(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Been thinking about some class talent ideas that are actually useful for all specs but not overpowered.

Just had this idea, thoughts?

  • Mindful Word
    Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast, your next Power Word: Shield’s absorb amount is increased by 200%.


  • Mindful Words
    Within 5 seconds after casting Mind Blast, your next Word spell effect is increased by 200%.


  • Echo of Words
    Within 5 seconds of casting any Word spell, your next different Word spell effect is increased by 200%.


  • Words of Plenty
    Each Word spell cast grants a stacking buff to 5, then the next Word spell casted has its effects increased by 250%.

How can you reach 5 stack if te next one always consume its effect

The first 5 you cast will stack the buff. Then 6th (next) will consume the buff.

Perhaps it needs to be worded better. But that’s the intent.

Remove searing nightmare.

Wait… is there a viable Shadow build for healing? What is this game? Is this an MMORPG?

Not terribly useful since in raids you wont use it, because during your window of dpsing, you’re well, dpsing and wont be using pws at all…

We have stolen psyche to make mind blast better.

We have rapture to make pws better. PWS is an atonement applicator. let it go :stuck_out_tongue:

Adjust the numbers as needed.
Think of the interaction first.
Think of how it can work across all specs.
Think of what situation each spec can be into.

In PvP, I know after I assault someone with Mind Blast, they are coming after me and I want to toss up a shield. Having it always be stronger after something like that is very useful.

You have think about the game in more then the lens you see it.

Love everything you’ve said, I’d add on for point 4 about VT + SA that, maybe to stop the “OPness” of spread cleave, the spirits could explode in aoe (for less damage than they do atm), that way it could be tuned to not be busted for spread cleave (exploding the damage won’t matter) while being tunable to make it competitive for grouped packs in M+

The fun part of aoe should be trying to manage dots across multiple targets while blasting priority targets. I think that’s the fun space. If we really need a spender, I’d much rather have something like a malific rapture that gives everyone affected by VT + SWP a mini DP or maybe something that makes them pulse damage out so it’s better for grouped mobs. Basically, ST playstyle of shadow priest is life, I just want to translate that into AOE

As much of a QOL ability like that might be, keep in might that the easier it is to spread our dots around, then for balancing purposes, the less damage they need to be.

If I had to choose, I would rather our dots be more meaningful vs just tickling the enemy.

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Here is my thoughts, as a disc priest, on the new talent trees.

I’m really eager to try this out. While my comments might seem negative, I’m really happy with what I’m seeing and hope that we can work it out for it to be perfect in the player’s eyes as well as the devs’.

Priest tree:

The PoM-only section feels like they outright took these from the holy tree without consideration of how interesting of a choice it will be for the other specs… I’m not even sure of how well it interact with current disc… For example, I like to cast PoM before engaging as it adds a nice buffer that instantly heals the tank on hit. Does it bounce off regardless if the damage is absorbed? If so, it’s just going to create overhealing… Even if it does take absorb into consideration… I have a ton of buttons to press already as disc, why should I bother using this one? Idem for renew… It’s great, sure, might be the right choice for raiding to help outside our bursting windows (depending on number tweaks) but for other types of content? I doubt it will ever be played much… Not very appealing on paper at least.

The entire left lane feels meaningless for shadow… SPriests don’t even need to look there so they lose all those options, which is quite sad… I mean, even for pvp, where some compositions could benefit for a more hybrid dps, pvp is usually so bursty that HoTs arent going to be of much help… Holy Word life could be a really nice life saver, sure, but you’re spending so much points to get there…

Holy nova: I’m kinda intrigued and not at the same time. Will the number tuning make this actually useable? I know we’re losing mind sear as disc with this current iteration, but I’ll probably bet on putting all my eggs into shadowflame prism as far as aoe goes for m+…

Crystalline Reflection: I’m super happy to see this talent, I’ve been hoping all shadowlands to make that legendary useful outside of some niche scenarios… But why there? Honestly, shielding is quite underwhelming outside of rapture windows. No spec other than disc would benefit from this talent. And even so… our legendaries are quite underwhelming in Shadowlands and Crystaline reflexion still didn’t see much play… Should this really be in the priest tree? If so, should it be this deep into the tree?

Silence: No?

