Beta Development Update -- Leatherworking Drums

Finally some common sense

‘and we’re guided by the goal of authenticity in how the game plays…’

Great so walk back that genius idea to add an in-game store to tbc classic before you ruin what’s left of this once great game. It’s an unconscionable decision and serves as little more then a shameless cash grab from a company that has no excuse for needing more money after all your making off bots + the firing of most of your customer support staff. Pure greed.

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Well done Blizz. I knew you could make the right decision

Nerfing drums like that have the following issues

  1. No one will be end game Leatherworking then without some sort of personal buff like making leg armor kits bop; its a trash profession without drums in the state they were in all of original Tbc…the second Tinnitus was added back in the day in 3.0 I dropped Leatherworking for JC making the change now will do the same thing as they do not have anything that only they can get that last them til T6 like every other profession
  2. Now you must apply this to all party wide haste effects which include bloodlust since that debuff happened at the same time to prevent further imbalance

Tinnitus will eliminate the usefulness of drums completely as you can get a 5% haste every 2 min woop do the math and you will see ring enchants provide significantly higher bonus even without the tinnitus

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Can we talk about requiring enchanting to benefit from ring enchants so the sweatlords don’t create an expectation of leveling enchanting for the ring enchants and then dropping the profession?

you can’t drop enchanting and benefit from the rings they already said that; but its is still more powerful that drums on an individual level massively

Enchanting already requires it in TBC Classic, as does JC.

No…Just make them not require LW. Now you gotta go back and re-tune the raids for use with no drums. Now nobody is gonna do LW and leg enchants are gonna cost 1k. Dumb fix

There’s still going to be LW (especially earlier on for the really good crafted gear), and only SWP was tuned with the drums in mind.

It’s really not going to be difficult at all to do all the content, likely even SWP, without drums.

Drums as they existed were the same as alchemy pots as far as I’m concerned, they just required a different set of materials. And most of you will still feel obligated to chug haste pots and take whatever best profession number two and three are while the canonically best endgame tbc profession gets absolutely dumpstered. Heavy handed lmao. Whatever, the boost is looking more likely than not at this point so it’s impossible to take your game seriously.


Your looking at it as a 5% haste for just yourself. It’s not just yourself and is why it’s so powerful. This change just makes a raid want 5+ LW instead of 20+ LW.

LW will still be wanted, just not as much to the point it feels required for raiding.

Drums aren’t a % of haste, it’s a flat value. It’s a flat 80 Haste - which is great, but not 5% in most likelihood.

EDIT: Well nevermind. I just did the math. It’s exactly 5%.

You do realise that… nevermind. I noticed who it was that was posting.

I’m curious. Are you arguing that it’s actually making it less accessible as being an LW prior to this change would be a solid reason you’d be brought to raids, if you were willing to sacrifice a profession slot? That was my assumption, but I’m not sure what you were alluding to.

I’d agree with that, but it makes it more accessible to those not willing to take LW.

qutoed more for the eye roll and SMH that his posts ussually make me perform.

I’m all for this change, Having 20/25 raiders being leatherworking was assinine.

Ah, well. I agree with it too, and I figured you were on board too - just arguing against the, “accessible” claim.

But yeah, given who you were quoting… big /eyeroll.

This is a great change!

With tinnitus in a 2 minute window. the LW provides 1.25% per player in their group and each of those other party members brings 2-3% for themselves by not having to be LW. This is 14.25-18.25% total.

Without tinnitus in a 2 minute window it would be four LW providing 1.25% per player of their group and 1 JC/Enchanter bringing 2-3% for themselves. This is 27-28% Total.

So a difference in the two of 9.75-12.75%. From going three more LW over three more Enchanting or Jewelcrafting. This means each additional LW was giving 3.25-4.25% more.

Drums were over-powered before. Now Drums are viable and inline with Jewelcrafting and Enchanting.

Yeah I get your whole argument is “Other professions selfish, Leatherworking isn’t”. Sure but it still provides more of a benefit then those “selfish” profession to a raid group. Which is why everyone wanted changed to be made in the first place. If went with your suggestion of buffing the drums it would providing 50% of the benefit of the increase in what performance you at looking at. 12.5% from 1 LW vs 8-12% of 4 Enchanters. You legitimately thinks that One professions should provide the same benefit as four professions instead of just two.

:ok_hand: .

Gonna leave a second comment cause the first one doesn’t do it justice and in this day and age… positive feedback is quite important.

This is one of the best changes you’ve made in classic. I was so down at the fact of having to go LW on my toons just to raid with my buddies. I love Enchanting and put tons of effort into it and JS/BS on my warrior is gonna be amazing. I started in TBC and I’m very, very excited to come back.

Thank you again for listening on this one. It does not go unnoticed!

Now about that conduit energy on retail… =)