting and replacing things too, though.

This is getting to be a joke.

Monk thread was opened 12 days ago and has already received 5 replies.

Druids and Priests haven’t received a single update in 30+ days. Druids are closer to 45 days.

We can only go off of what’s currently on the alpha. Right now we have nothing to look forward to in the expansion. You lose Fae Guardians, Flash Concentration, Boon of the Ascended, etc. and just get Divine Word and a near useless Lightwell that isn’t worth a point.


I,d be fine with replacement too. But people want a more unified priest and are happy with stuff like shadowmend becoming available for holy.

Shadow priests say that the left side of class tree is unusable for them (which is true) but just making spells merge doesn’t solve that. We need shadow to be able to use a bit of holy and vice versa, and why not try to remove redundance at the same time.

Filler spells is just an example, but just for the sake of the example, here is a synergy that could come out of this… Bringing surge of light into the general tree would make shadow be able to spec into it and proc free flash heals (it’s less efficient than holy since holy spend more global on heals + smite than shadow with just smite, but this could be a synergy that exists still.

Would that be balanced? Maybe not. But that’s just 1 example of synergy among others…

Divine star already as an option to be turned into wicked star in DF disc tree, super nice new option that I feel should remain for disc as the 2 powers (light/shadow) are combined. I don’t like the idea of systematically changing a spell to light/shadow because a spec uses it. Make both spec be able to synergize with the other force a bit better… Holy has had some shadow words for a little while, it’s time that shadow does the same.

You know Blizz is really messing up when Caithyra is losing their cool. You even did your best to grin and bear hpriest when it was C-tier and helped push the FC meta to make the spec playable at all.

The total radio silence is getting to be pretty disturbing by now. Sadly I feel this strange emotional tie to the class I started actually raiding with back in MoP but I’m sure I’m not the only one lining up druids and shamans for 10.0 just in case things actually launch remotely where we’re at now.


The issue IMO stems from the lack of utility and general spells that the class a whole lacks. Shadow doesnt use any non shadow spells ever. Holy/Disc rarely use one of the other 2. The class as a whole lacks utility for the entirety of the game.


This becomes very apparent when you try to take holy or disc utility and add it to the class tree. There’s nothing to take. It’s the reason the class tree has half of holys spec tree.


There it is boys: Divine Aegis!


Also, I see quite of bit of my ideas making an appearance. For both the Class tree and Shadow… oh and Holy. Interesting lol.

Guess blizzard doesn’t know what they are doing or I actually have some idea of how the priest should be like haha.


Looks like we got some feedback: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feedback-priests/1279512/74

Also, it’s posted by the same Frozzo who made the original post so my guess is he isn’t the developer that quit.


Yoooo! Stronger shields and Divine Aegis - and the post said
“Here are some examples of new spells in the Discipline tree along with some changes to core spells:”

Meaning this ain’t it, I’m electrified!

EDIT: I am so so so happy Priest Devs. Thank you so very much for giving Discipline back its absorb identity. This is absolutely thrilling to hear. Thanks for listening to all the bubble Discipline priest enthusiasts. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Before anyone thinks like the first reply on the thread, Mage class did same thing, they posted a couple of changes in the forum, but the tree itself had massive changes. Id expect the same here


If they make a competitive non-voidform build I may dust off shadow for DF. I’ve hated it since the Legion rework lol.


Yeah I think the update was in the spirit of “here are the big asks from the community and read the upcoming alpha build notes for the rest”. Not rushing to judge this as the extent of the changes I know there will be more… I’m ecstatic for return of DA. :grin: :grin: :grin:


Shadow Crash applying VT, nice. Good stuff. I’m curious how Mind Sear will be using Insanity. It’ll be way more frustrating than Searing Nightmare if resource cost is upfront cause if the moment I cast Mind Sear and I have to move to avoid damage, I’m gonna rage at that wasted resource.


Good for you. I’m impatient to see the new trees now :slight_smile:
I dunno if I’ll like it but they seem to be going toward something more cohesive in terms of priest at least :man_shrugging:


I need to see the new talent tree after the update to actually formulate a full opinion on the changes.

If I were to just go off of what’s written though from a Holy Priest PoV:

  • (New) Revitalizing Prayers* – Prayer of Healing as a 30% chance to apply a 6 secondsond Renew to allies it heals.

