(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Actually this one seem awesome considered you can mixt it with Twist of faith to boost its healing even more.

Also it give an additionnal Holy word for Holy to proc Resonant word. If it would also proc Cosmic ripple and Divine word now it would make it even nicer tough.

But overall the healing you can do is insane to save a tank from dying Just by using Holy Word Life + Serenity.

I think it would also be nice if Disc had a Talent to turn Pw:S into AoE shield so it would fix the Atonement problem a bit. Cause the main issue is Radiance the only AoE Atonement proc they have and its 60% its duration. What disc Need is a regulard AoE atonement proc and a duration buff like the old PvP talent. Not a 2 sec or a 6sec every 3min

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Hereā€™s my feedback of the Holy Priest Tree:

Top Rows:

  • Heal - The first pickā€¦ and honestly my question here is how is it going to work this coming expansion? The problem with Heal is that without Flash Concentration reducing its cast time and giving it a massive healing buffā€¦ nobody uses it. Itā€™s cast time is too slow as HPS matters more than HPM.
  • Prayer of Healing - This ability has been dead all of Shadowlands simply due to its massive HPM cost and lower HPS compared to Flash Concentration Heal. Also, thereā€™s really not enough talents that prop it up like Heal and Flash Heal. Surge of Light offering free PoH casts would probably help a bit.
  • Really nothing to point out. Itā€™s mainly filler as you pick your baseline class abilities.

Middle Rows:

  • I like that you can take Benediction as well as Divine Star/Halo.
  • Halo - Iā€™m hoping this ability gets a buff because itā€™s cooldown is too long and it doesnā€™t do a lot of healing. Divine Star is a 15s cooldown and does more overall healing as long as you heal 6-8 targets with it. Divine Star is also pretty much a mandatory pick for M+ because it does a lot of damage and also heals your group for free.
  • Binding Heal - Whyā€¦? Nobody will take this talent. Change it to Binding Heals like on retail.
  • Surge of Light - Have it give free Prayer of Healing casts as well.
  • Prayer Circle - This gets to my PoH question on the top row.
  • Holy Conductor - This just sounds broken on paper. You can basically get a 20% chance to trigger Surge of Light which will be almost non-stop in a raid environment with Benediction floating around. Itā€™ll also give you a strong reason to keep Renew up on the tanks to fish for free procs.
  • Divine Hymn & Symbol of Hope = I donā€™t like that these are talents you need to pick. If you want to go a damage oriented build for M+ than you canā€™t take Divine Hymn. Also, Symbol of Hope is pretty much mandatory Priest raid utilityā€¦ Iā€™m in the mindset that raid and M+ critical class abilities shouldnā€™t be ā€œoptionalā€ talents.
  • Cosmic Ripple should be 1 point not 2.

Bottom Rows:

  • Piety of Mana seems a tad bit overkill on-top of all the other mana gains you can get from the general priest tree. You can get +10% mana return from enlightment, shadowfiend/mindbender mana return, 10% mana back from targets dying with SWP, mana from Symbol of Hope, and now an extra 9-12% mana a minute from Piety.

I really do not like just stuffing healers with tons of passive + active mana gains because the scenario of healers eventually reaching infinite mana may become in reach. Mana costs would have to be massively increased for healing abilities and/or the raid encounters would have to batter the raid hard.

This basically punishes any Priest player for not stacking 3-4 different mana gain abilities. Itā€™s just a bad design imho.

  • Gales of Song - Is this an extra +2/4% bonus on-top of Divine Hymns current 4% bonus or does Divine Hymn simply not provide the bonus unless you take this talent? An extra +40% healing bonus to the group is justā€¦ yeah.
  • Rune of Healing, Rune of Mending, and Rune of Fire should probably be itā€™s own combined talent that branches off of Light of the Naaru. Apotheosis can then branch off the Rune talent.
  • Lightwell - Nobody except Manbeard was asking for this ability to come back and just from reading the descriptionā€¦ it looks incredibly weak. It only heals targets below 50% health and cannot be moved after its placed. I would never take this talent.
  • Divine Words - Iā€™m curious what the bonuses will be. I do think 15s is too short though to make it interesting.
  • Burning Vehemence - Is this cast time / cooldown reduction on-top of the current ability? If so nothing really to complain about.
  • Searing Light - Iā€™d like to see Mastery provide an actual bonus to healers damage like with tanks. Right now Holy Priests are punished for stacking high amounts of masteryā€¦ Also, a +30% Holy Nova buff against one target with Holy Fire just doesnā€™t makes senseā€¦ but it would with my suggestion belowā€¦
  • Empyreal Blaze sounds incredibly overpowered in PvP. You can open up with a Holy Fire + use ability + smash them for 3 more Holy Fires? You and your 2s partner can probably nuke somebody in a single chastise stun. Personally Iā€™d rather see this ability make Holy Fire apply its DoT to all targets around it each time you cast. You can then probably Holy Nova and if its actually buffed it might do decent amount of damage.

Either wayā€¦

Final Thoughts:

  • I struggle to make a raid heal build that is able to pick up all the same abilities that we are able to get currently. It doesnā€™t seem like an overall improvement because Iā€™m forced to put points in filler talents just to move down the tree. If you want Resonant Words you canā€™t take Runesā€¦ if you want Runes you canā€™t take Resonant Words. Itā€™s hard to squeeze in points for Lightwell or even Divine Words without having to give up on something else. Holy for raid will end up having to focus more on getting faster Holy Word Salvation resets. You pretty much canā€™t take things like Shining Force because you need those points further down the tree. Talents on the bottom like Gales Song are pretty much mandatory picks for Holy if youā€™re using Divine Hymn in a raid.

