Beta Development Update -- Leatherworking Drums

Which is quickly upgraded. Ring Enchants and BoP Gems last far, far beyond that.

I just really don’t find it to be that big of a deal, better than requiring 20 people in the raid to have LW


No… why would I multiple Enchanter or Jewelcrafting by 5? Gems and Enchants on your character does not effect multiple players. It is a single player bring a 2-3% increase or a player bring a 6.25% increase. Leatherworking is multiplied by 5 because it effect 5 players not one.

The limiting of players in a raid who need it is perfectly fine. I’m all for that, but the drums should be balanced around the nerfs so they aren’t just decreased in power or usefulness. Merely made to where you don’t need 20 people using them.

I’ll try and explain this carefully, as I don’t want to make it more confusing than it is.

If you play drums of haste in a group, you give the group each 5% haste which is whatever you want to consider in terms of performance (Its not a 5% damage increase but close). That’s 25% total performance for the group. Because it’s reduced by 4 due to the tinnitus debuff, you effectively cut the output to 6.25% consistent performance in crease for the entire group.

Now, let’s say everyone in the group who benefits from the spell power on rings has Enchanting and see that net benefit of 2-3%. It works the same way in that now that group’s output is now 10-15%.

When we had no tinnitus, the total output if everyone went LW was 22-25%. This was when Drums was a more viable alternative to Enchanting.

What you want to do is cut this value in half to be comparable to Enchanting because it’s a group buff. We’re discussing the output and value. The player who benefits merely 1.25% from drums for taking LW yet the group who takes Enchanting benefiting more with the drums buff is the crux of the whole argument.

It’s why I would have liked them to have added a tinnitus debuff, then increase the duration to 1-minute and the other drums comparably. An increase in range would also be nice as it would benefit the raid from having to stop where they should be moving and instead remain in their patterns.


Or you can lock group swapping in combat. Works just as well.

They listened.

You are making me very hopeful! Thank you!

Whats the second part got to do with this change?

Also great change! Glad ya’ll rethought it out.

Now just revert the range nerf on them and we are good to go.


Not even 5% - Enchanting +24 SP is about a 2% increase in SP with raid buffs in even in P1 gearing and it’s relative power will drop as SP increases more in later phases.

Well done lads. Well done.

I want to add a heart to this post. But it is at 69… which forced the obligatory “Noice.”

Anyway, good to see Blizzard finally breaking the silence after nearly a month of no blue posts…

Here’s hoping we get some kind of blue response on our request for fresh servers.

Thank you blizz. I was getting tired of people thinking you needed 25 leatherworkers for all of TBC.

Well guess we will soon see what meta chasers pick next.



cough dual spec cough

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Because 1 per group is the proper balance given 10 Professions and 2 profs per player.

Enchanting + JC is the only option.


shaman !doubleit

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Excellent change, thank you Blizzard for listening

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LF DPS for a quick Gruul. Must have 2700 GS, enchanted rings, and Hand of A’Dal title. BM hunters or destro locks only. DST on reserve.


Sad but very likely accurate


There are hundreds of ways to change the drum, making it no-mandatory to everyone with no other effect.
And you guys just came up with the stupidest idea: to nerf it 75%. Now the entire raid have 60(4%) less haste than they should have, BIG nerf.
I thought the goal is to make leatherworking no-mandatory, but you guys are making me think the actual goal is to nerf all players

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