Any disc buffs or nerfs yet? I’ve been too busy having fun on WotLK. I see DA is still in, so I’m happy.
yes to both
There haven’t been any changes (nerfs or buffs) to healers in general outside of Evoker because it’s a new class. Most of the tuning is going to be done after the expansion launches.
Holy ate some nerfs to renew and AoE healing based talents.
Where’s the notes on that. I’ve been kind of out of the loop due to vacations and stuff.
Notably nerfs on Renew and renew based talents, and reduction in proc rate of nearly all proc effects.
Also a nerf on Mastery.
Interesting. I already expected the Revitalizing Prayers build was going to get whacked with a nerf because it’s healing #s potential in a raid environment would have been pretty nutty if you had consistent procs.
I don’t see any priest notes about DA being nerfed.
both DA and aegis of wrath nerfed
That’s cringe.
i guess the aegis of wrath nerfed is irrelevant when PW:S got buffed by 20%. so its just the DA taking a hit.
Does DA scale with mastery?
i think so
Think its also because rapture got extended by 2 more seconds plus the 4 pc would make for some monster shields
yeah, they also buffed rapture by 10% overall so our rapture ramps lookin real strong. im looking at the patch notes what is make amends and where is it? i cant be that blind.
you need to log into ptr or beta tho. wowhead wasnt updated when i checked yesterday
i have beta and nothing had been changed so im confused about it
check ptr then. thats where i went
One thing I noticed with Revitalizing Prayers is it does 3 full ticks now instead of 2.5 ticks of Renew. Those nerfs end up getting washed out with that change.
PWS is still kind of lacking - at least on Holy and Shadow. It absorbs the same amount that Flash Heal heals for.