Engineering still brings a haste buff as well, it’s just more rng dependant.
Battle chicken for melee groups. I plan on being engineer enchanting on my hunter and I will use the chicken when I can lol.
Engineering still brings a haste buff as well, it’s just more rng dependant.
Battle chicken for melee groups. I plan on being engineer enchanting on my hunter and I will use the chicken when I can lol.
Let’s go transmog and dual spec, ready for some QoL for a change.
No xmog imo. While it is fun, really destroys the value of gear. The best part of gear is the looks.
Dual spec, eh maybe.
My raid did not stack drums (we did stack shaman) in Sunwell, and it was NP.
I think the drums rework will be great QOL for 98% of well adjusted human beings.
Yeah exactly … if the changes are that offensive they have the option to just unsub whilst the rest of us enjoy TBC Classic
Drums needed to be buffed in BC because nobody was using them, then they had to be nerfed with a debuff after BC as everyone was using them. Now we get the double nerfed version for the first 3 phases, making them very weak and unlikely to be used by anyone again. I can only hope that this isn’t the final solution.
Please keep the tinnitus debuff but increase the range of drums back to their 2.4 state. This stops everyone feeling like they have to be LW, but also avoids nerfing the profession into the ground.
This is an acceptable change. But you all have to realize why they did this. It’s because people on the beta were still largely using drums. Which was predictable without testing.
Rogues, druids, hunters and shamans make sense. Any other class? Nope.
Now people are trying to force sham, hunter, and rogues to be the drum simp.
Everyone used to be in the same boat, and now it’s 20v5.
This sucks… Now I am hesitant to even be a shaman.
While I got NO idea why this wasn’t done at the start, I am happy it’s done now. Glad I can at least keep one gathering prof on my druid.
I’d never require anyone to roll a profession. I’m only saying those classes make sense, as they can actually make gear for themselves.
The stupid “meta” is focusing only on a small part of the game. Taking LW just for drums is silly. Most classes won’t use what they can make. Since so many people will likely take it up, it’ll cheapen all the goods, so you would be less likely to make any money with it.
That gear isn’t even remotely worth the price. Most of it is only equivalent to t4. It all gets replaced in t5.
The debuff is ok but you should remove the first nerf on reduced yards now as it’s no longer needed.
If they did that I wouldn’t mind being the drum simp on my shaman and druid. Or at least just take away the cast time. Taking a dps loss as the drummer is a real kick in the teeth.
But they can still use it. It’ll do nicely to fill in gaps while waiting for drops.
Oh, and the cost is trivial if you actually do the work to farm stuff up yourself.
I am starting over as ally shaman. I have no gold. Are you donating primal airs? lol
Farm them. It’s not hard.
I’ll just politely ask the other 500 people farming air to let me have the mobs / gas clouds. …
So, let me get this right. I am to take a personal dps loss to provide you with 5% haste, and I don’t get anything in return?