(BETA) Dragonflight Priest Talent Tree Feedback Thread

Don’t forget, the holy spec tree also lacks variety of choice. What was it, only three talents not taken to get to the final tier? Part of me likes that, but it’s an outlier given their stated design goals.

Thinking on it briefly, I think what I’d like for Holy is to have one side dealing with the Holy Words in a more involved fashion, and the other…maybe a callback to chakras? Not as they were, that implementation sucked, but something that plays off it could be fun.

Disc I’ve mentioned wanting some more wiggle room for less experienced players, but it’s hard to do that. On the bubble side, I will admit they could bring some of that back, but they cannot go full bubble. Bubbles are a problem when they’re consistently large and easily applicable raid wide, as pretty much happened in Mists/WoD. So maybe you could bring DA back (probably as a deep/capstone talent), and/or add a talent that gives PW:R a shield like DA did for PoH, and I don’t think that’s unmanageable because of the cool down and target limits. Maybe a talent that steadily generates stacks that are consumed when you PW:S to increase the amount it absorbs. Basically, always rare, but either focused/strong or weak/wide.

Shadow…despite me basically getting what I asked for it does need a proper overhaul. What it got in SL was fine, I do think it was important to step back from VF because of the variety of things wrong with it, but it needs something to evolve past basic builder/spender. We’ve funnily enough come to the opposite situation of what we had with VF, where VF was very flavorful and had mechanics that supported that flavor but sucked to play outside of specific situations, current Shadow is broadly usable, but has almost no flavor to it. I wouldn’t be optimistic about a rework, but maybe they could add some more interactivity to certain spells and abilities. It looks like they want apparitions to be a big part of that, but there’s not been a lot of interactivity between us and them before, they’ve almost always been a byproduct of other things we’re doing. Maybe give us a spell that summons a bunch of ghosts on demand or something, I dunno.

Regarding the class tree, that just needs another pass, full stop. But as general notes:
I’m fine with PI and its legendary’s location in the tree.
Mind Games is a good option for a capstone.
In general I think more utility could be dropped from some of our spec trees into the class tree.
VE could fly (with a little modification for healers).
Silence too, but I get concerns about giving every healer access to an interrupt.
Maybe Spirit of Redemption (slash Vengeance for Shadow?) if you wanna get goofy.
If Halo/Divine Star weren’t tied into other talents in Disc, I’d say they could fit in the class tree too.
I like the shape of it, regardless of the contents. Webby at the top feels important for flexibility, chains/diamonds at the bottom make the capstones feel more important, especially if the talents before feed into what it does.