This was one of the suggestions I posted above actually, but it was a guaranteed chance. Either way: it’s basically an extra 32% spell power coefficient to Prayer of Healing (if it procs). If you get 5 procs it basically doubles the healing of Prayer of Healing.

Also, with the +20% increased proc chance with Surge of Light w/ Renew you’re going to get a crap load of Surge of Light procs.

So either way: Holy is probably going to end up spamming Prayer of Healing like in BFA as the main raid heal.

  • Harmonious Apparatus* – Circle of Healing reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify, Prayer of Mending reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity, and Holy Fire reduces the cooldown of Holy Word: Chastise by 2/4 seconds.

Merging the rune talents is a good change. It helps us not be point starved on the bottom of the tree.

  • (New) Spirited Litany – After Prayer of Mending heals 80/40 times, gain Power Infusion for 10 seconds.

I honestly don’t know what to think of this change. You’re guaranteed one power infusion every 8 PoM casts so it’ll proc every 1.5 minutes. If you blow Holy Word Salvation it’s an almost guaranteed proc. Also, if your PoMs not bouncing you’re not getting stacks.

Also, you’ll end up having to sit on the charges to use Power Infusion at ideal times. My Divine Hymn is about to come up or its my turn to Holy Word Salv so I’ll sit on 35-38 charges for 30 seconds…

It sounds fun on paper, but in practice it’ll hardly proc in M+, and in raids you’ll be encouraged to sit on it. So I’ll pass on this talent and send it back to the drawing board.

An extra boost of haste doesn’t really do much either. All I can do is cast faster and oom myself faster.

  • (New) Angelic Bulwark – When an attack brings you below 30% health, you gain an absorption shield equal to 15% of your maximum health for 20 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 90 seconds.

This is weaker than what we get from Dreamweaver currently. Drop below 80% hp and get a 20% absorb shield. Also, it doesn’t do anything to prevent you from being one shot by Tyrannical +25 boss abilities. Make it -20% damage reduction for 8 seconds…

  • (New) Void Shift – You and the currently targeted party or raid member swap health percentages. Increases the lower health percentage of the two to 25% if below that amount.

Not sure what the point of this is. I would never pick this.

  • Holy Word: Life – A word of holy power that heals the target. If the target is below 35% health, Holy Word: Life heals for 400% more and the cooldown of Holy Word: Life is reduced by 20 seconds.

Once again we have a heal that can only be used when people are below -35% hp. Targeted heals are so hard to properly land unless the button lights up. Also, I don’t want an extra heal button on my bar for the once in a blue moon situation.

My TLDR thoughts:

  1. The loss of Flash Concentration was not addressed nor replaced by anything.
  2. Prayer of Healing is getting buffed, but it’s mana cost will still be a serious strain.
  3. We have a few dud talent changes that need to be brought back to the drawing board.

Either way: small steps forward… still need to see the changes deployed live on alpha.

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Thanks - I like that we get Flash Heal and Renew to proc Atonement, and (inferring) that Shadow Mend is gone. It will feel really. I’m guessing DA will be low on the tree - probably same level as Light’s Wrath. I’m also inferring that from these changes, can’t spam PWS, that our Atonement transfer baseline will be higher.

Dunno about that. Atonement can still be spread as easily as before, unless they,re removing Radiance from the tree.

The class tree needs big changes if Shadow is to get any use out of them. The 4 things listed there are totally worthless.


My Shadow Priest PoV:

  • Shadow Crash – Now applies Vampiric Touch to 4 targets.

  • (New) Dark Void – Deals damage to your target and nearby enemies, and applies Shadow Word: Pain to 8 targets.

My question here is does Dark Void take the spot of where Searing Nightmare is on the tree because you could just take Misery, use Shadow Crash, and automatically apply VT + SWP to everything. Two sticks with one stone…

Also, it seems a tad bit overkill to have two separate abilities that apply our full set of dots, but if it’s part of an actual damage rotation than I’m okay with it.

I’m just hoping Shadow can actually take AOE abilities without sacrificing all of your single target and vice versa. Every other caster has their AOE abilities baked in.

As a Holy Priest I’d love to have Dark Void so I don’t have to tab dot 4 mobs every trash pull in M+.

  • Mind Sear now costs Insanity instead of generating Insanity. Its damage has been significantly increased.

I’m okay with this, even though I don’t like channeled abilities.