(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

This is amazing. thank you for sharing!

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Seeing the next hybrid/healer class tree also containing a kick is really gonna make me question if priest doesn’t end up with one.

I don’t know how I feel about giving silence to priest baseline just for PvP concerns, but adding like “Shadow word: Break (24 sec cooldown) - A word of darkness that breaks a targets concentration, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 2 seconds”

Then add a choice node on shadow’s tree to either make it the full silence like we know (30 second cooldown, blanket silence/interrupt), or something like reduces the cooldown of “Shadow word: break” by 4 seconds and increases the spell school lockout by 2 seconds.

So we can have our blanket silence when it’s useful, or a slightly better version of the interrupt. Doesn’t seem too offensive.


I think Shadow priests would honestly prefer that to silence outside of PvP.

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Holy was only good for one patch the entire expansion.

In 9.0 everyone was stacking double Disc Priest for CN because of the 1 minute Spirit Shells. As a Holy Priest player I got asked “can you play Disc?” every time I tried to apply for a guild and it was an uphill climb. Holy was one of the least represented healers in the entire tier next to Resto Druids and Mistweavers.

In 9.1 things improved with buffs to Divine Hymn + Symbol of Hope. Double Disc Priest wasn’t the meta anymore so you could get into a guild as Holy if people wanted a throughput healer. Same issue as with 9.0 with Holy Priests, Mistweavers, and Resto Druids being the least represented healers.

Then comes 9.2 where Holy all of a sudden went FOTM because world first guilds stacked them during the race. All Holy received in-between 9.1 and 9.2 was a +10% HPS/damage buff and a shorter cooldown on Symbol of Hope.

Resto Druids also all of a sudden became good because the raid tier was designed entirely around them and they do +20% more HPS than every other healer.

The Holy Paladin, 1-2x Disc Priest, and Resto Shaman meta was just str0ng for 2 out of 3 raid tiers.


M+ being my main form of content, I would love to be able to contribute to my groups interrupts, there’s definitely uses for a blanket silence for certain pulls to keep specific mobs in check and make grouping easier, but that’s kind of the beauty of it being a choice node imo.


I know mate. But as you pointed out, got buffed twice in a row. We all agreed SS should never have been in the game, absorbs being too easily abused as was proven again.

This i agree with too., I will say tho holy was kinda meta for heroic raiding. I remember one tier it being like 85% of the top 10 for each fight. Disc has historically always been bottom in heroic. Im not bemoaning disc performance in raid. Disc was fine, just not meta

But im not saying nerf hpriests for DF. They def need some work. One thing i will say is there should never come a point where they outdps disc in keys. Thats treading on discs niche area

also agree

The main problem was that the Rdruid, MW and Holy Priest were useless (at least the MW gave 5% dps). But as you say, thanks to the buffs, the Hpriest had their moment to shine thanks to the various buffs and extra utilities added to their abilities, but there was still the detail that the raid was practically static for the most part (making Hpally’s triage, Disc priest and Rshammy will shine again). Finally today they added more mechanics that made these 3 specs of healers stay behind (in a nutshell I think adding more mechanics killed them, I mean apart from the extra performance XD).

And those of the Rdruid that heals 20% more and the MW that is in 2nd place is justifiable since both have nothing “useful” to bring.

That’s right. Encounter design heavily favors what healers get chosen over others. This is part of the reason why Disc fell off so hard this raid tier and Holy took over.

I just don’t want Holy to fall back into the garbage bin again at the start of a new expansion. Being the non-FOTM healer trying to get into a new CE guild isn’t fun.


Please , please no boon.

Have to look at the fact holy was meta in keys as well as raids. Disc/shadow never managed that feat. But no nor do i want them to be crap. I do think its shadows time to shine but im not sure how thats going to happen. (keys)

Yeah they wont be doing that i predict

I am not talking about abilities in my statement, only “theme” in that Priest is the closest relatable class to the Kyrian theme.

What do you wanna bet the devs are only going to take feedback from the official DF Alpha Priest thread?

Yes thats my fear. Shadow is well rerpesented there, disc and holy less so.

But then these forums atm are a mess without a cohesvive message to the devs.

Need to have 2 structured threads. one for holy and disc on here with actual issues we have and possible changes. Constructive, which means leaving your wrath wishes at the door :stuck_out_tongue: wishful thinking on my behalf i know

Shamans basically got DA on their DF tree (Ancestral Awakening), so it sounds like they can do it to me! :kissing_heart:

They got an actual absorb did they? one that can go out on half the raid at once? i must go and look

you need to understand wishful thinking versus likely to happen and work on the likely to happen.

No they got the same effect though - when you critically heal with riptide, healing wave, or healing surge, summon an ancestor that heals the lowest target in your party/raid for 20% of the critical heal amount.

sounds similar to how DA worked in Wrath - critical heals leave a 30% of the heal as a bubble on your target.

I’m sure the devs could do something similar, where only x-number of targets get a %shield of the critical heal for critical Atonement heals granted by Penance only.

So I think you need to look into it more because you’re just in full on denial now.

EDIT: Also, never did a bubble go out to half the raid from DA at once in Wrath. Now that is wishful thinking.

So the answer was no. Thanks :slight_smile: The rest of what you said was fluff. The answer to the question was no.

DA only in wrath was it. must go check that too
 Sure there was a fight
 wait garosh i think, where i could solo heal abusing the DA abilty

i mean wrath is coming around the corner get ready to spam PW:S until. that button falls off

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You dont spam PWS because your mana would fall off first. Tells me how long you’ve not play this game.

No the answer is what I gave you. You’re in denial and you’re not worth my time anymore.