Disc Tree:

Purify: Waiting to see what will be there to replace the actual “place-holder”…

I’m quite happy to see Inner light and Shadow in there. I’ve been wondering for a while why this was a pvp-only thing… It remains to be seen how well it will integrate
into our toolkit, as I feel we’ll already have a lot of spells in our bars from the rest of the trees. But still, I’m eager to test it out in pve!

Shining radiance: Kinda underwhelming as it is. We’ll see with number tuning what it comes down to.

Power Word: Solace : We seem to get some more help here and there for mana? Is this still necessary? We’re adding new spells in our toolbars, like light’s wrath, while keeping things like mindgames and making shadow cov more impactful and an interesting choice. None of these are mandatory, but it still feels like solace is more efficient than shield discipline and kinda mandatory to pick pain supp.

Contrition: Why is this a mandatory talent for the left lane? I’m not dead set on not using penance defensively, it has its uses sometimes… Talents do have less “weight” in them since we get to have much more of them, but this one shouldn’t be mandatory for an entire lane… It should branch off somewhere instead. There isn’t much benefit to use defensive penance honestly… There should be a whole branch dedicated to increasing that benefit so that using offensive penance isn’t the go to all the time… ex: Blaze of light (Actual PvP talent)

Shining Force: Shouldn’t this be in the priest tree?

Psychic voice: Idem

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I certainly want the DoT aspect to be the most important, I am just aware that they have felt uncomfortable about what multidot classes can do damage-wise because of their spread cleave, which is why dots are in such a sorry state atm. I’m just trying to think of ways to still translate what is fun about being a multidotter into a world where the dots themselves can’t be “too” strong, and exploding spirits is still essentially dot damage since that’s where the spirits go, and it seems like it’d be easier to tune (plus it’s just rad as hell to have spirits exploding)


Look closer at the disc tree. We get the most powerful silence in the game. Which wont go live

If it heals more on those with atonement… which i personally think it should im all for it. Im biased i loved the spell

Its a throw back from wrath, inner will/inner fire so im very happy to have it back.

These are first iterations of the trees. I imagne tweaking will be done, especially on the shadow side.

Not a big deal, but just to clarify, Inner Will got implemented in Cata.

Cata gave us 3 abilities…

  • Mind Spike
  • Inner Will
  • Leap of Faith
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checked, you are correct :slight_smile: . I rememebr using it in ICC, so i probably went back there early cata. Cata when i really started to main healing. wrath i merely dabbled.

Glad to have it back either way. Im just glad the new xpac is close enough we will use it in pre patch soon enough. They just need to fix the shadow tree and most people will be happy-ish

I hate this. You are correct. But I hate it.

Almost a hope that talents let shields get beefier, instead of being almost exclusively an atonement applicator.

They also didn’t listen to feedback about starting spec trees with two choices or giving the first talent for free since it’s not a choice. So I don’t expect them to listen to any feedback at all, unless you’re “an influencer” (and even then, in some poorly implemented fashion).

Just seems like more of Blizzard doing typical Blizzard things for an expansion.

I saw that and I find it really interesting if it stays, but still, I feel the priest tree is kinda weird right now with the left section not being a choice for shadow. I feel we could put some more things in there…

I love PoM too. But it definitely needs more work to be incorporated into disc. idem for renew… Maybe they will become great choices for raid, but I don’t see myself picking these for m+ or pvp in their current form. And it’s not even interesting for shadow priest in any content. Kinda feels weird as of right now imo.

Edit: Make PoM so that it spreads atonement, this will appeal to the people who want their smart atonement while it creates an actual interaction with the spec. Not sure how renew can still fit in though…

I feel like the left section of the priest tree should be about pw:shield instead of PoM.
The talents that have an effect when shielded should all go in there and add some talents to make pw:shield worth its cost. Maybe then having crystalline reflection on the bottom would be meaningful as well for all 3 specs.


I think that change makes it better for disc but worse for holy. Holy priests don’t usually cast shields at all.

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I agree. That’s why I’m saying to have talents to make it somewhat worth it. Right now they just took a section of holy toolkit and made it available for everyone.

They should remove the shield from the class base toolkit if only disc needs it.
PoM/Renew should stay holy as they are now.

Maybe if it becomes an actual tool and not just a spell you cast on the move when your other “on the move options” are exhausted… But current renew isn’t even worth wasting a gcd imo. We’ll see with number tweaks, but they should fix it for holy first before trying to incorporate it for the 3 specs.

PoM is a great tool, but I’m not sure it fits the toolkit of disc or shadow at the moment