(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

I may be in the minority but I hate mindbender and shadowfiend. I hate the amount of pets now and miss when if you wanted a pet you played hunter or warlock. Now mage, shaman, and priest have pets as well.


You mean in vanilla only

You mean any xpac after vanilla. They got their pets in Tbc

Bring back Wrath iteration of Divine Aegis talent for the DF discipline tree please. Disc is just so anemic right now and this DF alpha talent tree does not address the throughput issues.

But guaranteed the monk and holy paladin trees will be overpowered with throughput high on the tree and only engorging from there.

What a waste of a spec - it’s not even viable without bubble healing. Might as well just call it “We Tried” Priest.

Troll post. Move on

Troll post? Really? Thanks for your non-post, troll? Maybe contribute something of substance to a serious thread, instead of labeling something that you disagree with as “troll”.

Water elemental and storm elemental were important for DPS from BC on?

in a raid situation its more than likely going to get sniped and then your going to take a buncha damage and in 5 mans your probably going to go for sfp cause its really nice for damage and thats just where the meta is right now, Im not a fan

Indeed but it and the other option (Body and Soul) are our only movement skills and also paired together in a node. Also, someone was saying feather is vastly superior too, so I would want a buff to Body and Soul

what do you think they’re doing to MC? we can still opt for the typical one that can be used on players; but come DF, all priest can opt for the other one too. Which is will be noice.

DM would only be taken in things like pve and world pvp. It doesn’t have much use in the majority of bgs.

My thoughts:

Shadow: Feels like a really weird and wonky tree. Lots of things feel questionably laid out. Very disappointed to see the return of searing nightmare. Please, someone force a dev to do a week of quaking keys with searing nightmare. It’s boring, it’s annoying that if you interrupt a channel, you have to do an extra GCD to get Mind Sear back going. There’s some potential in the tree, but there’s also a lot of bad decisions and not learning from some bad designs.

Disc tree: Honestly kinda like this one. Haven’t gotten to play much disc in a bit as my guild’s token holy priest this tier and shadow the previous tiers, but this tree makes me want to.

Holy tree: I like some of the options and tools being built in. Some of the new damage ability looks really interesting. Guardian Spirit feels like it’s in a really weird spot in the tree though, like they forgot to put it in and then were like “dang where can we just slide this in? Well we can probably give up a damage talent for a healing spec”

General priest tree: Holy Word: Life is an interesting but badly designed ability. When someone is below 20% HP, they’re likely to hit their own personal ability (or healthstone or health pot) or are a death knight and probably will death strike. Getting punished because you went to hit someone with an emergency heal and they had faster GCDs or less latency is silly. Maybe something like “If the target does not go above 50% HP in 3 seconds, take damage” or something like that. Mass Dispel being behind power infusion feels weird.

Oh, and also, about power infusion: DELETE IT. Nothing in my 4 years of raiding has caused me as much frustration and annoyance as power infusion. I have been kicked from pugs because of it. I have dealt with multiple people, across multiple guilds, getting into fights and arguments over it. I’ve had times I’ve had to ask a raid lead to step in and make the call on how and when to use it, and other times I’ve had raid leads make some very questionable calls with it that I couldn’t argue against unless I was ready to find a new guild. It feels like the reasons Blizzard gave for removing Master Loot are things that come right back into play with Power Infusion. And Twins doesn’t fix that. For it to work effectively requires the priest and whoever the ideal PI target is to be on the same CD cadence, and even if they’re both 2 min CD classes, they may differ in time it takes to setup or prep CDs. If PI is going to persist in the game, at least make it function more like Windfury (a party buff with 100% uptime, instead of benefitting one person and requiring syncing what you do with what they do). But really. Just get rid of it.


i like it in the talent tree. it feels bad in shadowlands because you either dont get it yourself, or you have to use a legendary slot which makes your character weaker. as a talent it works really well and i dont understand why people are upset about it. i think it changes it from hurting the priests output to giving them massive utility.

I would argue that Power Infusion is not utility… it’s throughput.
Utility imo is something that is available in case something happens… use x utility to correct said thing.
Power Infusion is something that you want to use as often as possible, it’s to your own detriment in not using it.

