(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

to ship it live without getting real feedback from the community shows they lack experience and foresight. we didn’t even get a 24 hr notice. just “hey gutting your spec” were priest warranted a nerf yeah. but tune the numbers dont gut a core mechanic of the spec.

these are all really good points we got some sweet stuff. but we don’t have the ability to sustain a different play style literally due to how expensive our spells are and our mana returns built into the game. (not counting evoker buff or innervate is laughable.)

the outrage and backlash they have received over the changes are warranted this spec lives and dies on the viability of how we do in M raid they nerfed a mechanic and didnt give us anything to compensate


Thanks, yeah I agree. Disc should not feel like it needs external buffs like Innervate to be competitive.

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I agree with both your takes and i too am tired of needing outside mana

And I don’t disagree we got some nice stuff and in keys I think we are looking good. But in raids disc will be less user friendly and people might run holy for raids or a different toon

Clandon’s post only says that it targets the casual player assuming we take evangelism. We won’t. Casual players are already bad at evangelism - making it a difficult barrier of entry for them.

Realistically, what this change does is make Lenience the better talent even in raid. It turns us into a healer that tries to reactively heal with low CD radiance, and makes our “ramp” a rapture ramp. That’s actually an easier playstyle for a casual healer - but it’s also really odd and not likely to feel good, since our atonement will mostly be sniped in all but the best groups.

The change is largely to stop it from being the best healer hps-wise. It might still get taken for barrier, but the burst damage reversal Disc has been known for for 3 expansions is gone.

When RWF is considering who to take, the only scenarios Disc looks to be the obvious pick for are scenarios where barrier sees use. With Evangelism changed, even if it’s really good HPS during its window, the timer now matches Evoker’s rewind which can burst heal a ludicrous amount, is even better in situations like dreadlords - and evoker can do more healing and damage in downtime if you push it.

The problem isn’t the balance - Disc needed a nerf. I said in multiple threads I was waiting for them to finally put one out there. But doubling Evangelism’s cooldown isn’t a nerf. It’s a full playstyle rework - even if unintentionally so.

agreed, but the point still stands the changes make it worse for casuals not better. Public perception will drive more players away

I am curious on how the damaghe bvuffs will impact raiding. We were already good. Add in the buffs and if our hps is still good then we will see some play high end

But yeah this nerf following “that” post about interrupts utillity etc makes me thinking the def the person in charge of priest doesnt play it

Only if they’re taking Evangelism. But how it currently looks, Evangelism isn’t worth taking. You will legitimately get more out of preventing 3% damage on all targets and playing reactively than you will out of 3 min Evangelism.

Doubling Evangelism’s cooldown and reducing radiance atone duration ensures that even if Light’s Wrath does more damage, we’re still doing significantly less healing if we decide to take evangelism. Especially considering the current DF boss fights, where you can miss your ramp a bit by a mechanic being slightly delayed. Those few seconds make a world of difference.

When it comes to HPS, unless they’re about to shove a ton of buffs our way we’re going to be bottom of the barrel. Being optimistic, we’ll be slightly better than Pally, but we don’t bring nearly as much as they do.

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I agree. Make it a talent if it applies to more creature types. If it’s just Shackle Undead as normal, it should not be a talent, but baseline instead.

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You’re speaking of “Dominate Mind”, not Mind Control.

Nah, this was very early in beta. The tooltip for Mind Control said it didn’t work against players.

I know there’s Dominate Mind, which I already said below that.

It’s whatever now though because it was just a bugged tooltip.

stop with the hate for VE out of nostalgia of old shadow priest. Let it go.

Void Eruption is one of the coolest abilities we have. Specially against stacked enemies


Disagree bro. There is no only about it. If a beginner cant grasp a 1.5 min cd that makes their life easier by extending their atonements, then they cant grasp a whole bunch of mini ramps based upon timers etc. It gets harder in my view now, not easier, whether you take evang now is immaterial. Either way its still harder

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I feel obliged to point out that this isn’t a case of ‘external mana to be competitive’. It’s more a case of ‘external mana to function’, and it’s incredible that the spec is still like this, and actively getting worse over time when every other spec seems to (almost) have a mana curve that makes sense, or has their own ways of actively mitigating heavy mana expenditure.

God your a tool.

1st off you are responding to my post I made 2 months ago…

2nd off if you actually read my post. You will clearly see that VE is Vampiric Embrace as it is that and Dispersion that defines the utility shadow brings which is what my post clearly is talking about. VE stood for Vampiric Embrace long before void crap was part of shadow.

What you’ve just done is prove both just how little you understand shadow as anyone that played shadow before legion would never equate VE with Void Eruption when we have had VE for Vampiric Embrace since day 1 of vanilla wow and how much disconnect and divide in the priest community when it comes to basic understandings of shadow and how it works and plays and what things means and why they matter to the extent that they do and how have all these changes over and over again just keeps adding more and more confusion and conflict within the spec.

It was pretty straight forward all the way up to when they overhauled it in legion and we are still to this day paying for that criminal rug pull that flipped the entire spec on its head all the way accomplishing nothing aside from creating an every increasing balance and gameplay problem. It fixed nothing and made the things it did do well even worse to the point it was nearly pointless and unrecognizable to even try.

3rd Void Eruption is mechanically flawed and has been since it’s inception and still continues to be with the fact that you have a combination of an AOE damage spell, A DPS cooldown and a rational/priority single target DPS button all mashed together to throw the entire play style out of whack. You are now forced to not have an AOE damage button during your DPS cooldown and you add an extra button that you need to train your muscle memory to use rapidly sometimes and ignore it all together at other times. It is a whole convoluted mess in its entire design. But that doesn’t matter anymore since Dark Ascension now is an option.

So stop being a tool and actually think for a moment before you respond and waste everyone’s time. My god this is just so annoying that I feel like I’m bashing my head against the wall for even taking the time to spell out just how useless your post was to me. Get a life.


The idea is that we’d barely even be doing this. Disc would be playing a much more reactive healing playstyle. There aren’t any mini-ramps based on timers. There’s just rapture before big damage and otherwise reactive healing.

That’s a way easier playstyle for someone to get into.

But it’s also a playstyle our current mana costs aren’t likely to permit either.

You remember legion bro when there was no limit on the pwr you could cast. People struggled then. So they gave it a 5 atonement count instead of 3. You could reactively heal then

I still just think in raid disc will struggle in numbers. I’m going to make it work and so will you. But it’s more entry level people and casuals that will disc keys and holy raids. Anyway it’s opinion based both of us so it’s a wait and see thing.

And wait and see for the next bombshell blizz drop

Hoping for some communication/clarification about design choices.



It seems about:

Controlling how we play
Can’t remove, move or prune abilities without breaking the no borrowed power promise. So passively nerf them to be not worth taking or a GCD. Mindgames is like this. Can’t delete it. So 50% nerf whilst holy fire is doing more.

We need a dedicated discipline priest player calling the shots.


we dont even need a dedicated disc priest but we def need a priest player working on our class.

I got CE that tier, and it was a problem because you couldn’t reactively heal. The biggest problem for casuals though wasn’t PW:R it was plea.

We were still in the ramping playstyle. The 3 atonement problem was that it was very difficult to actually cover your raid consistently, and it cost an insane amount of mana.

Oh absolutely not. With Evangelism like it is, if I’m playing priest, I’m playing holy in raids. Not only is it going to be better, it will do more damage on top of it.

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I wouldn’t get hope’s up. They only communicate with yes men, professional players and streamers. Just one more S.Show xpack