Example on what I mean:

If Cosmic Ripple + Piety of Mana were 1 point each and the Rune talents were merged than you could save 3 points that you can slot into things like lolwell (if you wanted it) and Resonant Words.

  • I donā€™t like Divine Hymn & Symbol of Hope being talent picks because if you want to focus on a damage oriented playstyle you really canā€™t take Divine Hymn.
  • Top and middle rows seem fairly well laid out. No real major complaints.
  • Bottom row needs the most work. Please donā€™t give us Lightwell.
  • Button bloat is going to get a bit extreme. Itā€™s entirely possible to add 3-4 new buttons to your hotbar than currently between the two trees.
  • Overall question is how much of a nerf are H Priests going to get in the healing & damage department with the loss of Boon of the Ascended and Flash Concentration.

Dear Blizz,

Thank you for returning to us something that has been missing from Priest for a very long time. The meme spec.

Behold, Holy DPS Build:



Itā€™s baseline ability for Shadow spec.

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Jaks new videoā€¦ made a case for speccing out of raptureā€¦ so doing away with absorb disc totdally. Interesting ideas

I also noticed that unlike Druid or DK Priest class tree only get 1 free ability instead of 2 at lvl 10 except for Disc who get 2. Holy and Shadow only get 1.


This is probably viable in raids (Raptureā€™s really not amazing there without CoM), itā€™s definitely not in M+ though. Didnā€™t watch the video, but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s raid focused? Because Raptureā€™s way too important a tool for small group.

No was raid and mythic plus focused for both disc and holy. A playstyle without rapture would be scarey but he does make interesting. A disc key build he had going down the holy side.

He also theorised that mind sear will be added to the disc tree

My thought is mind sear will be added where purify is currently, OR another spell is being crafted for its spot.

Either way, I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever be viable to M+ without Rapture. Can make do without Barrier/Lenience a lot of the time, but rapture is such a good cooldown there that it doesnā€™t make sense to not take it.

Iā€™ll probably look and see what he said later.


Yeah thats his thought too. I didnt like half his choices but i think that the beauty of these trees, so much variation we hopefully wont have cookie cutter specs, but thinking people will create their own

I sure hope itā€™s mindsear too. I would be surprised that holy nova becomes good enough, otherwise weā€™ll be relying for SFP and divine star for aoeā€¦ might still be enough thoughā€¦

I really hope they gonna improve on Disc playstyle a bit even change its dynamic a bit.

Would be kinda cool to have a similar version of Balance druid for Disc Priest. Like you fight between Holy spell and then shadow spell in rotation to keep the harmony. Kinda similar to th new Shadow Covenant effect.

But I also think it would requiere some change in term of their mastery and Atonement. Disc really need a mass Atonement applier more than just Radiance. Maybe even a mass Pw:S cooldown.

I would remove Binding Heal for Light of Naaru so you can spam more Chastise

I feel we can get close to balance druid with inner light and shadow. Iā€™d rather not make it too complicated otherwiseā€¦ disc is already considered the hardest healer and a lot of people considere it bad because theyā€™ve had bad experience with bad disc priest in their group.

On the other hand, I disagree for mass atonement as this is where the spec becomes op in raid while it struggles in other types of contents. Adding masse attonement would give more opportunities for ramps and entire raid coverage.

In the current new tree, we get spirit shell again. While a lot of people hate it, without clarity of mind, itā€™s likely not going to be able to cover the whole raid. It could become a decent option still without being broken like it was in 9.0.

If itā€™s easy to get atonement on everyone, you also have more time to heal outside your ramps and more mana as well. The whole toolkit would have to be nerfed down to compensate and youā€™d have something unviable outside of raidsā€¦

1 major issue:

Why should holy priests be massively limited in their trees in regards to straight healing? I mean, seriously, 2/3rds of the tree is damage and the healing talents were just garbo SL ones.

Honestly, blizz just made everything about damage and copy/pasted into the healing part. Its like healers only received half a tree.



Not sure where this would fit in or if it would even be a good addition, but what if the removed PvP Talent, Premonition, came back as a talent on this talent tree?

Little refresher for those who donā€™t remember:

Premonition: Heals nearby targets within 30 yards for (55% of Spell power), and applies Atonement to yourself.

Deals ( X ) Shadow damage to yourself for each Atonement you have active, and increases their duration by 3 sec. 12 second cooldown.

Shadow really needs its tankiness/self healing buffed like it used to be, seeing as we dont have Pets/CC.

Iā€™s like to see VE be something like 10% leech on the caster when not on CD, but can be activated to provide it to the whole group on CD.

Problem is the last 10 years have shown the only thing they know how to do with shadow is make it worse with every expansion, this looks no different.


Last 6 years Iā€™d say.
We had it best imo in WoD.

Spectral guise + Feather + Clarity of Power alone was enough to actually play and not get smacked down. Of course other talents made it even better.

Voidform redesign is when everything fell off a cliff lol.


At least we get feather back !

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The Talent Treeā€™s should not be full of baseline spells that we should already have, leaving very little ā€œflexā€ points to add customizationā€™s to the class. They should be a fun meaningful way to customize your toons play-style. Allowing you to add in synergy to baseline talents, utility, survivability, or specializationā€™s through ā€œnewā€ spells.

The treeā€™s should be less ā€œbloatedā€ and many spells returned to baseline. Then add in some more meaningful choices to further customize your class. Also, just seeing Searing Nightmare without any rework shows that the Devā€™s are really going to have to ā€œlistenā€ to player feedback during Alpha and Beta.