Honestly imo, they should just remove the Haste component and replace it with mana cost reduction (as it had in the beginning) so it’s no longer up for debate. Good for healers and maybe shadow if it ever needed to worry about mana again which seems unlikely at this point.

ok whatever call it throughput. either way it feels much more satisfying as a talent as opposed to taking up a legendary slot or just not being able to use it on yourself.

Taken from the first link that shows the tooltips of all talents. Read what they’re planning on doing with mind control at the moment. More people should be speaking out against it in my opinion. At least those priests who pvp.

" Row 5

Holy Nova: An explosion of holy light around you deals Holy damage to enemies and healing to allies within 12 yds, reduced if there are more than 5 targets.

Leap of Faith: Pulls the spirit of a party or raid member, instantly moving them directly in front of you.

Mass Dispel: Dispels magic in a 15 yard radius, removing all harmful Magic from 5 friendly targets and 1 beneficial Magic effect from 5 enemy targets.

Mind Control: Controls a mind up to 1 level above yours for 30 sec while still controlling your own mind. Does not work versus Demonic, Mechanical, or Undead beings or players. This spell shares diminishing returns with other disorienting effects.

Shadowfiend: Summons a shadowy fiend to attack the target for 15 sec.

Row 6

Cleric’s Armaments: Smite deals 10% additional damage while you are shielded.

Improved Holy Nova {NNF]: If your Holy Nova deals damage to at least 3 enemies, a second Holy Nova will be cast a moment later at 50% effectiveness at the same location.

Clear Mind: Dispel Magic, Purify, and Mass Dispel cost 20% less mana.

Angel’s Mercy: Damage you take reduces the cooldown of Desperate Prayer, based on the amount of damage taken.

Dominant Mind: You may also control your own character while Mind Control is active, but Mind Control has a 2 min cooldown, and it may not be used against players.

Throes of Pain: Shadow Word: Pain deals an additional 5% damage over its duration. When an enemy dies while afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, you gain [5/10]% Insanity and Mana. Two Rank Talent.

Improved Shadowfiend [NNF]: Your Shadowfiend now restores 1% mana/a fixed amount of Insanity to you whenever it attacks."

We don’t know yet what’s in it for us in terms of pvp talents. No need to panic yet.

I do agree that it could become an issue though.

yea i hadn’t seen this. I do think this is a mistake/typo though. I logged in to see if current MC had the same wording and it does not. With how MC is behind described here, there would be no need to have DM. yet we have both. So i’m positive that that talents wording is wonky and needs to be fixed.

IF this isn’t a typo then yea i would be leaving priest lol. The main pull to priest for me is MC because it keeps all gameplay fresh and fun. ESP pvp. I’m not to concerned though cause like i said - i think this is a typo. We’ll see though!

I would still leave priest if they did go through with that MC change and then made pvp priest take a pvp talent to get back the ability to mc players. That would be a annoying pvp talent to have to opt for when it should’ve been baked into the skill as it always has been.

This isn’t factoring having both MC and DM on the tree when, if they DO go forward with this. one should change to a more interesting thing.


While chomping at the mind control bit, really need to adress its aggro , i get the flavor of it, but it shouldnt have absurdly high aggro in the current m+ format its already a really super niche spell that barely gets used, the game has been basicly purged of any buff mobs to use it on, its a differnt form of cc that will prevent the target from being dpsd, imagine if sheep hex or control undead all had the aggro baked in as well

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Why is the absurdly high aggro even an issue priests can force themselves to the bottom of the aggro table so that the tank can get control of the mob.

Yeah, the last time I used MC was that one boss in Naxx…it needs to go OR it needs to work like making the target your temporary pet.

Maybe it’s just me, but Disc once again would appear to be the meta for a priest in both Raid and M+. Obviously, there are numbers and balancing, but Holy has no means of DR nor does it have interrupt/silence capabilities as that has all been baked into disc.

Disc has never been in meta in mythic plus. But one reason for that is buffing disc for M+ would make them too good in raids, but with the split talent tree’s and avenues that can be just for M+ i can see a world when yes might be meta in keys